Since 2006, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's (PHMSA) Pipeline Safety Research and Development (R&D) Program has held annual structured peer reviews of active research projects to maintain research data quality, in accordance with mandates from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST). PHMSA holds these reviews virtually via teleconference and the internet in order to save time and resources. Virtual teleconferences facilitate attendance from all U.S. time zones, Canada, and Europe, making it easier for panelists, researchers, project co-sponsors, and representatives of Agreement Officers to participate.
The annual peer review continues to build on an already strong, systematic evaluation process developed by PHMSA's Pipeline Safety R&D Program and certified by the Government Accountability Office. The 2018 peer-review panel, which consisted of three academic representatives, reviewed five projects using 11 evaluation criteria grouped into the following four categories:
- Project management;
- The method used to transfer results to end users;
- Project coordination with other closely related programs; and
- The quality of project results.
The potential ratings assigned by the peer-review panel are: Ineffective, Effective, More than Effective, and Very Effective. The average score for the five projects assessed during the May 2018 review was More than Effective; the average sub-criteria were also rated highly, underpinning these findings. All peered projects and the overall program retained the rating of More than Effective-the same rating received in 2017. At the time of the reviews, the majority of the projects were approximately 60 to 90 percent complete. The panelists made several recommendations associated with each project during the course of the review that were categorized into Strong and Weak points. However, none of these comments identified the critical actions required to salvage a project from failure, but instead recommended actions to further improve good performance.