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PIPA Recommended Practice ND13

ND13 "Reduce Transmission Pipeline Risk through Design and Location of New Utilities and Related Infrastructure"

Practice Statement Utilities (both above and below ground) and related infrastructure should be preferentially located and designed to reduce the consequences that could result from a transmission pipeline incident and to reduce the potential of interference with transmission pipeline maintenance and inspections.

Audience(s): Local Government, Property Developer and Owner

Practice Description

Utilities that cross and/or parallel transmission pipelines should be developed in close cooperation with the pipeline operator to avoid costly relocation of the pipeline or potential conflict with pipeline operations and maintenance. Items to consider include:

  • The transmission pipeline's horizontal and vertical orientation must be considered, including any offset distance required by the transmission pipeline operator.
  • Utilities crossing the transmission pipeline should be designed so they do not interfere with the pipeline, including its cathodic protection, and should assure the transmission pipeline operator has access to the pipeline.
  • To the extent possible, design and construction of underground utilities and related infrastructure should try to minimize potential "migration paths" that could allow leaks from the pipeline to migrate to buildings.

Coordination with the transmission pipeline operator during planning and construction is critical, especially given the history of transmission pipeline incidents associated with utility installation and maintenance.
