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Public Awareness Program Workshops

Workshops on Operator Public Awareness Programs

PHMSA has hosted and co-hosted public awareness program workshops, beginning in 2003. More information on these workshops is presented below.

On June 19 & 20, 2013, PHMSA conducted a two-day workshop to bring pipeline safety public awareness stakeholders together to discuss results and/or observations from recent federal and state public awareness inspections, and gain perspectives from various stakeholders on public awareness challenges and successes to strengthen public awareness.

Presentation files from the 2013 workshop are available from the 2013 meeting record.

In March 2011, at the CGA Excavation Conference & Expo, observations from inspections initiated in 2010 by PHMSA and its state partners to evaluate pipeline operator public awareness programs were presented to interested stakeholders.

On June 30, 2010, PHMSA and the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) co-hosted a public workshop on pipeline operator public awareness programs. This workshop provided an opportunity to review the implementation of pipeline operator public awareness programs under pipeline safety regulations revised in 2005. The workshop presentations and discussions helped to identify successful implementation strategies and critical elements of successful operator public awareness programs and what related challenges have been faced by pipeline operators. The workshop also provided an opportunity to discuss federal and state regulatory oversight and to learn about public interest and the need for pipeline information within communities. PHMSA, NAPSR, the Pipeline Safety Trust, pipeline trade associations, and pipeline operators presented and discussed their perspectives and lessons learned regarding public awareness programs. PHMSA and its state partners also discussed the scope, approach and timeline for conducting regulatory evaluations of operator public awareness programs, and sought information to further develop the regulatory evaluation tools.

Presentation files from the 2010 workshop are available from the 2010 meeting record.

In 2008, PHMSA hosted a public workshop on pipeline operator public awareness programs. The agenda topics included:

  • Findings from a "Clearinghouse" review of written operator public awareness programs.
  • Potential changes to American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 1162, "Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators".
  • Information on lessons learned by pipeline operators during the implementation of API RP 1162-style public awareness programs.

Presentation files from the 2008 workshop are available from the 2008 meeting record.

In 2005, PHMSA incorporated by reference API RP 1162 into its regulatory program under 49 CFR 192.616 and 49 CFR 195.440. Under these new regulatory requirements pipeline operators must provide the affected public with information about the location of transmission pipelines and about how to recognize, respond to, and report pipeline emergencies, and the importance of using the one-call notification system prior to excavation. PHMSA co-sponsored two public workshops to help ensure full compliance with the new public awareness program requirements for pipeline operators. The workshops provided a forum for operators to share strategies for successfully implementing the new requirements and for PHMSA to provide an update on its compliance review plan.

The presentation slides from the 2005 workshops in Houston and Baltimore are available below for download.

In 2003, PHMSA along with NAPSR and pipeline industry trade associations co-sponsored two public workshops introducing API RP 1162. At these workshops, OPS and the pipeline industry representatives:

  1. Reviewed the API RP 1162 program elements and guidance;
  2. Provided panel discussions and case studies on designing and implementing public awareness programs;
  3. Provided technical assistance on the "evaluation of effectiveness" element of API RP 1162; and
  4. Helped pipeline operators gain a better understanding of the maturity of their existing public awareness programs relative to the API RP 1162 guidelines.

The presentation slides from the 2003 workshop are available below for download.

2005 Baltimore Workshop 2005 Houston Workshop
November 9-10, 2005 December 7-8, 2005
  1. Slides for Day 1
  2. Slides for Day 2
  1. Slides for Day 1
  2. Slides for Day 2
2003 Houston Workshop 2003 Baltimore Workshop
September 4 - 5, 2003 September 16 - 17, 2003
  1. Slides for Day 1, Session 1
  2. Slides for Day 1, Session 2
  3. Slides for Day 2, Session 1
  1. Slides for Day 1, Session 1
  2. Slides for Day 1, Session 2
  3. Slides for Day 2, Session 1