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Pipeline Safety Stakeholder Communications

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State Pipeline Profiles:

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Industry Logos American Gas Association Interstate Natural Gas Association of America American Petroleum Institute Association of Oil Pipe Lines American Public Gas Association

Pipeline operators are responsible for the safe and reliable operation and maintenance of their hazardous liquid pipelines, gas gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines and LNG facilities. They are subject to federal and state pipeline safety regulations administered either directly by PHMSA or by a state agency.

To improve public safety, operators must actively engage with stakeholders. Operators may participate in voluntary initiatives with groups such as the Common Ground Alliance, the Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance, technical standards committees, and industry research, development and demonstration consortiums. In addition to external communication, it is important that operators promote a positive safety culture among their employees.

PHMSA/DOT does not endorse particular pipeline trade organizations and the listing of these organizations does not imply PHMSA/DOT endorsement.

Learn more about what operators can do to impact pipeline safety.

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