Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum Rosemont, Illinois August 6-7, 2014 Agenda
Welcome/Opening Remarks:
Forum Moderator: Alan Mayberry Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy & Programs, DOT/PHMSA
Panel 1: National Perspectives on Key Technical Challenges
Moderator: Ken Lee Director, Engineering and Research, DOT/PHMSA
U.S. Federal Regulator: Ken Lee Director, Engineering and Research, DOT/PHMSA
U.S. State Regulator: Ralph Graeser Gas Safety Supervisor Southwest Region, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Hazardous Liquid Perspective: Craig Pierson President, Marathon Pipe Line LLC
Gas Transmission Perspective: Terry Boss, Sr. V.P. Environment, Safety & Operations, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America
Gas Distribution Perspective: Grant Yoshihara V.P. Utility Operations, NW Natural
Competitive Academic Agreement Program Overview
Moderator: Alan Mayberry Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA
Panel 2: Current Industry Research Roadmaps
Moderator: James Merritt Research Program Manager, DOT/PHMSA
Pipeline Research Council International: Mike Whelan Director, Research Operations, PRCI
Northeast Gas Association/NYSEARCH: Dr. George Vradis Consultant, NYSEARCH/NGA & Professor, New York University
Operations Technology Development: Maureen S. Droessler Program Administrator, OTD
Working Group Overview
Moderator: Alan Mayberry Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA
Working Groups
1. Damage Prevention
- Jim Merritt, DOT/PHMSA, 'Summary of Related Research and Technical Issues'
- Steve Light, VA Utilities Commission, 'VA 811'
- George Ragula, Public Service Electric & Gas, 'Damage Prevention Initiatives'
- Alicia Farag, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), 'Applications of Geospatial Technologies for Preventing Excavation Damage'
- Vijayan Asari, University of Dayton, 'Advanced Image Analysis for Automated Pipeline Threat Interaction'
2. Leak Detection/Fugitive Methane
- Max Kieba, DOT/PHMSA, 'Summary of Related Research and Technical Issues'
- Virginia Palacios, Environmental Defense Fund, 'Environmental Perspective on Methane Emissions and EDF Research Program Overview'
- Roger Fernandez, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 'EPA Perspective on Methane Emissions and the Natural Gas STAR Program'
- Nikos Salmatanis, Chevron, 'API 1149 Update'
- Brent Koym, CenterPoint Energy, 'Spectroscopy and Natural Gas Leak Detection'
- Robert Wilson, National Grid, 'Practical Aspects of Managing Gas Distribution System Methane Emissions & Technology Gaps'
- Joe Mallia, NYSEARCH, 'NYSEARCH Overview of Ongoing Leak Detection and Methane Emissions Projects'
- Kristine Wiley, Gas Technology Institute/Operations Technology Development, 'Improving Methane Emissions Estimates for the Natural Gas Industry'
- Carrie Greaney, Pipeline Research Council International, 'Current PRCI Research in Leak Detection'
3. Anomaly Detection/Characterization
- Joshua Johnson, DOT/PHMSA, 'Summary of Related Research and Technical Issues'
- Sergio Limon, Limon Pipeline Analytics, 'Inside the Pipe Technology'
- Ravi Krishnamurthy, Blade Energy Partners, 'Pressure-Testing Technical Challenges'
- Dash Weeks, DOC/NIST, 'Fatigue Flaw Reference Standard Development for NDE'
- Douglas Schneider, Sempra Utilities, 'Difficult to Inspect Pipelines'
- Ed Stracke, PG&E, 'Pressure Testing Implementation Challenges'
- Sergio Limon, Limon Pipeline Analytics, 'Gaining Further Understanding and Insights of Crack Features from Data Collected by ILI Crack Tools'
4. Improving Risk Models
- Oliver Moghissi, DNV GL North America Oil & Gas, 'An overview of Various Risk Models'
- Chris Foley, Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC, 'One Operator’s Use of a Pipeline Risk Model'
- Robert Smith, DOT/PHMSA, 'A Summary of Related Issues for Risk Models'
- David Merte, NGA/NYSEARCH, 'Modeling of Pipeline Interacting Threats'
- Ernest Lever, Gas Technology Institute, 'Achieving Useful Risk Models Through Causality, Coherence and Data Development'
5. Addressing Legacy Materials Challenges
- Brian Leis, B N Leis, Consultant, Inc, 'Legacy Materials Issues Overview'
- Steve Nanney, DOT/PHMSA, 'Summary of Related Research and Technical Issues'
- Jerry Rau, Energy Transfer, 'Legacy Pipelines: Perspective and Gaps Assessment'
- David Katz, Williams, 'Condition Assessment Aspects'
- Juan Santiago, Integrys Business Support, 'Cast Iron Main Replacement: Implementation, Progress and Learnings'
- Adam Biggam, ENengineering, 'Innovative Technologies & Engineering for Repair/Replacement of Legacy Pipe'
- Dennis Jarnecke, Gas Technology Institute, 'Ranking Models, Extending Life & Replacement of Legacy Pipe'
Working Group Report-Outs
- Damage Prevention
- Leak Detection/Fugitive Methane
- Anomaly Detection/Characterization
- Improving Risk Models
- Legacy Materials Challenges
Summary & Next Steps
Moderator: Alan Mayberry Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA
Sponsored by U.S. DOT PHMSA and The National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives