TAG Grants will be listed here.
The Center for Rural Development proposes to provide "Pipeline Security for Rural Communities" training to 12 communities. The 8-hour, awareness-level, instructor led course is designed to bring together rural pipeline security stakeholders, including public safety, oil and gas pipeline representatives (large and small); local emergency planners; federal, state, and local agencies; and other community stakeholders. During the training, participants will learn to recognize pipeline security threats and identify mitigation strategies within their jurisdictions to ensure the rural pipeline sector is secure and resilient. The course also features pipeline safety topics and an overview of the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS).
Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) proposes to conduct a leak detection study to better understand new volume based on leak grade classifications in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to provide pipeline safety education and community awareness to the public, first responders, and municipalities about gas leak classifications and their repair prioritization. The project aims to help the public better understand how the gas companies are managing leaks and targeting risk, as well as demonstrating their commitment to transparency and improvement. Additionally, the findings of the study will provide gas companies with independent leak survey data to optimize safety on their distribution systems.
The Bear River Water Conservatory District proposes to complete a GIS-driven risk assessment and develop an asset management system to better understand the risks associated with the hazardous liquid pipelines within the District and how to educate themselves and the public to enhance public safety. The applicant will prepare evacuation zone and hazardous liquid pipeline evaluation maps, which includes evacuation routes and evacuation zones to enhance pipeline emergency response capabilities. The applicant will also build a GPS database to map the hazardous liquid pipelines to improve emergency response capabilities and will also conduct a public outreach campaign to promote the Call 811 effort.
The City of Aurora proposes to purchase four multi-gas monitors and ancillary equipment for the Aurora Fire Rescue HazMat Team to enhance emergency response to pipeline emergencies. The equipment will increase the speed and capability in life safety and will reduce the environmental impact of pipeline incidents by replacing outdated multi-gas detectors. The project will enhance pipeline safety by increasing response capabilities and decreasing the potential environmental impacts on two reservoirs classified as unusually sensitive environmental areas used for drinking water.
The City of Greeley proposes to purchase rapid area air monitoring equipment for pipeline and chemical incidents. The project will improve the local pipeline emergency response capabilities of the Greeley Fire Department Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team and will help support a track record of zero major pipeline accidents in Northern Colorado. The equipment would provide HazMat technicians with the capability to remotely monitor dangerous chemicals in the air within a four-mile radius of a pipeline incident and will enhance safety of the response personnel and the surrounding community.
The City of Henderson proposes to purchase four remote methane leak detectors and one methane detector for leak surveys. The Henderson Municipal Gas and Henderson Fire Department seeks to enhance emergency response and address pipeline safety risks associated with natural gas leaks on mains and service lines.
The City of Mount Pleasant proposes to complete a GIS-driven risk assessment and develop an asset management system to better understand the risks associated with the hazardous pipelines in the City and how to educate themselves and the public. The City will prepare evacuation zone and hazardous material pipeline evaluation map, which includes evacuation routes and evacuation zones to enhance pipeline operations level emergency response capabilities. The City will also build a GPS database to map the hazardous liquid pipelines to improve emergency response capabilities and will also conduct a public outreach campaign to promote the risk assessment.
The County of Northampton proposes to purchase 1,320 gallons of Universal Gold Foam concentrate that would be used to respond to any large-scale pipeline or flammable liquid incidents in the County of Northampton and all contiguous counties. The applicant also plans to purchase a multi-gas detector and large structure ventilator to enhance and strengthen emergency response capabilities. The equipment and supplies will enhance response capabilities and will reduce response times to mitigate environmental damage that an extended response time would amplify.
The County of Rockland proposes a project to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of first responders and emergency management personnel within the county through a pipeline training program focused on transmission and distribution line pipeline failures. The training will be modeled after the Georgia Pipeline Emergency Response Initiative (GPERI).
The Center for Rural Development proposes to provide "Pipeline Security for Rural Communities" training to 12 communities. The 8-hour, awareness-level, instructor led course is designed to bring together rural pipeline security stakeholders, including public safety, oil and gas pipeline representatives (large and small);local emergency planners; federal, state, and local agencies; and other community stakeholders. During the training, participants will learn to recognize pipeline security threats and identify mitigation strategies within their jurisdictions to ensure the rural pipeline sector is secure and resilient. The course also features pipeline safety topics and an overview of the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS).
The CIRCAC will heighten public awareness of Cook Inlet pipelines, promote the Cook Inlet Pipeline Infrastructure Assessment, and provide an opportunity for communities and operators to collaborate on developing strategies for pipeline safety CIRCAC will: (1) develop a website containing information on pipelines in Cook Inlet; (2) host a public workshop with operators and stakeholders on areas of public concern and devise strategies to further enhance the safety of pipelines; and (3) host a public online forum on Cook Inlet pipeline interest and concerns.
The PST will strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in the safe development and operation of pipelines by targeting multiple stakeholder groups through outreach that are essential to public engagement. The PST will engage leaders from the pipeline industry, regulatory entities, and the public on public engagement best practices. PST will hire a consultant to train members of the public who have the potential of becoming pipeline safety leaders in their communities on the basics of how pipelines are designed, constructed, operated, maintained, tested, inspected, and regulated.
The Smalley Foundation will develop a 'County Connection' website for first responders to access county-customized pipeline safety information. The website will serve as a resource to first responders to prepare for potential pipeline infrastructure hazards. The Foundation will also develop training videos for first responders and implement stakeholder development management software into the website to track and analyze training provided to first responders.
The Tipp of the Mitt Watershed Council will perform education and outreach to increase awareness and engagement to the public throughout the state of Michigan by improving effective public engagement in the decision-making process. The goal is to reduce potential water quality impacts from oil and gas pipelines by increasing effective public engagement in the future pipeline permitting and public processes. The Council will host a webinar and develop a publication to increase public involvement and engagement in pipeline proposals.
The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission will implement a pipeline safety awareness project to address public safety, environmental issues, and pipeline infrastructure hazards in the Permian Basis. The project will engage emergency responders, the local public officials, economic development professionals, and oil and gas professional organizations in the region by providing pipeline mapping information, 811 awareness, and disseminating information on public meetings hosted by the pipeline industry and the Texas Railroad Commission.
The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission will also host a pipeline industry meeting to educate local elected officials. The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission will also participate in public awareness projects for citizens with a focus on community awareness in rural communities; participating in community events, mass media public announcements, distributing information in communities, and enhancing the Commission's website.
The County of La Salle will collaborate with regional first responders to gain a higher understanding of risk associated with natural gas, liquids, and hazardous materials through awareness and skill building training. The County plans to: (1) support and explore the Texas PERI, (2) develop a database of all stakeholders involved in pipeline safety and emergency response, (3) improve preparedness to spills and leaks, and (4) conduct two tabletop exercises.
Dig Safely New York will purchase and install audio/visual equipment for its new Center for Damage Prevention indoor training facility The equipment will expand damage prevention educational outreach and research and testing. The project will enhance education to eliminate preventable excavation damages to pipelines through improved training methods, research and development, and strengthened partnerships.
MISS DIG Systems will conduct public awareness activities and system upgrades to help protect pipelines.
The East Central Florida Planning Council will engage with subject matter experts in the pipeline industry to inform and train first responders using best practices on how to mitigate and resolve pipeline failures safely. The Council will provide hands-on training to first responders using the grant to purchase training props and equipment and will provide extensive emergency response planning and public education. Funding will also be used to support the Florida PERI.
The Town of Henefer will complete a pipeline safety assessment, which includes evacuation routes and evacuation zones to enhance pipeline operations level emergency response capabilities. The Town of Henefer will also build a GIS database to map the hazardous liquid and gas pipelines in the town to improve emergency response capabilities.
The City of Chicago proposes to integrate an "excavation checklist" to each dig ticket and increase the 811 data available to public users. The checklist will ensure that excavators abide by safe digging best practices and reduce the risk of pipeline damage. Increasing the availability of data will allow public users to review excavation activities and invite public participation in the safe development and operation of pipelines in and around communities.
The County of Franklin will provide hazardous materials education and training to public safety personnel through the utilization of various training programs and conferences. The County of Franklin will also purchase monitoring equipment that will assist in mitigating response to potential gas emergencies. This will improve local pipeline emergency response capabilities and improve safe digging programs.
The County of Anderson will purchase a high quality, commercial built unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or more commonly known as a drone. The UAV would be equipped with high resolution cameras that are designed to transmit video back to the controller or base station. The UAV will be used for emergency response.
The PSC will establish a Community Pipeline Safety and Awareness Network (CAN) initiative in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The establishment and implementation of the Chester County CAN initiative will provide education and training that will inform communities on pipelines, siting, and safety. The PSC will transfer the concept to other regions through an approach that would emphasize that "we CAN make a difference."
The City of New York Fire Department will purchase 15 gasless leak detector trainer kits for hands-on training evolutions at Leak Street. The kits will be used to simulate the types of hazardous conditions first responders face in the field and will give first responders the tools, training, and know-how to manage a gas emergency and to make critical decisions to protect lives and property.
Oklahoma PERI Association will build a mobile training simulator that is designed to house multiple props to support training scenarios. The use of the simulator will benefit all stakeholders in the unified command process and will provide an opportunity for both emergency responders and operators to enhance their working relationship. The work under this grant will also support the Oklahoma PERI initiative.
The Town of Huntsville will complete a pipeline safety assessment, which includes evacuation routes and evacuation zones to enhance pipeline operations level response capabilities. The Town of Huntsville will also build a GIS database to map the natural gas pipeline in the town to improve emergency response capabilities. Only a small portion of the Dominion gas pipeline in the town is identified in the NPMS public map viewer.
The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation will support Public Awareness, Damage Prevention, and Unusually Sensitive Areas initiatives through a pilot program to establish best practices for dredge and pipeline operators in the Pontchartrain Basin and a tip sheet for the public that summarizes the issues and the increased environmental protection that can be achieved by using the guidelines. The Foundation will partner with other organizations to include Coastal and Marine Operators (CAMO), Louisiana One Call 811, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, Dredge Contractors of America (DCA) and related industry trade organizations to prevent and avoid accidental releases from pipelines submerged underwater during dredging or related marine activities.
The COGA will perform a comprehensive assessment of capabilities and needs of first response agencies across the State of Colorado regarding pipeline incidents or emergencies. The focus of this assessment will be to identify training and equipment needs. This effort will assist Colorado stakeholders on the need to develop a PERI and evaluate how that program may be customized to meet the needs of statewide responders.
The WCTCOG will conduct outreach and education throughout 19 counties and 62 communities in the West Central Texas region. This will increase public awareness of pipeline infrastructure and the associated hazards of living near pipelines. WCTCOT will promote the call before you dig 811 initiative and One-Call procedures for the public, construction and building contractors, agriculture workers, public safety and emergency personnel, elected public officials, and elementary aged and college students throughout the region. Funding will be used to sponsor radio and television public service announcements; disseminate outreach, education and awareness materials through public events and at area schools; and engage in the region's four damage prevention councils and in other local activities promoting pipeline safety awareness and other underground utilities awareness.
Under this grant award Alamo Improvement Association will fund First Responder Training for pipeline emergencies approved by the National Association of State Fire Marshals for gas sensing units and fire response equipment. Provide public workshops on pipeline safety to include an update on a previous pipeline safety reports. Enhance the Alamo Improvement Association website for greater mobile devices, social media use, promote Call 811 Before You Dig and the CERT Program.
Under this grant award Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Foundation will target educational efforts for pipeline oil spill, gas release and accident prevention.
Under this grant award County of Brookings, Development Department, Emergency Management Division, is proposing to conduct two dual purpose events in South Dakota Emergency Management Region 6. The events proposed will consist of a Table Top Exercise (TTX) for First Responders and an Open House event for Public Awareness.
Under this grant award the funds will be used to bring the AWR 302: Pipeline Security for Rural Communities course to 14 communities on the wait list. The Pipeline Security training course consiste of 9 modules of instruction, each complete with terminal and enabling learning objectives.
Under this grant award County of Chester will enhance leak detection capabilities and o perational response by purchasing one remote methane laser detector and one dual Flame Ionization Detector - Photo Ionization Detector to use to locate pipeline leaks. Through the use of portable monitor units, this technology will allow emergency responders to utilize different methods of monitoring for potential flammable and toxic gas leaks involving various hydrocarbons, including hydrocarbons including methane, ethane and propane. Additional grant funds will be used to plan, develop and conduct two tabletop exercise programs for Fire / Police / EMS / HazMat responders and local municipal representatives focused on responding to community pipeline emergencies. This training will assist frontline first responders and community officials by enhancing their preparedness readiness, improving their knowledge of responding to pipeline emergencies, as well as further enhancing their prsponse skills in the even of a pipeline emergency.
Delaware County's project is aimed at the possibility of a leak, fire or more catastrophic event and the possible consequences to neighborhoods and especially schools and other sensitive receptors. This concern needs to be examined and planned for to help provide for the safety of those affected, the safety of responders and protection of the environment. The Delaware County's project will assist in developing informational and educational materials and to assist in the process of planning to help minimize impact wihich means working collaboratively to provide some assurances of pipeline integrity and response protocols to protect and mitigate an event safely and effectively.
Under this grant award N Cntrl Florida Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team, will increase Regional Natural Gas Pipeline Safety in Florida.
Under this grant awards the funds will work to ensure recently elected officials and community leaders receive the necessary pipeline safety information for continued awareness. It will participate in the public education campaigns and distribute information and safety awareness teaching tools to target new labor force entrants found in vocational trades program throughout the region, transient workers in work camps and RV parks, agriculture and seasonal workers, and other individuals who may be accessed at public events. Project staff will partner with Permian Basin Damage Prevention Council to participate in local public events which provide an opportunity for awareness and dissemination of information to the general public.
Under this grant award Pipeline Safety Trust, will increase the understanding among involved staff and thought leaders from tribal and local governments, and environmental and community organizations about the mail risks from and to pipelines, and how pipelines are constructed, operated, maintained, inspected, and regulated. This will be done by putting the key members of organizations through an intensive three-day training provided by experts from the industry and regluatory agencies.
Under this grant award Vineyard Town, Will increase public safety by taking steps to prepare prevent, and respond to a potential hazardous pipeline failure that may affect its community.
Broome County Planning Department requires the resources provided through the Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) to complete a High Hazard Pipeline Inventory (Inventory). The goal of the Inventory is to facilitate an understanding of the risk of pipeline exposure due to natural force damage (flooding and stream channel erosion) within the County's stream corridors. Risk is defined as the product of probability of a pipeline becoming exposed from a flood and the consequence of a pipeline rupture.
The City of San Bruno TAG applications objective is to leverage investments, work products and partnerships begun by the City of San Bruno, California and the City of Allentown, Pennsylvania in the bi coastal formation of the Mayors' Council on Pipeline Safety. The project seeks to convert disenfranchised cultures created through pipeline failure tragedy into a resilience based safety culture.
Under this technical assistance funding will be to conduct a study of the practice of real estate in conjunction with gas, liquids and hazardous liquids pipeline safety in order to develop informational resource for real estate professionals on pipeline safety and awareness in the US Atlantic Coastal States.
The Fredericksburg Fire Department is requesting assistance with the purchase of software to assist with the management of a possible hazardous materials release. The requested amount will purchase the software package as well as the supporting training to put the software to use.
The proposed NED pipeline project would introduce approximately 35 miles of 36" transmission main through eight communities in the NRPC region, which is our project scope area, as well as 5 miles of a smaller 14" lateral that would flow south into Massachusetts. Existing pipeline assets include 20" and 12" main along an approximately seven-mile trench in Pelham, and four miles of 8" main in Hudson. With the advent of the proposed NED pipeline which represents a major expansion of regional gas infrastructure, Nashua's ultimate project goal is to ensure the continued track record of zero major pipeline accidents in the Nashua region, and to minimize the current and future impacts to sensitive environmental areas.
Review and develop new response procedures for use by the Lorain County Hazards Materials Response Team will be the focus of this grant proposal. While in the process of developing these guidelines, the contractor will be required to meet with and obtain input from emergency response organizations, government officials, and hazardous material facilities operators (fixed and pipeline) to develop these procedures. In addition, the contractor will be required to assist with detailed mapping of the existing pipeline routes in Lorain County.
This grant will fund the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and the Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET) to measure leakage in natural gas distribution pipelines in the Greater Boston region in order to 1) accurately identify leakage locations and concentrations and 2) enhance the capacity for municipalities to collaborate with gas utilities on leak repair. The goal is to accelerate the repair of natural gas leaks by providing data to more comprehensively scope the problem and to support mitigation and engagement strategies.
Goals:Under this grant award City of Preston will meet the expected outcomes listed below.
Under this grant award the City of Allentown's goal is to achieve safer American communities through collaborative efforts, to define and develop pipeline safety protocols specific to American cities that start with the grass roots, and to influence the advancement of safety recommendations into active and required best practices.
The purpose of this project is to identify gaps in response coverage to a protected inland non-tidal waterway that serves as a reservoir for a major metropolitan community. Conducting multi- jurisdictional / multi-agency exercises are intended to assist in developing plans, policies, and procedures to improve response to and recovery from incidents which may involve major petroleum pipelines and reduce community wide risks associated with pipeline leaks and / or failure. The Lee Hall Reservoir serves a community population of approximately 490,000 (According to the 2010 Census) and would be classified as an Unusually Sensitive Area (USA by 49 CFR 195.6 standards). The petroleum pipeline lies within one thousand feet of the southern end of the reservoir.
The goals of this project include identifying/documenting, collaborating, and educating/informing about the potential risks that come from the exposure of transporting hazards material through pipelines in Morgan County.
The Foundation will develop a tool for incident commanders for management of incidents involving pipeline and rail car spills of crude oil that addresses the competencies for incident commanders as outlined in Chapter 8 of NFPA 472. The tool would support pre incident preparation by guiding the user to identify how the agency complies with the Chapter 8 incident commander competencies, and generate a complete document that could serve as the foundation for an Incident Action Plan (IAP).
The BlueGreen Alliance Foundation (BGAF) will expand the work of our Repairing Our Cities' Aging Pipelines (RECAP) education and outreach campaign to the state of California. Launched in 2013, the RECAP project has been engaged nationally and at the state/regional level to educate the public, policymakers, and other key energy sector stakeholders on the state of repair of America's natural gas distribution system and the advancement of best practices and policies to achieve its modernization. The California initiative will build on similar successful PHMSA-sponsored outreach projects undertaken in Minnesota and Indiana. The primary goal of BGAF's RECAP California project is to educate labor and community partner organizations about pipeline safety, especially those directly linked to the gas sector, and to engage them in collaborative efforts to improve the identification and prevention of hazardous conditions.
The objective of this project is to improve our ability to train our first responders in our area and how to safely and efficiently respond to and possibly extinguish fires involving pipelines or processing facilities. The goal is to make available this training facility to not only our firefighters within our county but open it open for regional use, including task force teams operating under our state department of emergency management. Having this facility located in a centralized area will allow for other departments to utilize it without spending hours on the road traveling to other parts of the State of Kansas. This will also mean a cost savings in fuel consumption for the departments participating in the training
Under this grant award the County of Chester's goal is enhancing the existing the project from their previous TAG award. The creation of the Pipeline Information Center (PIC) website as a central information clearinghouse for Chester County was developed in 2014/2015 through PHMSA Technical Assistance Grant DTPH5614GPPT15. With the assistance of that grant funding, Chester County was able to greatly expand and enhance the information provided through the PIC website. In addition, it allowed the County to establish a point of contact (at the County Planning Commission) and further establish a protocol for the dissemination of pipeline project information.
The Greater Lafourche Port Commission will enhance marine pipeline damage prevention through a combination of technological and human solutions to collecting, assessing, and communicating critical data relative to marine pipelines, maritime vessel traffic, and best practices for mariners, pipeline operators, and regulators both by developing a real-time "dashboard" of this information available to mariners in the vicinity of the project and by providing outreach and education in the form of formal training curriculum to be developed for application in member companies' existing safety and maritime training programs as well as through informal outreach and education at maritime industry conferences, trade shows, and other meetings.
The Nevada Regional Common Ground Alliance (NRCGA) will use TAG DTPH5615SN0002 to fund several initiatives to meet the mission of the organization. NRCGA is the Nevada Regional Partner of the Common Ground Alliance (CGA). The CGA works cooperatively to foster a sense of shared responsibility to enhance safety and protect underground facilities by identifying and disseminating stakeholder best practices, developing and conducting public awareness and education programs, and sharing damage prevention tools and technology. NRCGA proposes to move the excavating community to a better understanding of the risk associated with this aging infrastructure through awareness and skill building training and outreach. NRCGA proposes to improve performance of design engineers, excavators and road builders through comprehensive awareness and technical skill training. It is anticipated that a reduction in the number of pipeline incidents involving death or major injury will be realized and captured through tracking mechanisms currently in place with the state's regulating body, Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN).
Under this grant award the applicant will implement the Pipeline Safety Awareness project to address the public safety and economic resiliency challenges associated with rapid economic growth due to oil and gas drilling and a growing pipeline infrastructure accompanying them throughout the region. The project will serve to engage the public emergency management systems in each community, the local public officials who establish and enforce safety codes in each county, economic development professionals who interact with the business and residential construction sector, as well as the oil and gas professional organizations of the region. The proposed plan will partner with local public and civic leaders who are engaged in community development and planning and who should consider pipeline safety in their decisions for land use. The project will maintain and coordinate the region's information base for pipeline safety resources, and will also participate in public awareness projects for citizens, including special target groups such as new workforce entrants currently enrolled in vocational and technical training programs and the new residents moving to the region.
The goal of this Technical Assistance Grant is to provide the public with more tools so they better understand how pipeline safety rules are created, and give them the knowledge and opportunity to more fully participate in official proceedings such as rulemakings, workshops, standard development, and other local, regional, or national proceedings related to pipeline safety. With many pending rules at both the federal and state level already in process, and the NTSB and others asking for additional work on pipeline safety, Pipeline Safety Trust anticipates many official proceedings during the grant period for citizens to become aware of and potentially participate in.
The West Central Texas Council of Governments (WCTCOG), will conduct the proposed Pipeline Safety Awareness Program throughout the West Central Texas region, (also referred to as "The Big Country") which is comprised of nineteen counties and sixty-two cities. The program will increase public awareness of pipeline infrastructure and the threat hazards associated. The Program will promote the Texas 811, one call procedures for the general public, real estate developers and professionals, construction and building contractors, farm and agriculture workers, public emergency personnel, local public officials, and students throughout the region.
Under this grant award NCFLRHMRT's goal is to create a methodology that could be used in Florida to share critical facility inventories to provide a common operating picture. Conduct a series of table top exercises to be centered on the three pipeline compressors stations in the Region and areas where the Sabal Trail Project is located. Conduct public outreach advising the public of steps being taken to enhance pipeline safety by emergency responders.
Under this grant award Alamo Improvement Association, Inc., will increase education and training of first responders and their knowledge in handling a pipeline emergency.
Under this grant award Athens Utility Board will increase community safety by reducing the risk of harm to both people and the environment through scientific and technical improvements. The equipment enhancements will improve and replace the outdated leak detection equipment currently used by Athens Utility Board's field crews and in turn. would provide faster, safer and more reliable leak detection. This will effectively aid in the recognition and response time to natural gas leaks, leak repairs. and may reduce the amount of emergency calls. This will improve the integrity of Athens Utilities Board's pipelines and increase Athens Utilities Board's pipeline safety.
Under this grant award Blue Green Alliance will extend the work of Blue Green Alliances ongoing Repairing Our Cities' Aging Pipelines (RECAP) educational campaign into the state of Indiana. Originally started as a model project in Minnesota W ith PHMSA funding. the Indiana initiative focus on the network of natural gas pipelines across that state. The primary goal of Blue Green Alliances RECAP Indiana project is to increase the awareness among labor and community partner organizations about pipeline safety and to engage them in a collaborative effort to improve the identification and prevention of hazardous conditions.
With the focus of this TAG on educating municipalities about developing communication management procedures to gain access to pipeline safety and planning information, and promoting open communication with pipeline operators, CCATO will be strengthening the depth and quality of public participation in pipeline safety matters.
Under this grant award Chireno, City of, wiill develop a GIS system to show accurate location of all City of Chireno Municipal Gas Systems pipelines and related equipment. This will reduce danger to the general public and excavators as well as to enhance the safety and capabilities of emergency responders.
Under this grant award City of Hallock will purchase a DP-IR Detecto Pak Infared Leak Detector.
Under this grant award Clean Air Council will analyze pipeline technologies and practices and increase public awareness of and dialogue about which technologies should be used in proposed pipeline expansion projects. The Council will assess the performance of EPA-recommended pipeline and compressor station technologies and determine whether there are newer voluntary technologies or practices that companies and communities could use to increase safety and environmental protection. The Council will educate stakeholders (residents. local government, and specific pipeline companies) in possible improvements in technologies that could reduce environmental and public safety risks.
Under this grant award Chester. County of, will implement the recommendations developed under the Chester County Pipeline Notification Protocol (PNP). This project will focus on developing the outreach program of the PNP to the seventy-three municipalities within the county as well as landowners.
Under this grant award Northampton. County of, will purchase one (I) Thermo Scientific TruDefender FTX handheld Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer system.
Under this grant award Danielle Dawn Smalley Foundation will enhance their flagship program, "Pipeline Safety & Awareness for First Responders" by purchasing Turning Technologies software/hardware, subscribing to Acteva Class Management Software (or similar products), consulting with industry and emergency responder experts. and dedicating staff to update and improve the overall program content, dynamics. and delivery. Upon completion. the enhanced program will be piloted to measure results and a brochure will be developed detailing the enriched program configuration.
Under this grant award East Brandywine Township will hire a hydrologist/hydrogeologist for the purpose of research, assessment and analysis of the Sunoco Logistics LP Mariner East pipeline and pumping station proposals in Chester County with regard to community and environmental safety. East Brandywine Township will also conduct a series of public forums in Chester County for communities to: I) learn about the pipeline siting process for hazardous liquids vs. natural gas pipelines. and 2) through education promote a proactive collective community approach to pipeline siting and safety.
Under this grant award Greater Lafourche Port Commission will utilize Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) technology to investigate and document the condition of oil and gas pipelines in the bayous, canals, and wetlands of coastal Louisiana in the vicinity of Port Fourchon. Louisiana. The pipeline condition and location data found from the ROV in this project will then be communicated to the many mariners who travel in and out of the Port Fourchon area to reduce the risk of an incident. As part of this project, marine pipeline stakeholder groups which may be affected by coastal erosion, changing waterway and pipeline conditions will be identified and engaged with. The data will also be used to draft and disseminate new or updated pieces of communications collateral. such as brochures, web site, and fact sheets to share with these marine pipeline stakeholders.
Under this grant award Henderson Municipal Gas will expand the GIS system to include accurate spatial identification of the entire natural gas pipeline system, including customer information, which will improve safety and emergency response times. Henderson Municipal Gas will map the location of all valves, regulators. mains, leak data and existing customer locations.
Under this grant award Kansas Municipal Utilities, Inc. will expand the experience level and training opportunities for municipal and small gas systems across the State of Kansas, to better prepare their personnel for the daily responsibilities of operating and maintaining a natural gas system, and, to handle emergency situations should they arise. The proposed project will provide for the planning, development, and installation of a simulated natural gas infrastructure system as a site to provide an ongoing in-depth multi-day "boot camp" training program for natural gas system operators, affiliated stakeholders, and emergency response partners as a component of a comprehensive 35-acre utility training facility located in central Kansas.
Under this grant award MISS DIG System. Inc., will conduct Public Awareness Impact Surveys to gauge the impact of placing billboards and/or other public awareness building efforts in various regions of Michigan by conducting a pre-post survey evaluation of the public's attitude and awareness of the need to provide a dig notice to the MISS DIG System, the state notification system, prior to digging.
Under this grant award Oak Ridge Utility District will develop a system whereby it can notify its customers of safety related issues via email or mobile devices. Current customer contact information is primarily in the form of standard landline and mobile telephone numbers. In order to develop such a system. Oak Ridge Utility District will implement strategies to collect and store email addresses and mobile contacts and to verify any current data. Oak Ridge Utility District will contract with e-business and Customer Information System (CIS) provider to help accomplish this task.
Under this grant award PaintsviIle Utilities Comm. will purchase a Remote Methane Leak Detector in order to more effectively and efficiently detect pipeline/methane leaks.
Under this grant award Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission will conduct a Pipeline Safety Awareness Project throughout the Permian Basin region in Texas, which is comprised of seventeen counties and twenty-eight communities. The project will increase public awareness of the pipeline infrastructure and associated hazards.
Under this grant award Pipeline Safety Coalition will conduct a feasibility study of the expansion of pipeline safety education in the Northeast United States. in order to enhance the numbers of informed communities who play a vital role in safety and reliability of pipeline operations in this region.
Under this grant award Sevier County Utility District will purchase a Remote Methane Leak Detector and install three Remote Terminal Units (RTUs).
Under this grant award 'the Center for Rural Development of will bring the AWR 302: Pipeline Security for Rural Communities course to requesting jurisdictions across the nation. The TAG funds will be used to deliver the Pipeline Security course to seven communities.
Under this grant award Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council will, through the Northern Michigan Pipeline Education Project, conduct education and outreach efforts about pipelines to ensure that local government officials. emergency managers, and the public are aware of pipeline operation and safety issues and to build local officials' awareness about emergency response needs and local land use practices adjacent to transmission pipelines.
Under this grant award Tompkins. County of will complete a High Hazard Pipeline Inventory that addresses pipelines that are prone to flood damage.
Under this grant award Thibodaux, City of. will purchase a Remote Methane Leak Detector(RMLD-IS) to improve methane leak detection capabilities.
The City of Allentown will continue the development of the Mayors Council on Pipeline Safety and outreach to mayors by educating and promoting participation at local levels by League of Cities and Business Councils. The project scope includes organizing and conducting the first national meeting of the Mayors Council on Pipeline Safety to promote participation, recommendations and the growth of the Council.
Under this grant award COGENT will bring together first responders in a tri-county area (Bradford, Sullivan & Wyoming Counties, PA) for the first pipeline emergency training. Plan to bring in expert training resources: utilizing the most current NASFM & PHMSA developed Pipeline Emergencies Training Curriculum, training both trainers and first responders.
Under this grant award Smalley Foundation will take their newly developed and piloted Pipeline Safety and Awareness for Kids program to elementary schools (grades first through third) in Webb County Texas with an estimated reach over 15.000 students in over 622 classrooms. This will be an organized approach which Smalley Foundation will coordinate with several entities. In addition, Smalley Foundation will write content and produce an instructional video/sizzle reel to provideclassroom teachers and pipeline operators with program details, goals. and objectives.
Under this grant award Pipeline Safety Trust will gather, sort and make easily available to local governments and concerned citizens information regarding how state and local governments in all fifty states have approached a variety of land use and planning issues associated with pipeline safety. The information will include existing local pipeline related ordinances and case studies, descriptions of pipeline siting authority in each state, emergency (including hazard mitigation) and oil spill response planning in each state, descriptions of significant rules in each state that go beyond the federal minimum regulations, highlights of each states excavation damage prevention laws and efforts, and some basic information about where to find information about each state's regulation of oil and natural gas production. Pipeline Safety Trust will make this information available for everyone on their website. Using this information, Pipeline Safety Trust will also produce and print a Local Government Guide to Pipelines to provide local governments in all fifty states an easy to use manual for where to obtain the information they may be looking for.
Under this grant award Powell County will develop a permitting system for pipeline development that will streamline the development process both inside and outside of floodplains, providing the county with a better understanding of current pipeline activity so that it can more safely and responsibly guide nearby land use and development. This new permitting practice Will keep in mind many of the best practices identified in the 2012 document Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance Recommended Practice Evaluation Worksheet for Local Governments. The county will also update existing permits for other types of development to ensure that pipeline-related risks are adequately addressed.
Under this grant award Alameda County Public Works Agency will develop GIS mapping system to identify the natural gas pipeline systems running through the County's unincorporated service area. The (IIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies. The grant funds will be used specifically for: 1) Purchasing GIS hardware and software along with training; 2) Creating a digital database of the existing natural gas distribution system within the County's unincorporated service area: and 3) Developing a cost effective means to continue updates to the database as changes take place.
Under this grant award City of Fitchburg will develop a community wide Natural Gas Safety program that has four core objectives: enhance public safety, training of first responders. supply of gas detecting equipment to first responders and identification of natural gas distribution pipeline leaks with the community.
Under this grant award City of Hazard will replace and upgrade gas detectors for the City Gas Department and the City Fire Department to have only one type and brand of gas detector. The project scope includes installing a calibration station in each of the city's fire stations to ensure that each of the detectors receive the correct calibration.
Under this grant award City of Hogansville will develop a GIS database and mapping tool for the natural gas system of Hogansville, Georgia. The GIS database will be developed from a collection of existing gas system maps, valve location records. customer lists and GPS mapping data. The objective of the project is to create a reliable source of information concerning the natural gas system, thereby increasing the safety of those working with the system and that of the public served by the system.
Under this grant award City of Port Aransas will enhance their Distribution Integrity Management Program. Distribution Facilities Replacements Prouam, GIS Mapping, Emergency Plan, Damage Prevention Plan. Public Awareness Program, and Operations & Maintenance Plan through the use of engineering analysis and technology.
Under this grant award City of West Liberty will leverage advances in technologies and research capabilities in support of mitigating emergency response, improved data collection analysis and inter-departmental collaboration and discussion. The City of West Liberty will also purchase remote methane leak detection equipment and upgrade the existing Geographic Information System mapping software to improve leak detection, pipeline analysis, and emergency response effectiveness.
Under this grant award League of Women Voters will fund the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania-Citizen Education Fund (LWVPA-CEF) to expand its existing Water Resources Education Network (WREN) program to address pipeline issues. WREN will build on existing coalitions to educate key stakeholders to become proactive participants in the pipeline planning process.
Under this grant award Oak Ridge Utility District will to review the GIS mapping data and develop an interactive electronic Outage Management System capable of identifying ways to contain line breaks throughout the distribution system. This will be accomplished by, first, converting the existing GIS system into a Geo database. The operators, conummity and public officials will be educated on the Outage Management Program and pipeline safety awareness.
Under this grant award Permian Basin will expand public awareness of the call 811 requirements, targeting specific groups identified by the pipeline industry as posing the major threats throughout the region in recent months; will expand resources and acquire bi-lingual information to distribute to local officials, business, construction companies, the agriculture community, residents and students throughout the region; and will promote the Permian Basin's Domestic Preparedness Advisory's inclusion of information of Pipeline threats and hazards in the Regional Homeland Security Strategic Implementation Plan.
Under this grant award Palatka Gas Authority will Implement a Geographic Information System (GIS) to aid with further increasing the knowledge of existing employees as well as educating new hires. Palatka Gas Authority will further invest in its GIS system by collecting GPS coordinates on all natural gas meters and further training employees on best practices to fully utilize GIS for increased safety and awareness.
Under this grant award Pipeline Safety Coalition will leverage work from two previous Technical Assistance Grant projects to support Pipelines Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) recommendations. Tier I will advance the work product of Pipeline Notification Protocol (PNP) through the remaining 66 counties of Pennsylvania by creating standardized notification protocol for pipeline operators to use in proposed pipeline projects prior to the permitting processes. Tier II will advance the work product of educating the Educators: Pipeline Procedure and Safety Education Program (PPSEP) by producing. activating and employing the online program established by the PPSEP conducted feasibility study.
Under this grant award Tazewell County will implement an informative media campaign to reach community members (adults and schools) so they may understand the pipeline process and project that will cross through Tazewell County. In addition, funds will be utilized to update county website capabilities and current GIS applications so that citizens may have an interactive site that allows them to view pipeline project details..
Under this grant award West Pikeland Township will reach out to municipalities in Chester County to develop a systematic approach for gaining access to pipeline safety information and promoting public participation in official pipeline proceedings; and. introduce to municipalities in Northern Chester County and neighboring counties PIPA land use planning guidelines and model ordinances.
Under this grant award City of Richmond will ensure that they are appropriately prepared for a natural gas emergency through use of GI'S technology, GIS databases. information sharing, and educational outreach to the community.
Under this grant award Sevier County Utility District will upgrade and enhance both pipeline and public safety.
Under this grant award the City of Athens will provide a hands-on pipeline safety training and education workshop to participants.
Under this grant award the National Association of Counties Research Foundation will provide public education and community outreach to assure that county officials, planners, engineers, and emergency managers are aware of the pipeline issues and to build county officials' awareness about and capacity to implement local land use practices adjacent to transmission pipelines through conferences, workshops, training, publications, decision flowcharts, and fact sheets.
Under this grant award the DDSF will develop and launch a school pipeline safety and awareness web-based program "School Pipeline Safety Source" that provides customized online pipeline safety, awareness information and guidance to school safety officials in San Mateo County, California that are located within 1,000 feet of transmission pipelines.
Under this grant award the Port of South Louisiana will develop and implement a Marine Pipeline Safety Outreach Program for all stakeholders operating along the Lower Mississippi River. Outreach includes developing a website, tri-fold guide, posters, safety calendar, and DVDs.
Under this grant award the Pipeline Safety Coalition will conduct a case study of Chester County, PA with first responders to identify first responder education and training needs specific to gas pipelines. Following the case study, recommendations will be provided to develop a core curriculum using model firefighters and a final report will be developed, with transferable results, to share with other first responders and communities.
Under this grant award the League of Women Voters of PA Citizen Education Fund will provide educational outreach to residents in the Lehigh Valley Region of Pennsylvania regarding the role of federal, state, and local agencies in ensuring pipeline safety. Provide educational resources for local libraries, public forums, presentations, workshops, displays, internet-linked fact sheets, and related website resources. The project will capitalize on existing resources. Results of this project will be summarized in a final report and posted on the LWVPA website.
Under this grant award the Sulphur Fire Department will purchase three (3) handheld multi-gas detectors and one (1) complete calibration unit for the detectors. The new units will replace older units and offer new technology to better prepare fire departments when responding to pipeline incidents.
Under this grant award the Land-of-Sky Regional Council will evaluate the need to develop new or additional communication and training materials, conduct trainings throughout the three-county region using gaps identified through surveys as a baseline assessment, execute two (2) emergency response tabletop exercises, generate a rich data set that identifies high consequence areas and USAs ecological and drinking water areas through mapping and GIS, generate regionally specific public outreach materials, and create an easy step by step guide for responders to use for a pipeline related emergency that includes phone numbers and response actions.
Under this grant award the East Brandywine Township will research and develop a standardized notification protocol for informing Chester County officials of projected pipeline projects which will lead to enhanced engineering and scientific analysis of pipeline projects that begins with full stakeholder participation in the planning stage.
Under this grant award the Pipeline Safety Trust will over the travel expenses for up to 25 citizens or local government employees to attend the Pipeline Safety Trust's 7th annual national pipeline safety conference in New Orleans in November of 2012. This will allow this group of underrepresented stakeholders to see firsthand the level of effort and commitment that those that live and breathe pipeline safety - the pipeline industry and state and federal regulators - have put into keeping pipelines safe.
Under this grant award the County of Montgomery will partner with Virginia Utility Protection Services (VUPS) to develop a new permit software application to interface the Newtin ticket program with the Montgomery County's development and building permit database. The system will receive permit data from Montgomery County, determine site location, and then notify a utility that a building or development permit was issued within the utility's notification area or right-of-way. In order to complete this interface, Montgomery County will make modifications and enhancements to its existing permitting system.
Under this grant award the Will County will establish a Pipeline Task Force to strengthen linkages and coordination throughout Will County and perform an inventory of pipelines, associated facilities, product information and emergency information from available sources that will be compiled into a single reference for emergency responders and land use officials. Also, plan to identify emergency planning information related to special populations, sensitive environmental areas and other locations that are particularly vulnerable to pipeline incidents will be identified and organized for quick reference during a pipeline emergency. Develop public safety education materials to inform the public living in proximity to pipelines.
Under this grant award the Town of Flower Mound will provide hands on training for the entire fire department in the event of a pipeline emergency. In addition, town staff will continue to map the locations of pipelines to be included in the Town's Geographic Information System, and perform emergency response plan reviews on a regular basis. These projects will all be part of a larger Emergency Response Preparedness program to ensure that the Town's staff is prepared for any potential pipeline emergencies.
Under this grant award the NUCA will work on establishing and implementing of an eight-hour education course and outreach program called the "Dig-Safe Certification Program" for excavators. This program will specifically target field personnel in the practices of safe digging techniques, contemporary damage prevention practices, knowledge of the requirements currently in the 811 (Call Before You Dig) system, and educate on the requirements of Washington State's modified Call Before You Dig law (RCW 19.122).
Under this grant award the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission will work to build a collaborative relationship with pipeline stakeholders and to promote pipeline safety throughout the region. The PBRPC will participate in official proceedings and events pertaining to pipeline safety issues. Identify media, printed materials and other tools for dissemination of information related to events promoting pipeline safety. Purchase marketing resources to distribute to students, workers, senior citizens, business, residents, government jurisdictions and other parties throughout the region.
Under this grant award the Coastal Regional Commission will collect available data from utilities, verify the location of all natural gas distribution and transmission lines in the nine-county Coastal Georgia region, and map distribution pipelines. This data is to be collected within a Geographic Information System (GIS) and verified through Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Inaccuracies in the data will be corrected, and then the evaluated data will be disseminated.
Under this grant award the Woods Cross City will assemble all information regarding the locaton of pipelines conveying hazardous materials within the city and centralize the information on the City's GIS base map as a hazardous pipelines layer. Place themap on the City's website with links to other websites that promote pipeline, collaborate with pipeline operators in producing a brochure promoting pipeline safety with a copy of the map included on the brochure. This brochure will be sent out to all City residents and businesses, hold two open houses where residents and business owners are invited in for a presentation on pipeline safety and a question and answer period, meet with Emergency Responders. Provide copies of the map and work with them to identify any areas that are deemed areas of concern Collaborate to develop contingency plans for various scenarios. Develop a survey to determine if successful in getting the information out to the residents and business owners in the city.
Under this grant award the County of Anderson will purchase and place monitoring equipment on fire suppression apparatus in all 8 fire stations as well as on a technical rescue vehicle that responds to disasters and major incidents throughout the state of Kansas. Equipment purchases will included 10 MSA Altair 5 gas monitors, one Remote methane leak detector (RMLD), and one MSA FiveStar Link Data Logging System
Under this grant award the City of Allentown will work on a project that consists of a two tier approach to be performed supportively and concurrently: Tier 1: Purchase four (4) multi gas surveyors GVS 500's to provide first responders the ability to detect leaks during emergency response to natural gas, pipeline and other emergency incidents. Tier II: Research and develop a national Mayor's Council on Pipeline Safety (MCPS), initiated by Allentown Mayor Pawlowski to initiate outreach to San Bruno Mayor Ruane to collaborate on efforts in defining and disseminating pipeline safety initiatives specific to American urban cities.
Under this grant award the City of Worth will create a GIS of natural gas and petroleum pipelines within their community. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data will also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
Under this grant award the Blenheim Hose Company will purchase four GX-2003 Five Sensor gas detectors and one base station radio to improve emergency communications in the event of a pipeline disaster. Training will be provided on the proper use and calibration of the GX-2003 units. These detectors will be used to detect any leaks from the Enterprise Products Partners, L.P. pipeline which carries propane gas and runs directly through the Town of Blenheim.
Under this grant award the City of Monroe will fund fire suppression enhancements to the City's Police and Fire Training Facility to allow natural gas operators and emergency responders to practice fire suppression. Participants will learn of the latest equipment for pipe locating, leak detection, excess flow technologies, line stopping tools, and more. Specific enhancements to be funded include grading, gravel, concrete work, and drainage for site development; as piping and flow control; and equipment including personal protection equipment for participants, fire extinguishers, and a communications system.
ORUD will purchase three remote methane leak detectors (RMLD)
Grove City will develop a pipeline GIS. Also will purchase a Remote Methane Leak Detector (RMLD) and train personnel to detect natural gas leaks throughout the gas system.
The CPW will institute, as part of our "Your Neighbors Working for You" philosophy, an information program supporting the awareness of the call-before-you-dig 811 telephone number. Newspaper ads, public access television ads and utility bill inserts will be used to educate and inform the public on natural gas safety and the need to call 811 before attempting to dig.
The Charlestown Township will educate local governments, landowners, farmers, and community organizations regarding pipeline safety, planning and damage prevention; engage in a dialogue with pipeline operators regarding pipeline safety and maintenance; outreach to communities in Chester County and surrounding areas such as Lancaster County so that citizens can become part of pipeline safety policy development; strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in pipeline safety matters by increasing participation of local governments, landowners, farmers, and community organizations in official proceedings addressing pipeline safety, planning, and damage prevention at the county, state and federal levels.
The City of Hartwell will convert existing paper based natural gas system maps to electronic format with a goal of improving damage prevention and emergency response while also providing better coordination and communication with other underground facility operators.
The city of Picayune will purchase gas leak detectors, purchase line locator kits, and initiate a process to convert gas pipeline paper maps to digital GIS maps.
The City of Chiefland, will develop GIS mapping system to identify the natural gas pipeline systems running through the City's municipal service area. Specifically: 1) Purchase GIS hardware and software along with training; 2) Create a digital database of the existing natural gas distribution system within the City's municipal service area; 3) Include a cost effective means to continue updates to the database as changes take place; and 4) Develop and implement a citizen and user communication plan and a way to share this information with all affected groups, especially first responders.
The County of Dakota will improve GIS pipeline locations using GPS field surveys, improve existing maps for emergency responders by showing accurate pipeline locations, and perform risk analysis using a variety of other existing GIS layers representing key resources, vulnerable population and public gathering places.
The Incorporated County of Los Alamos will purchase two Crowcon LaserMethane Mini portable methane detection devices to detect natural gas leaks from a safe distance to improve emergency response for natural gas leaks, fires, and/or explosions and decrease the time required to determine the extent of the natural leakage in order to make the area safe.
The City of Corpus Christi will partner with the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to improve performance in public and childhood education, emergency response, and community awareness associated with pipeline safety issues.
The League of Women Voters of PA Citizen Education Fund will design a production of an overview of the state of pipelines in a Pennsylvania community and county; expert, objective information about the safety of the growing number of natural gas pipelines in an area of prototypical region, Lycoming County; a review of the assessment of the regulations and status of the existing and evolving transmission system; sound recommendations to serve as a basis for educating the public to prompt participation and an objective knowledge base for informed decision-making by elected officials; the promotion of a safer, more efficient, environmentally sensitive natural gas transmission system for Pennsylvania.
The Pipeline Safety Coalition will research, define, create, and deliver a curriculum for training educators. The curriculum will be targeted to suburban and urban communities, Marcellus Shale communities, and farming communities and will address pipeline safety and current issues associated with Pennsylvania's rapidly developing energy infrastructure. The curriculum will be used initially in Pennsylvania and will be transferable to other states.
The Pipeline Safety Trust will bring together citizen and local government representatives from around the country who have shown leadership in pipeline safety issues to develop a strategy for ensuring better representation of the public in official proceedings pertaining to pipeline safety issues.
The Greater Lafourche Port Commission will enhance marine pipeline damage prevention through two approaches: 1) the continued development and implementation of a marine pipeline public awareness program for mariners navigating in coastal Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico and teh research; and, 2) selection and implementation of an Automatic Identification System (AIS) Aid to Navigation (AtoN) System for pipelines in the Port Fourchon area. An AIS AtoN system could provide virtual pipeline markers and messaging to vessels in coastal waters and the Gulf of Mexico.
The Parish of East Baton Rouge will development, production, and distribution of educational and awareness materials (Red Stick Ready Awareness Campaign) for those who live adjacent to pipelines. Procure pipeline markers for stakeholder industries to use that have our Red Stick Ready campaign logo and the 8-1-1 number on them. Funding an all-hazards awareness workshop for all interested stakeholders in the public and private community to promote being Red Stick Ready
The Marion Natural Gas Systems will create GIS mapping data of all gas meters and upgrade current GIS software for enhanced analytical capabilities.
The S.A.V.E. will promote Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) recommended practices and model ordinances in multiple localities across Pennsylvania.
The City of Lenexa will create a strategic communications plan that would educate and inform property owners about their own responsibilities regarding pipelines and easements, pipeline operators' responsibilities with respect to pipeline easements, City requirements relating to any construction or change to landscape on property that is on or near a pipeline easement, how to identify integrity issues related to the pipeline operations, and the importance of a vegetation management program.
The Salt Lake City Corporation will produce a pipeline safety report that provides a comprehensive analysis of the state of pipelines passing under Salt Lake City, safety regulations, pipeline basics about construction and operations, risks associated with pipelines, dissemination of available information, and recommendations for increasing pipeline safety. Conduct a public awareness and educational program that includes two public seminars, a two-day conference, and a series of small community meetings focused on pipeline safety issues in Salt Lake City.
The Contra Costa, County of dba/Fire Protection District will provide portable multi-gas detectors to each of 12 front-line fire apparatus, including 42 pump kits with probes and tubing detectors for training and breakdown usage. The project also will provide for eight calibration kits and the service of the vendor to conduct a monthly calibration of each detector during the first year of acquisition and training. Training for all 270 personnel will be conducted by Shift Training Captains and a DVD provided by the vendor.
The Pike County Fiscal Court will enhance the pipeline awareness and emergency response through accurate and complete identification and mapping of the natural gas and natural gas liquid pipelines from the well head through gathering lines to the connection with collection systems and ultimately to interstate pipelines present within and transiting Pike County, Kentucky.
Under this grant award the Pennsylvania State University - Office of Sponsored Programs will develop educational and outreach efforts to educate the public, informed citizens, municipalities, and pipeline operators on how to detect leaks in natural gas pipelines using forest vegetation as a bioindicator.
Under this grant award the City of Seward will design and install a monitoring network to detect crude oil leaks from the pipeline located near the City's Wellhead Protection Area. Furthermore, City of Seward will collect and document changes in soil gas and groundwater quality specific to petroleum hydrocarbons and inform the public.
The Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority will conduct work in the planning and outreach phase of a stream stability study and related implications for pipelines in a High Consequence Area (HCA).
The Greater Lafourche Port Commission will develop and implement a marine pipeline damage prevention and public awareness program for mariners navigating in coastal Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico.
The Kearny Fire Department will purchase 12 multigas meters, 4 calibration systems with gas, and training DVDs to assist firefighters with responding to potential pipeline emergencies.
This project will enhance the accuracy of GIS data pertaining to high-pressure pipelines in Leon County.
The Oak Ridge Utility District will deploy GIS to laptops in operator's vehicles to enable faster and more effective emergency response.
Pipeline Safety Trust will develop a resource guide for citizens near exiting and proposed pipelines.
Under this grant award the Safety, Agriculture, Villages and Environment (S.A.V.E.), Inc will create a Chester County coalition for pipeline safety.
Under this grant award the Shawnee Township Fire Department will conduct an 811 awareness campaign using billboards, public service announcements, the internet, and brochures.
Under this grant award the County of Skagit will develop regulations to govern development near oil or gas transmission pipelines within unincorporated Skagit County.
Under this grant award the South Dakota State University will develop a standard for the design of the rural water pipelines that cross under crude oil pipelines.
The County of Spink will obtain independent legal and technical assistance in developing a local pipeline ordinance.
The Stutsman County Sheriff Department will develop pipeline GIS layer for emergency responders.
The Southeast Alabama Gas District will collect GIS data of critical appurtenances to develop a pipeline isolation plan in the event of an emergency.
The Middle Tennessee Utility District will enhance Geographic Information System (GIS) to aid in collecting Local Distribution System (LDS)
The Municipal Utilities Board of Decatur will collect GPS field data for GIS
The City of Etowah will develop GIS data in support of cathodic protection and leak management analysis.
The City of will develop a GIS for the City's natural gas distribution system.
The Gas Board of the City of Fayette will develop GIS mapping system in order to improve pipeline safety, natural gas pipeline operations, public awareness, and accuracy of system maps in order to provide safe reliable service to the community.
The City of Chattahoochee will create a GIS database and will provide public awareness advertisements and communications to the public.
The Association of Washington Cities will enhance public safety by improving local government land use planning and permitting practices in the vicinity of transmission pipelines.
The City of Blountstown will create a GIS of their natural gas distribution pipeline system. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
The Bradford Glen Homeowners Association will evaluate and assess the safety of co-locating the proposed Mid-Atlantic Express, LLC pipeline adjacent to an existing Columbia pipeline in the vicinity of a High Consequence Area.
The Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations will provide a comprehensive overview of all pipeline issues through a "State of Gas Pipelines in Fort Worth" report and disseminate information to Fort Worth residents, elected officials, and natural gas drilling and pipeline operators.
The Copper River Watershed Project will support citizen-based safety monitoring of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (Alaska North Slope, Yukon River drainage, Copper River drainage).
City Utilities of Springfield will make upgrades to the City Utilities of Springfield Leak Training Area and Fire Training facilities and equipment.
The City of Mesa will elevate community awareness and education of pipeline safety issues using television-based targeted interactive advertising.
The City of Hamilton will complete an engineering "make piggable" study of a high pressure gas distribution main. The study will determine the feasibility of altering the gas distribution main to accept an in-line inspection device.
The City of Elberton will create a GIS of their natural gas distribution pipeline system. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
The City of Clearwater will create a GIS of their natural gas distribution pipeline system. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
The Northern Plains Resource Council will disseminate information regarding pipeline construction and safety to affected landowners and county officials via the Montana Dakota Pipeline Safety Landowner Exchange Project.
Nebraska City Utilities will purchase a remote methane leak detector to enhance pipeline leak detection capabilities.
Kansas Municipal Utilities will provide direct technical assistance to prepare 62 Kansas municipal gas utilities for emergency or disaster response pertaining to the natural gas pipeline system. The project will also target 100 percent participation in the KSMAP mutual aid program for Kansas utilities.
Lake Apopka Natural Gas will create a geographic information system (GIS) of their natural gas distribution pipeline system. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
The City of Toccoa will create a GIS of their natural gas distribution pipeline system. The GIS data will be made available to emergency responders to improve emergency response capabilities. The data will also be provided to land use planners to help reduce conflicts between pipelines and other land use. The data can also be used for pipeline risk analysis and pipeline replacement studies.
West Vincent Township will analyze pipeline safety issues affecting the local community with regard to a Dominion Keystone project.
The Oak Ridge Utility District will improve its gas distribution system monitoring capabilities, incorporate pipeline integrity management data into the development of a GIS, and add additional educational advertising for a public awareness safety campaign.
The Pipeline Safety Trust will determine effective communication strategies to engage local public officials to improve pipeline safety in their communities.
The Prestonsburg City's Utilities Commission will upgrade and enhance its gas leak detection program with the purchase of new safety equipment and training in the use of the new equipment.
The Tides Center will evaluate the safety of aging hazardous liquid and natural gas transmission pipelines in a pipeline corridor.
The City will develop an educational public webpage for residents, property owners, contractors, and developers to raise awareness of pipeline safety issues in the community.
The County will use the Pipelines and Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) Consultation and/or Planning Zone best practices to developing a zoning ordinance to protect pipeline rights of way.
The City will convert paper-based pipeline records to a public geographic information system (GIS) to be used for land use planning.
The County will develop a GIS of pipelines and utilize PIPA Consultation Zone best practices for land use planning; analyze pipeline Consultation Zones and revise the development review process to emphasize pipeline safety; examine zoning ordinances in relation to PIPA best practices; develop Consultation/Planning Zone educational materials in cooperation with the pipeline industry; develop a pipeline emergency response plan and exercise the plan.
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