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Pipeline Safety Stakeholder Communications

Pipeline Safety Connects Us All

Site Pages

State Pipeline Profiles:

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Add Links to Your Websites

We encourage you to add to your own website links to this and other websites that promote pipeline safety.

Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance Call 811 National Pipeline Mapping System

Call 811

PIPA promotes risk-informed planning for land use and development near transmisison pipelines.

Copy and paste this code wherever you want the button to appear:

<a href="https://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/comm/pipa/
<img src="https://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/comm/

811 is the nationwide three-digit number all excavators should call before digging. Incorporate the 811 logo into your website and damage prevention campaigns. The 811 campaign materials and tool kits are free to download and use. Many 811 campaign materials can be customized with your logo, and certain materials are available in Spanish.
The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) allows local government agencies, property developers/owners and other stakeholders to view maps showing the location of transmission pipelines, LNG plants, and breakout tanks, and to obtain pipeline operator contact information. Two logo files are provided for your use: