Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum
Arlington, VA
February 19-20, 2020
Good Morning and Welcome
Alan K. Mayberry
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA
Opening Remarks by the PHMSA Administrator
Howard "Skip" Elliott -
National Perspectives on Key Technical Challenges
Moderator: Massoud Tahamtani, Deputy Associate Administrator
for Policy and Programs, DOT/PHMSA
Haz. Liquid:
Jeff Whitworth
Manager, Reliability & Integrity, Shell Pipeline
Gas Transmission:
Shahani Kariyawasam
Director, Risk & Engineering Strategy, TC Energy
Gas Distribution:
Katherine Boden
Vice President of Gas Engineering, ConEd
LNG: Kevin Ritz
Sr. Engineering Technical Specialist, Gas Engineering &
Standards, BGE
Working Group Objectives and Overview
Alan K. Mayberry
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA
Becoming a Pipeline Professional
Christopher T. Kuhman
Policy Advisor, Pipeline American Petroleum Institute, &
Representing Young Pipeline Professionals USA
Competitive Academic Agreement Program Student Poster Paper
Session Overview
Joshua Arnold
CAAP Program Manager, DOT/PHMSA
Working Groups
1. Gas Gathering Pipelines
Leader: Steve Nanney, Senior Engineer
Leader: Robert Smith, Senior R&D Program Manager
Robert Smith and Steve Nanney, DOT PHMSA - PHMSA Research, Technical and Policy
Dennis Jarnecke, Oren Lever and Marta Guerrero Merino, Gas Technology Institute - Research, Safety, and
Integrity Perspectives for Gas Gathering Pipelines
Christopher T. Kuhman, Pipeline American Petroleum Institute - Industry
Perspective on Gas Gathering Pipeline Challenges
2. Preventing & Mitigating Geo-Forces on Pipelines
& Facilities
Leader: Kurt Baraniecki, Director of Pipeline Integrity,
Enbridge Pipelines
Nathan A. Schoenkin, DOT PHMSA - PHMSA Research, Technical and Policy
Joe Paviglianiti, Canada Energy Regulator - Under-Matched Weld Areas
Susceptible to Axial Loading
Carrie Greaney,
PRCI - PRCI Committees Update, Geo-Forces
Khalid Farrag,
GTI - Modelling Pipeline Risk from Ground Movement - Case
Mike Hill, Enbridge
Pipelines - Operator Perspective on Geohazard Management and
R&D Opportunities
Pete Barlow, BGC
Engineering - Engineering Consultant Perspective on
Geohazard Management and R&D Opportunities
Kurt Baraniecki, Enbridge Pipelines - Changes in Linepipe Specifications
to Prevent Girth Weld Failures in Newly Constructed
3. Automation Solutions for Integrity Management
Leader: Francois Rongere, Manager of R&D and Innovation for
Gas Operations PG&E
Leader: Munendra Tomar, Manager - Pipeline Integrity Process
and Technology, Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Zhou Zhongquan (ZZ), DOT PHMSA - PHMSA Research, Technical and Policy
Alicia Farag,
LOCUSVIEW - Steel Material Traceability
Shannon Katcher, GTI - Automations and Improvements in Data Collection
Gary Choquette,
PRCI - Automation Solutions for Integrity Management
Ahra Kwan, Northeast
Gas Association, NYSEARCH - Automation of ILI Robotics and
NDE Technology
Bryce Brown, ROSEN
- Data to Information to Decision
Jason Skow, C-FER
Technologies - Multi-Source Inspection Data Fusion
Ernest Lever, GTI
- Risk Computation Automation
Sade Ruffin,
Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects
Agency-Energy - Rapid Encapsulation of Pipelines Avoiding
Intensive Replacement
4. Underground Gas Storage Facilities
Leader: Dan Noack, Vice President Operations, Plains All
American Natural Gas Storage
Leader: Steve Knapp, Senior Geologist, National Fuel Gas
Supply Corp.
Zaid Obeidi, DOT
PHMSA - PHMSA Research, Technical and Policy Perspectives
Kristine Wiley,
Gas Technology Institute - OTD Underground Storage
Collaborative: Industry Needs
Alistair Gill,
Wild Well Control - How Engineering Analysis Helps you
Understand Risk
Vincent Velasquez, Wild Well Control - Well Control Emergency Response
Preparedness and how to Mitigate Well Control Incidents
Zoe Shall, PRCI -
PRCI Research Perspective
5. Liquefied Natural Gas
Leader: Brian Normoyle, Operations Compliance Manager,
Leader: Ben Tuety Technical Services Manager, Cheniere
Thach Nguyen, DOT
PHMSA - PHMSA Research, Technical and Policy Perspectives
Rich Kooy, GTI -
Overview of Current PHMSA LNG Research Projects: PSM, QRAs,
and Hazard Mitigation Measures
Jayne Huggins,
Honeywell - Fire and Gas Technology, Conventional and Gas
Cloud Imaging
Jeff Baker,
CB&I - LNG Tank Integrity
David Fontenot,
Cheniere Energy - Bolted Joint Integrity Programs, Standards
and Application
John Norris,
Stress Engineering Services - Challenges for Assessment of
Low Temperature Equipment
Phil Suter, Blue
Engineering and Consulting - Part 193 updates, Guidance
Documents on Part 193 compliance, Pipe-in-Pipe Technology
Options, and Release Durations for Impoundment Sump Sizing
and Design Spills
Working Group Report-Outs
Moderator: Sentho White, Director, Engineering & Research
Division, DOT/PHMSA
Gas Gathering Pipelines
Preventing & Mitigating Geo-Forces on Pipelines &
Automation Solutions for Integrity Management
Underground Gas Storage Facilities
Liquefied Natural Gas
Closing Remarks/Next Steps/Adjournment
Alan K. Mayberry Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA