Summary of Cases Involving Civil Penalties
Civil Penalty Cases Resolved
For a given year, this table shows the number of civil penalty cases initiated (or opened) and the number of this same set of cases that has competed the civil penalty collection process. Also shown are the percent of cases completing the civil penalty collection process and the percent of cases which have yet to complete the process (pending).
Cases completing the civil penalty collection process include all closed and withdrawn cases as well as open cases for which penalties have been assessed in a Final Order and collected. The report also includes cases where the assessed civil penalty was reduced to zero from a prior proposed amount, and therefore no collection was required.
Civil Penalty Cases Resolved: 2002–2025(1)
- PHMSA Work Management System as of 03/04/2025.
Information provided on this website is intended to enhance public understanding of PHMSA's enforcement program.
Aggregate and company-specific statistical information reflecting PHMSA's enforcement actions is provided beginning with 2002. Key documents associated with new administrative enforcement cases are provided beginning with 2007. Agency orders issued since 2002 are also provided.
The search feature may not retrieve every document associated with each individual enforcement action. Enforcement data is updated monthly as additional cases are initiated and other cases are resolved. Historical totals will change over time to reflect changes in case status.