Research & Development: Protecting our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016 (PIPES Act)

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Section 22 of the PIPES Act of 2016 called upon the Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) to create a report that describes PHMSA"s processes and procedures to ensure that to the greatest extent practicable, produce results that are peer-reviewed by independent experts and not by persons or entities that have a financial interest in the pipeline, petroleum, or natural gas industries, or that would be directly impacted by the results of the projects.

The Act also reincorporates the mandate for a Research and Develop 5 Year Plan and biennial reporting. The plan represents program level areas and strategies where coordination and collaborative activities and related research funding will be reported.

The Protecting our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016 (PIPES Act)

  • Section 22: Research and Development
  • Processes and Procedures for Removing Financial Conflict of Interest in the Peer Review of Pipeline Safety Research and Development

    Pipeline Safety Research & Development Five-Year Plan

    Biennial Update Reporting

    Combined Section 12 and Section 22 Biennial Update Reporting