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Pipeline Safety Stakeholder Communications

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State Pipeline Profiles:

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Directory of Information Highlights

PHMSA Advisory Bulletins

PHMSA uses advisory bulletins to inform affected pipeline operators and Federal and state pipeline safety personnel of matters that have the potential of becoming safety or environmental risks.

Best Practices in Damage Prevention

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) provides and promotes comprehensive best practices in the area of pipeline damage prevention. They are an invaluable resource for excavators, as well as for state and local policymakers.

Call Before You Dig -- It's the Law!

In all fifty states requiring excavators must notify underground facility operators before digging. No matter what kind of digging you plan to do, you must call before you dig.

Cities and Counties Finding Common Ground

Following a major gasoline pipeline rupture and subsequent fire in Bellingham, WA, in 1999, local governments in the state of Washington have become aware of and concerned about pipeline safety.

Citizen's Committee on Pipeline Safety

Citizen’s committees on pipeline safety have been formed in several states to advise local, state and federal agencies on pipeline safety matters. An example is the Washington State Citizen’s Committee on Pipeline Safety.

The Common Ground Study Report

The Common Ground Study involved unprecedented collaboration among stakeholders to identify best practices in underground facility damage prevention. The Study Report had far-reaching impact.

DOE Oil & Gas Research

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy provides information on oil and gas research.

Federal Laws Address Pipeline Safety

Laws found in the U.S. Code address Pipeline Safety and Oil Pollution in navigable waters. These laws are the basis for federal pipeline safety regulations.

FERC’s Role in the Natural Gas Industry

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) plays a significant role in regulating the natural gas industry.

For Kids and Teachers Only

Learn interesting things having to do with science and energy.

Four Simple Steps that Could Save Your Life

Four simple steps will have a very significant positive impact on your safety.

Gas Transmission and Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Markers

RIghts-of-way line markers and warning and warning signs are used to indicate the presence of underground pipelines.

Grants to States and Communities

PHMSA provides grant opportunities designed to improve damage prevention, develop new technologies, or otherwise improve pipeline safety.

Local Emergency Planning Committees

Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) provide a mechanism for citizens, local governments and industry to work together to plan for chemical accidents, and to reduce risk to the public from releases of toxic chemicals into the environment. Many LEPCs are also involved in planning for pipeline emergencies.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the U.S.

Learn more about LNG in the U.S.

National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives

The National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives ("NAPSR") is a non-profit organization of state pipeline safety personnel who serve to promote pipeline safety in the United States and its territories.

National Consensus Standards

National consensus standards help assure the safe design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of pipelines. They are established and periodically updated by committees of engineers and other technical experts.

National Pipeline Mapping System

PHMSA’s National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Public Map Viewer is a web-based mapping application designed to assist the general public with displaying and querying data related to gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipelines, liquefied natural gas plants, and breakout tanks. The Pipeline Information Management Mapping Application (PIMMA) is provided for use by pipeline operators and Federal, State, and local government officials only. This may include emergency response organizations.

PHMSA’s Pipeline Safety Research and Development Program

PHMSA’s pipeline safety research and development efforts relate to different pipeline types and application areas and address issues important to pipeline safety stakeholders. This includes innovative technology improvements.

Pipeline Emergencies

PHMSA and the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) developed Pipeline Emergencies to help achieve the goal of zero pipeline incidents.

Pipelines and Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Transportation and the Department of Homeland Security have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding concerning cooperation between the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on pipeline and hazardous materials transportation security. The TSA maintains a website regarding pipeline security.

Pipeline Integrity Management

Federal pipeline safety regulations require pipeline operators to implement comprehensive pipeline integrity management programs to enhance pipeline safety across the nation. There, you will find links to specific information on integrity management for hazardous liquid, gas transmission and gas distribution pipelines. The Pipeline Library provides information on various integrity management assessment techniques.

Pipeline Safety May Involve Other Federal Agencies

PHMSA collaborates and coordinates extensively with other federal agencies.

Pipeline Operators Must Have Public Awareness Programs

Pipeline companies are required to establish public awareness programs to increase stakeholder awareness of pipelines and their locations, and to ensure stakeholders know how to recognize and respond to pipeline emergencies.

Pipeline Safety Inspections

Various types of pipeline safety inspections are conducted by Federal and State inspectors.

The Pipeline Safety Trust

The Pipeline Safety Trust promotes fuel transportation safety through education and advocacy, by increasing access to information, and by building partnerships with residents, safety advocates, government, and industry, that result in safer communities and a healthier environment.

Preparing for Emergencies

Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness is a booklet written by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It addresses all aspects of individual, family, and community preparedness for a wide variety of potential emergencies, including hazardous materials incidents. You can download or order it here.

Public Awareness FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their responses provide additional insight into PHMSA's approach to the operator public awareness programs they describe.

Public Awareness Program Workshops and Presentations

PHMSA has co-sponsored workshops and presented information intended to help pipeline operators develop and implement effective public education programs.

Recognizing and Responding to Pipeline Emergencies

Recognize the signs of a pipeline leak and pipeline emergency and know what to do, whether you are at home, at work, or outside along a pipeline right-of-way. It is important - it could save your life and the lives of others.

Safe Pipelines Email Discussion Group

The Safe Pipelines discussion group is dedicated to sharing pipeline safety and pipeline siting information among community activists, government officials, and pipeline experts nationwide. Join the discussion here.

State Regulatory Fact Sheets

PHMSA’s state partners help regulate and enforce pipeline safety.

Strengthening State Damage Prevention Programs

PHMSA's guide, Strengthening State Damage Prevention Programs draws on the definition of effective damage prevention programs found in the Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement and Safety (PIPES) Act of 2006.

Your OPS Point of Contact

PHMSA's Community Liaisons (formerly Community Assistance and Technical Services (CATS) Managers) can assist if you have questions or concerns about pipeline safety.

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