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PIPA Recommended Practice ND14

ND14 "Reduce Transmission Pipeline Risk through Design and Location of Aboveground Water Management Infrastructure"

Practice Statement Storm water and irrigation water management facilities, retention ponds, and other above-ground water management infrastructure should be preferentially located and designed to reduce the consequences that could result from a transmission pipeline incident and to reduce the potential of interference with transmission pipeline operations and maintenance.

Audience(s): Local Government, Property Developer and Owner

Practice Description

Storm water and irrigation water management facilities, retention ponds, and other above-ground water management infrastructure can be located between occupied structures and a transmission pipeline to provide a separation buffer to reduce the risk or mitigate the impact of a pipeline incident.

In considering such designs:

  • Discharges from ponds and other drainage facilities should be designed to not cause erosion or compromise soil stability that could result in reduction of the soil cover over the transmission pipeline or otherwise compromise pipeline operations and maintenance.
  • Culverts, and other enclosed or at-grade drainage systems should be designed to reduce the risk of a potential hazardous liquid or denser-than-air gas release from the transmission pipeline flowing into the drainage system.
  • If the flow path to enclosed, or at-grade, drainage systems cannot be avoided, emergency response personnel should be informed to consider this scenario in their response plans.
  • The potential for environmental contamination by transmission pipeline releases into drainage facilities and retention basins and downstream environmentally sensitive areas should also be considered.

Vegetated strips and other soft, non-structural storm water treatment methods placed adjacent to or within the transmission pipeline right-of-way may be compatible with pipeline operations and maintenance.
