IA Release Notes

User Interface Changes
  1. Improved formatting of version differences in questions
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Eliminated spurious error reporting
  2. Improved behavior of installer and updater
  3. Updated component libraries for security and reliability
  1. Apple provisioning profiles and developer signing certificates were updated prior to expiration deadline.
  1. Correct errors in code reference browser
  1. Reduce severity reporting of server errors
Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed intermittent post-install error
User Interface Changes
  1. Disabled CORE and FIELD_OBS directives in planning menus for inspections beginning in 2025 or later
  2. Annotated PAM data display with instructions for correcting outdated values
  3. Included attachments’ geographic coordinates in "Export Attachments" report
  4. Improved editing of Requested Items: RQIs are edited in a window similar to other observations, but with the RQI-specific fields included
  5. Removed "Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities" planning alert
  6. Removed "Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities" form
Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Fixed duplicated year in report dropdown menu
  2. Fixed display of user initials in "Recent Questions"
  3. Fixed error when cancelling download of PRS databases.
  4. Updated software libraries
Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Corrected 401 and 403 IA server response code handling
  2. Improved version notice handling
  3. Fixed session management and version checks
Question Content
  1. HL - For the Breakout Tank Team - Created a "New API 2510 Tank Design & Construction" Question Set, which included new subgroups: TDC.2510REGS, TDC.2510DESIGN, and TDC.2510SITING.
  2. GT - For the Gas Gathering Team, edited the EP.ERG subgroup questions, with concurrence from the GT O&M/Emergency Preparedness Team.
  3. GD, GT, HL, LNG - Edited considerations or references for 2024 IBR rule.
  4. GD - For the State Partners Team, created a new GD GENERIC.NTSB.NTSBREVIEW.P/.R question at the States' request, and with concurrence from the Distribution Team.
  5. GT, HL - Provided question edits based on IA user / inspector feedback.
  6. LNG - For the LNG Team, added, edited, and deleted LNG questions.
See summary document for more details.
User Interface Changes
  1. e-CFR references have been updated for 2025
Other Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to user authentication and session management
  2. Improved version management and update checks
User Interface Changes
  1. e-CFR references have been updated for 2025
  2. Planning alerts from 2024 have been extended into 2025
Other Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to user authentication and session management
  2. A rendering error in the "Relevant Topics" menu has been fixed
  3. Numerous updates and improvements to software libraries
User Interface Changes
  1. Users can now authenticate with their Login.gov accounts.
Other Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. The device version announcement on the home screen has been updated for specificity and clarity
  2. Application code has been updated to stay current with software libraries
  3. Includes UI bugfix for long document names
  1. A data entry validation issue has been fixed.
User Interface Changes
  1. When configuring an inspection's target assets, units can be associated with Special Permits if the permits and their relevant questions have been added to the PRS.
  2. New Special Permit questions are included in the planning grid when a unit is linked to a special permit with questions.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Certain underlying user interface components have been modernized.
  2. Software dependencies have been updated.
  3. The sign-in screen was restyled.
  4. The zoom scale of the updater interface has been standardized.
  5. Session management has been updated to match recent improvements to IA Server.
  1. Corrected a Login.gov authentication error.
  2. Corrected the in-app link to the Release Notes.
New Installer
  1. Created a new installation package after the v4.48.0 installer was missing a component.
  1. Fixed an error in the Requested Items editor.
Small improvements
  1. Fixed issue in which the menu would appear blank after switching activities.
  2. Improvements to extended login sessions.
  3. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface Changes
  1. Images that contain geolocation data will now display that image location data on the attachment view (for all attachment types except for requested item).
    1. The location data from an image may be used to update that attachment's location (for all attachment types except for requested item):
  2. A filter for "starred/favorited" questions has been added to the "Question Export" report:
  3. If an inspection contains questions that are planned but not included in an implementation activity, a progress bar for this category of questions will appear on the "Overview" tab:
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. On the Target Assets tab, switching the "Source System" between PHMSA/PAM and Other/Custom assets will now clear the external ID, long, and short name for that asset row.
  2. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Question Content
  1. Created new STATE.2024.02 PRS for all States' Question Sets based on the current Federal PRSs. No state specific changes submitted for this release.
  2. See summary doc for more details.
User Interface Changes
  1. Login.gov added to IA Desktop as a new sign in method.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Rich text handling improved for attachment notes that only include numbers/digits.
  2. Fixed: error when visiting the "Reports" tab with no inspection open.
  3. Small improvements made to status bar text when reflecting file download progress.
Small improvements
  1. Improvements to login session persistence, which was introduced in v4.28.1.
User Interface Changes
  1. IA Mobile now securely preserves login sessions so users will no longer need to re-login after every application launch (this is analogous to how the Outlook application works on a PHMSA iPad, for example).
  2. "Gas Gathering" FAQs have been added to IA.
Small improvements
  1. FAQ pages now have the ability to display images.
User Interface Changes
  1. IA Desktop now securely preserves login sessions so users will no longer need to re-login after every application launch (this is analogous to how the Outlook application works on a PHMSA laptop, for example).
  2. The "Question Export Report" has a new option for highlighting changes in the question set (for questions that were added or updated during the calendar year of the PRS/question set selected for the current inspection). For example, in an inspection using GT.2024.02, selecting this option would highlight questions which were added or updated in any GT.2024 PRS/question set.
    1. Added questions will have a green "+" next to them. Updated questions will use green to denote added text and red/struckthrough styling for removed text:
  3. A new preset has been added to the "Question Export Report": "Recently created and updated questions". Selecting this preset will include considerations, filter the report to only new/updated questions, and highlight question changes:
  4. Links to IA Desktop and Mobile training workbooks have been added to the "Help/Tools" tab.
  5. "Gas Gathering" FAQs have been added to IA.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. FAQ pages now have the ability to display images.
  2. Improvements to formatting for numbered/bulleted lists in IA Desktop text fields.
  3. Fixed: error generated when creating new Plan Items.
Question Content
  1. This includes GD.2024.02, GT.2024.03, and HL.2024.02.
  2. GT - Construction Inspection Team. Created new sub-groups DC.CCPROT for "Corrosion Control and Cathodic Protection" and DC.VAULT for "Vaults," and moved existing applicable questions from DC.DPC to these two new sub-groups.
  3. GT, HL - Made minor edits and corrected typos for various questions in GT and HL. Addressed several IA Feedback items.
  4. GD, GT - Plastics Team. Deleted DC.PLASTIC.REPAIRPLASTIC.R question.
  5. See summary doc for more details.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Fixed: Activity Start/End dates on the Planning tab were not displaying properly.
User Interface Changes
  1. Updated offline eCFR content (to remedy a missing regulation).
Small improvements
  1. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface Changes
  1. The "Export Questions Report" now offers the option to filter to questions which were added or updated during the calendar year of the PRS/question set selected for the current inspection. For example, in an inspection using GT.2024.02, use of this filter would limit the report to questions added or updated in any GT.2024 PRS/question set:
  2. As part of the update process, IA Desktop will now display a progress bar before restarting on the new, updated version:
  3. Updated offline eCFR content (to remedy a missing regulation).
  4. Planning tab performance/loading time improved for inspections with 100+ plan items.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to "question change tracking feature":
    1. IA Desktop will display new/updated icons next to questions that have been added or modified during the calendar year of the PRS/question set selected for the current inspection.
    2. When hovering over an "updated" icon for a question, all editor's notes for that question from the inspection's PRS calendar year will be displayed (not simply the single most recent editor's note). For example, in an inspection using GT.2022.04, editor's notes from any GT.2022 PRS/question set will appear:
  2. Improvements to Heatmap Report:
    1. The size of column/row labels have been reduced to allow for more grid space.
    2. Grid cells will now only display result information when clicked (rather than on hover), emphasizing that once a grid cell is clicked, the popover can be further clicked to drill down into individual results.
    3. The minimap to the left of the Heatmap is now collapsible to allow for more grid space:
  3. When splitting a Multi-Unit Asset into several Single-Unit Assets, any exclusions that had been applied to the Multi-Unit will also be applied to the Single-Units.
  4. Improvements to the behavior when adding assets with "Source System: Other" (as opposed to "Source System: PAM").
  5. When adjusting the "External ID" of an existing asset, its long and short name will now auto-update to reflect the External ID change.
  6. Improvements to IAD update process.
  7. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Small improvement to smooth IA Desktop update process.
User Interface Changes
  1. "RIN2 batch 1" FAQs added to IA Mobile.
Small improvements
  1. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
  2. Enhanced IA Mobile update handler.
User Interface Changes
  1. The "Target Assets" tab now has a tool to allow for more efficent creation of single unit assets when using PHMSA/PAM as the source system. Multiple units in the list may be checked, and if the "Split into single unit assets" button is clicked, a single asset row for each of the selected units will be created. A multi-unit asset may still be created as usual, by selecting multiple units and ignoring the new button.
  2. "RIN2 batch 1" FAQs added to IA Desktop.
  3. All asset selectors now scroll, allowing for viewing/choosing any asset when many are present:
  4. Updated contact information for new IAT members on the "Help/Tools" tab.
  5. To improve performance and response time on inspections with large numbers of attachments, when a result panel is expanded it will no longer display all attachments by default. Instead, there is a button to "View Attachments" if desired:
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. January 2024 IA Demo session recording added to the Topical Screencast library (accessed via the "Help/Tools" tab).
  2. Background improvements to IA Desktop update process.
Question Content
  1. Washington UTC - GD, GT, and HL. Edited several questions. Created a number of new questions. Added several questions to the existing "WUTC Standard Inspection" Directive and the existing "WUTC O&M Inspection"
  2. (New) Minnesota OPS - Created GD and GT. In GT only, created three GT Directives: "410 - Headquarters O&M Plan Review - GT" Directive, "411 - Integrity Management Plan (No HCAs)" Directive, "420 - Field & Records (F&R) Inspection - GT" Directive.
  3. Created new STATE.2024.01 PRS for all States.

See summary document for more details.

Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improved formatting for Word/Excel exports of the "Export Questions" report.
Question Content
  1. GT - 2019 Gas Rule (GRIT) Team. Added certain questions related to RIN-2 to the "2019 Gas Rule" Directive.
  2. GT - Inspection Development & Support (IDS) Team. Replaced question TD.ATM.ATMCORRODE.P's considerations 1-3 per IA feedback.
See summary document for more details.
User Interface Changes
  1. If a Requested Item attachment has location information associated with it, IA Desktop will now display that information:
  2. "Remove Location Data" button added to all types of attachments. Clicking this will ask you to confirm that you'd like to remove the location data from that attachment:
  3. Start year filter added to Relevant Inspection tab:
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improved formatting when pasting lists from Word into IA Desktop.
  2. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Question Content
  1. GT - Implementation Development & Support (IDS) Team. Added and edited questions to accommodate RIN-2.
  2. GD and GT - Gas Distribution Team. Added and deleted questions. Added and removed re-presentations of questions between PA.DP and MO.RW. Created new DC.DPCOPP subgroup and added new questions.
  3. GT - UNGS Team. Edited considerations related to RP1171 (Sect. 6 and 9) and RP1170 (Sect. 9).
  4. HL - Breakout Tank Team. Edited O&M breakout tank related questions and added new questions.
  5. GT and HL - Construction Team. Edited and deleted a few GT DC construction questions. Added / edited Part 195 HL pipeline construction related questions. Added Valve Rule questions and other questions to the "New Construction" Directive.
  6. GD, GT, HL - CRM Team. In the CR group, edited many questions, added new questions, deleted questions.
  7. GD and GT - PLASTIC Team. Added two new plastics questions.
  8. GT, HL, LNG - Various Teams. Provided responses to IA Feedback submissions.
See summary document for more details.
User Interface Changes
  1. Enabled rich-text editing for non-form observation notes.
User Interface Changes
  1. Added new FAQ documentation: "RIN1 Batch2" and "Valve Rule Batch2".
  2. Updated offline eCFR content.
Small improvements
  1. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface Changes
  1. New "SAT/SAT+ result values only" filter added to IRR report:
  2. Monthly Open Inspection Report (MOIR) will note the percentage of plan completion for each open inspection older than 12 months:
  3. Added new FAQ documentation: "RIN1 Batch2" and "Valve Rule Batch2".
  4. Updated offline eCFR content.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to the styling of "extendable considerations".
  2. If questions are planned via a planning alert that offers multiple plannable options, the plan note will describe which option was planned.
  3. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Small improvements
  1. Updated application certificate.
  2. Improved logging to assist with IA support.
User Interface Changes
  1. Updates to "Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities" form.
  2. Added link to the "IA Quick Start Guide" informative PDF on the "Help/Tools" tab:
  3. Question IDs in forms will now appear as links to the questions:
  4. Minor layout improvements.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Fixed an error that was triggered when switching insepctions after editing a requested item.
  2. Future start-year inspections will utilize cites/code references of the current year.
  3. IA will no longer incorrectly warn about a "result issue summary" for non-concerning results:
Question Content
  1. Washington UTC - GD, GT, and HL. Edited several questions. Added and removed several questions in the "WUTC Standard Inspection" Directive and the "WUTC O&M Inspection" Directive. Created a number of new questions.
  2. California PUC - GD and GT. Added questions to a new "CAPUC Required" Directive.
  3. Updated all existing State content sets using the newest Federal PRSs as the base and re-applying the State Org specific content.

See summary doc for more details.

Question Content
  1. GD & GT - Plastics Team. Accommodated several edits related to plastic lines.
  2. GT & HL - Valve Rule Team. Provided edits related to Valve Rule litigation and Gas Gathering.
See summary document for more details.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to question change tracking feature for state organization question sets.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Improvements to navigation and orientation when viewing eCFR references.
  2. Clicking a link to a question will properly auto-scroll to that question on the inspection tab.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Fixed issue in exporting reports to Word/Excel.
User Interface Changes
  1. Minor layout improvements
  2. Enabled user adjustable editor height settings
  3. ADB links now available in code references tooltip
  4. Enabled ADB links in editable text
  5. Enhancements to support consistent parsing of mutable text.
Minor Improvements, Bug Fixes, Maintenance
  1. Rich text editor upgrades complete
  2. Adding additional help text in content feedback to accommodate orgs that have blocked mailto links
  3. Improved communication on IAD updates screen
  4. Corrected positioning of heatmap buttons
  5. Resolved saving glitch with Requested Items panel
  6. Extended requested items function to handle special characters and markup.
Question Content
  1. GT - Created a new "Gas Gathering Type B & C (RIN-3)" Directive and applied 150 questions presented 156 times. Includes 3 new questions (AR.RCOM.GGREMEDIATION.P/.R/.O)
  2. GD - Added and edited GD questions to accommodate the 2022 Valve Rule
  3. GT - Added 19 questions to the "Conversion to Service" Directive, for the Construction Team
  4. GT - Added questions to the "Baseline Procedures (Form 1)" and "Baseline Records (Form 1) Directive
  5. HL - Added questions to the "Baseline Procedures (Form 3)" and "Baseline Records (Form 3) Directive
  6. GD and GT - Created a new DC.PLASTIC subgroup and moved numerous plastic-only questions from various other subgroups into DC.PLASTIC so that plastic pipe construction would be stand-alone. Added several new plastics questions
  7. GT - Applied new feature expandable/collapsible considerations to:
    • New header "Additional Considerations for Gathering Lines (Type B & C)" for 150 GT questions
    • Existing header "For Pipeline Commissioning" considerations for 51 GT questions
  8. GD, GT, & HL - Standardized PHMSA ADB naming convention for consistency ("ADB-YYY-SS")
  9. GD and GT - Added two documents to the IA Library in the Guidance folder
  10. GT and HL - Corrected various typos.
See summary document for more details.
User Interface
  1. Support for expandable regions in consideration content. This feature will require a new inspection based on the latest content (to be released June 30th, 2023) as that is the first content that includes expandable sections.
  2. Auto open/close and persistence for user's expansion of collapsible regions.
  3. Modified PRS Content change indicators are now based on previous year's final PRS version, not simply the previous PRS version.
  4. Forward/Back history and buttons for eCFR window.
  5. Legend added to Planning tab for PRS Change indicator glyphs.
Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes
  1. (ongoing) Rich text editor upgrades.
  2. eCFR and ADB links now always created in Inspection Search results.
  3. Posted IAM Quarterly demo meeting mp4 posted to trainign videos.
  4. Corrected Supervisor Report column ordering for cases when columns contain multiple data types.
  5. Allow .kmz and .kml file uploads.
  6. Activity selector enhanced to accommodate large number of activities relative to window height.
  7. Workflow task UI elements better reflect the user's role and current access level.
  8. Fixed issue with report Refresh button floating out of place.
  9. Task Observation text now included in the global inspection search.
  10. Date control layout improved on Construction Daily form.
User Interface
  1. Workflow Reminders for Profile Upload and Preliminary Findings report.
  2. ADB Reference Linking - ADB References will now link to the respective (remote) ADB document.
  3. Most reports now offer the option to roll-up results on re-presented questions and prevent repeated listing of the same result.
Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes
  1. Monthly Open Inspection Report and Workflow Alert emails now include deep links to the IA Desktop Application. Click the link to open the corresponding inspection in IAD.
  2. Questions modified for the first time since the 7 year historical rolloff will now show “question changed” glyphs and have accurate difference reports.
  3. Copy operations from text areas on locked inspections will not trigger 'Inspection Locked' warnings.
  4. Report result link navigation will now target group/subgroup context and open the target result (vs only the question).
  5. "<" characters in attachment notes will no longer truncate the display in the export report.
  6. "Go To Planning" links in the heatmap will now target down to the question level.
  7. Fractions in off-line CFR content will now display properly.
  8. New form link actions will now navigate directly to the just-created new form.
Question Content
  1. Created new GD, GT, and LNG content sets for California CPUC.
  2. Updated all existing State content sets using the newest Federal PRSs as the base and re-applying the State Org specific content.

See summary doc for more details.

Small improvements
  1. Record Retention Policy Compliance.
  2. Update video link.
  3. Security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface
  1. New Planning Alert in support of Executive Order 13985 (will appear for GT and HL inspections only).
  2. New Data Form in support of Executive Order 13985.
  3. Enable in-app push notifications.
  4. Improvements to Forms tab layout.
User Interface
  1. Corrected navigation issue on update alert button.
Question Content
  1. (GT) GRIT - Gas Rule Implementation Team - Made several edits to the Gas Rule Question Set, including question content edits, adders, deletions, and sequencing.
  2. (GT) GT IM Team - Revised certain questions in GT.AR and GT.IM to incorporate the Gas Rule requirements.
  3. (GT) Construction Team - Created a new DC.CONV group and 30 new questions to address "Conversion To Service" pipelines. Also created a "Conversion To Service" Directive.
  4. (GT) Construction Team - Edited several GT.DC questions to accommodate Gas Rule requirements that affected new construction.
  5. (GT & HL) Valve Rule Team - Implemented new questions and edited existing questions to address the 2022 Valve Rule.
  6. (GT & HL) CRM Team - General edits to Control Room Management questions.
  7. (HL) Breakout Tank Team - Created a new TDC Questions Set for new construction of API 620 tanks, which consists of seven new subgroups and 56 questions. Also created a new "New API 620 Tank Design & Construction" Directive with 34 questons.
  8. (GT & HL) Responded to various IA User Feedback requests.
  9. See summary doc for more details.
Small improvements
  1. The list of supported iOS versions on the login screen can now accommodate multiple iOS versions per COE changes.
  2. Updated offline eCFR content.
  3. Updated link to IA Mobile Intro video on login screen.
User Interface/Usability
  1. A link on the "Help/Tools" tab will now link to all IAD and IAM training/demo session videos:
  2. Improved tools for troubleshooting and fixing interrupted IA Desktop updates.
Small improvements
  1. Updated offline eCFR content.
  2. Improved user interface on attachment map pop-overs that include file attachments.
  3. Fixed: when asset names contain a hyphen, they were truncated in the requested item asset-link dropdown menu.
  4. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Small improvements
  1. IA Mobile now has the functionality to implement required updates, should they be needed in the future.
  2. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Improvements to the question change tracking feature for state-specific PRS/question sets. IA Desktop will now more accurately display icons next to recently added or updated questions in state PRS sets:
  2. On the attachments view, file icons will now give more helpful feedback when they are in the process of downloading:
Small improvements
  1. Added legacy application links to IA Desktop Help/Tools tab.
  2. Additional backend work to accommodate the record retention policy and handling of removed inspections.
Question Content
  1. Created new STATES PRSs and applied updated Federal content from the most recent federal PRSs to the STATES.2022.02 new PRSs.
  2. CASFM HL - Edited the list of questions contained in the existing "CASFM Standard Annual Pipeline" Directive, which now contains 21 questions presented 24 times.
  4. See summary doc for more details.
Small improvements
  1. Fixed: Issue where not all report options were displaying on the "More Reports" window.
Small improvements
  1. Improved attachment tab handling of inspections with large numbers of attached files.
  2. Fixed: issue with result dropdown filter in the attachments section for a result.
Question Content
  1. (GT) GRIT - 2019 Gas Rule Implementation Team - Made major changes to the Gas Rule Question Set:
    1. Made numerous question edits, adders, and deletions.
    2. Revised the list of questions in the "2019 Gas Rule Directive".
    3. Made several subgroup adders and deletions.
  2. (GT) UNGS - Moved three questions and deleted one.
  3. See summary doc for more details.
User Interface/Usability
  1. The Validation Report will now display a notice/warning if any planned question is missing a result for any asset:
Small improvements
  1. IA Desktop will now restore the state of the attachments tab when quick switching between inspections.
  2. Demo label is now left aligned in top-left inspection-dropdown.
  3. Improved handling of assets with missing "long name" and/or "short name".
  4. Backend work to accommodate the record retention policy and handling of removed inspections.
  5. Improvements to system administrative interfaces to improve support response times.
  6. Backend enhancements to support delivery of data from retired inspection systems in IA.
  7. Expansion of Monthly Open Inspection Report delivery to include all participating state organizations.
Small improvements
  1. Fixed an issue where exiting an inspection via the top-right button caused a white screen.
  2. Fixed an issue where attempting to remove an inspection caused a white screen.
Small improvements
  1. Fixed an issue where the top-left inspection dropdown displayed the "demo" label next to all inspections.
Question Content
  1. (GD) Added new Planning Alert titled "Required Inspection Plan Content - Cyber Considerations." Included:
  2. (GD)(GT) The Corrosion Team revised several TD questions, added several new TD questions, and deleted a few TD questions for general updating and consistency between GD and GT.
  3. (GT) The Corrosion Team moved ICCG subgroup (Integrated Presentation) to appear just before the TD.ICP subgroup.
  4. (GT) The Gas Rule Implementation Team (GRIT) edited Gas Rule questions with considerations providing guidance in the IA Library by adding the IA Library document filename "PHMSA 2019 Gas Rule Question Set - APPENDICES - Rev.[DATE]" so that the guidance document can be readily located in the Library.
  5. Provided numerous edits and updates requested by PHMSA Teams.
  6. Responded to several IA User Feedback requests.
  7. See summary document for more details.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Added construction daily considerations for "bending" type observations in GT and HL inspections:
  2. Updated Gas Batch FAQ documentation so that additional relevant FAQ links are displayed on questions.
Small improvements
  1. Updated link on login screen to recently created "Introduction to IA Mobile" video.
  2. Legacy form information removed from IA Mobile.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Added construction daily considerations for "bending" type observations in GT and HL inspections:
  2. Added new planning alert to GD inspections: "Required Inspection Plan Content - Cyber Considerations":
  3. Updated Gas Batch FAQ documentation so that additional relevant FAQ links are displayed on questions.
  4. Question IDs included in the question considerations tab will now display as links:
  5. Cites/regulations included in the question considerations tab will now display as links:
Small improvements
  1. Retired the SMART tab on the inspection configuration screen.
  2. Added link on help tab for recently created "Introduction to IA Mobile" video.
  3. Legacy form information removed from IA Desktop.
  4. Improved user interface handling for activities with no given name.
  5. Improved display of unknown unit types (on Operator IDs tab).
  6. Various small improvements to user interface styling.
  7. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Fixed: issue where images on the "staged attachments" view weren't always displaying under the proper inspection name/title.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Improved offline eCFR use:
    1. The cite that was navigated to will be highlighted for more efficient orientation.
    2. Improved granularity for eCFR links, for example, tapping "195.452(f)(3)" will navigate directly to that specific cite:
  2. Added date/time information to each image in the "staged attachments view" to increase context:
User Interface/Usability
  1. Added a confirmation box when attempting to close out of IA Desktop while an update is in progress. Interrupting an IA update may cause the app to no longer function properly, and thus quitting the app during an update is not advised.
  2. Release notes information is now displayed on the "Updates" screen:
  3. Added "Start Year" filter to Supervisors' Report:
  4. The IOR report now offers an asset filter:
  5. Post-Visit Verbal Briefing and Post-Inspection Written Preliminary Findings reports now offer the option to include Standard Issue Information:
  6. Added an activity link filter to the Construction Daily report (to filter to forms that are linked to a particular activity):
  7. Added an activity plan filter to the Post-Inspection Written Preliminary Findings report and IRR (to filter to results that fulfill part of a particular plan activity):
  8. Added information on average age of closed inspections to Monthly Open Inspection Report.
  9. Improved offline eCFR use:
    1. The cite that was navigated to will be highlighted for more efficient orientation.
    2. Improved granularity for eCFR links, for example, clicking "195.452(f)(3)" will navigate directly to that specific cite:
  10. The "PRS downloading" progress bar can now be dismissed to assist in cases where it may have gotten stuck. This will result in PRS sets not all downloading. However when an inspection is opened from the home list, any PRS sets relevant to it will download at that time if not already present.
  11. Added a tooltip noting which activity a requested item is linked to when hovering over its question and result links:
  12. When quick switching between two inspections, IA will now drop the inspector back at their last visited point on the inspection tab.
Small improvements
  1. Improved messaging on UAT and training servers to remind that those servers are for testing and training only and not for real inspection work.
  2. Server reports will now make it more clear when an asset has no long/short name.
  3. Improved IA Desktop and server communication in order to learn of removed inspections more quickly.
  4. Improved warning messages for Standard Issue Cites.
  5. Removed validation report references to SMART.
  6. Fixed an issue where using the page up/down keys hid some user interface tools
  7. Fixed an issue that caused the app to navigate back to the overview tab when an inspection was first opened.
Question Content
  1. Federal 2022.01 and 2022.02 updates applied to all State content sets. This includes the "Section 114" content.
  2. From FED GD - Removed STATE GD references to Master Meters (MM) from the MMLPGIM Group, as Master Meters were exempted from IM regulations in 2021. Renamed the MMLPGIM Group and related Directive to LPGIM. Per the GD Team.
  3. CASFM HL:
    • Created a new "CASFM_HLIM" Directive containing 126 questions presented 138 times. Excludes ECDA.
    • Created a new "CASFM_HLIM Implementation" Directive containing 31 questions presented 36 times. Excludes ECDA.
  4. MAINE GD - Created a new MAINE GD Question Set. Created a "MAINE LPG" Directive containing 189 questions presented 204 times.
  5. Responded to several IA User Feedback requests.
  6. For further details, see content change summary.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Added note that legacy form information will soon be retired.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Improvements to text/table edit controls for inspection summary, result notes/summary, inspector notes, and requested item notes.
  2. The PRS dropdown selector on the "Create inspection" screen will always list federal PRS/question sets at the top, followed by state organization sets in alphabetical order.
  3. In addition to the pre-existing help-glyph information which explains the retention policy for demos, there is now an additional banner displayed on the "Create Inspection" screen when a demo inspection is created:
  4. In-app eCFR link navigation improvement: Previously, eCFR links for question references would navigate to the parent reference. They now navigate directly to the selected reference.
  5. Added note that legacy form information will soon be retired.
Small improvements
  1. Increased the Planning tab's resiliency to conflicts/multiple editors.
  2. Improved styling consistency for disabled text fields/controls.
  3. Reporting: improved the way in which asset names are displayed alongside results:
  4. Reporting: the names of removed assets will no longer be displayed on reports.
  5. Reporting: improved Asset filtering: items linked to no assets will be displayed by default (as before), and a new filter that will hide unlinked items is now available.
  6. Reporting: improved Validation Report warnings for results without an asset.
  7. Reporting: the Supervisor Report can now be sorted by any of the date columns.
  8. Reporting: added question title and ID to the Post-Inspection Written Preliminary Findings report.
  9. Reporting: on the Export Questions report, added a note to questions that are re-presented in order to more easily identify them.
  10. Reporting: updated result filter on the Post-Visit Verbal Briefing Report to make it more user friendly:
  11. Improved auto-complete functionality for standard issue cites.
  12. Improvements to password change process.
  13. Adjusting sliders for Heatmap screening view will no longer generate an error notification.
  14. Fixed issue on planning tab where long asset names were not displaying properly.
  15. Fixed issue on Relevant Inspections tab where selecting a checkbox for an inspection caused the list to re-sort.
  16. When final review workflow tasks are pending, audit/inspector value of results cannot be modified.
  17. File attachment creation is no longer possible after supervisory approval has been requested.
  18. Improved user interface for editing description of workflow tasks and custom tasks on the Overview tab.
Question Content
  1. Implemented new questions and groups for Congressionally mandated "Section 114." In the "Integrated" Presentation:
    1. GD: 2 new subgroups, 40 total questions
    2. GT: 3 new subgroups, 58 total questions
    3. HL: 2 new subgroups, 24 total questions
    4. LNG: 1 new subgroup, 25 total questions
  2. (GD) Removed references to Master Meters (MM) from the MMLPGIM Group, as Master Meters were exempted from IM regulations in 2021. Renamed the MMLPGIM Group and related Directive to LPGIM. Per the GD Team.
  3. Responded to several IA User Feedback requests.
  4. Provided numerous edits and updates requested by PHMSA Teams.
  5. See summary document for more details.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Observers (inspection team members in the OBSERVER role) can now add/edit inspector notes.
  2. Updated offline eCFR content.
  3. Updated offline FAQ content.
Small improvements
  1. Improved linking between eCFR code cites and their relevant FAQ and Enforcement Guidance.
  2. Improved layout styling of offline eCFR (for inspections with a start year of 2022).
User Interface/Usability
  1. Observers (inspection team members in the OBSERVER role) can now add/edit inspector notes.
  2. Updated offline eCFR content.
  3. Updated offline FAQ content.
  4. Improved autocomplete functionality and warnings when adding code cites to Standard Issue Items.
Small improvements
  1. Improved linking between eCFR code cites and their relevant FAQ and Enforcement Guidance.
  2. Improved layout styling of offline eCFR (for inspections with a start year of 2022):
  3. Improved button arrangement for "delete", "done", and "cancel" on attachments:
  4. When the attachment export is complete, IA will automatically open the resulting attachment export folder.
  5. Quick-switching between inspections will now return inspectors to the navigational tab they last visited in each inspection.
  6. IA will better handle cases when an incorrect PIV certificate was selected during login with PIV card.
  7. Added new 6-9 month row and column to "Open inspections by age and dormancy" matrix on MOIR report.
  8. Improved role permissions so that only a team member in the DIRECTOR role may modify regulatory action and regulatory action notes.
  9. Fixed: special characters in reports will now display correctly.
  10. Fixed: assignees were unable to delete custom tasks they had created.
  11. Fixed: error generated when attempting to update a task description.
  12. Fixed: "always expand results on create" option did not expand the result panel for Sat results.
  13. Fixed: issue with some attachment titles not updating in IA Desktop.
  14. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Question Content
  1. Updated GD, GT, and HL content for 2022 (numerous changes, see summary document)
User Interface/Usability
  1. Updated offline eCFR content.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Updated offline eCFR content.
  2. Added new "Cyber Considerations" planning alert for GT and HL.
  3. Updated library files for 2022.
Small improvements
  1. Text-based search bars on home tab and attachment tab now filter results as text is typed.
  2. Fixed: clicking "cancel" when creating a new attachment will no longer create an attachment.
  3. Fixed: quick switching to a different inspection will no longer display any recent question activity from prior inspection.
  4. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
Small improvements
  1. Attachments created via the attachment tab on a question, result, or form, will automatically be linked to that item (with a known exception for the requested item attachment type when it's added to results and forms).
  2. Removed an unnecessary "are you sure?" pop up from appearing when requested items are saved.
User Interface/Usability
  1. When syncing with the server, IA Mobile will now prioritize uploading image files before downloading them so that data is saved to the server more efficiently.
  2. Electrical observation readings may now contain non-numeric characters:
Small improvements
  1. Fixed intermittent issue with inspection summary text editor.
  2. Improvements and bug fixes to reduce the excessive logging of admin errors.
  3. Offline CFR update process adapted to accommodate eCFR API changes.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Redesign of the pop up for creating and editing attachments, with significant performance improvements:
  2. Attachment files that have been removed individually or that are part of a removed inspection will be permanently purged after 60 or 90 days respectively per record retention policy.
  3. IA Desktop will now more effectively detect and handle interrupted updates.
Small improvements
  1. Offline CFR update process adapted to accommodate eCFR API changes.
  2. Updated screencast links on the "Help" tab.
  3. Improved UI of home screen to prevent "create inspection" button being omitted from small screens.
  4. Fixed issue preventing inspector role from deleting attachments in batches.
  5. Enhanced performance of Attachment Export feature.
  6. Improved naming convention for files in the Attachment Export MS Word document.
  7. Improved in-app messaging when a patch update is available.
  8. Improved inspection database integrity.
  9. Fixed issue regarding retired data forms: Retired forms can no longer be copied from a past inspection.
  10. The requested items in the Requested Items report are now listed by requested date, most recent at the end of the list.
  11. Construction Daily Report can now handle CD Forms with no planned observations.
Small improvements
  1. Improved logging related to PRS downloading to assist in IA Support.
  2. Updated distribution certificate.
User Interface/Usability
  1. In the bottom left status bar, IA Desktop now specifies the number of files remaining to be uploaded to or downloaded from the server:
  2. Inspectors can use the new "batch select" button (which has replaced the "batch delete" button) on the attachment tab to select particular attachments to either be deleted or exported. When clicked, inspectors will be prompted to select "delete" or "export". For example, if export is selected, desired attachments can be chosen to be exported, and the MS Word document that results from this export will notify that the export was generated from a custom selection of attachments:
  3. The "redundant result" warning has been updated to note that such a warning may not be unexpected during new construction inspections:
  4. Changes to improve PRS database integrity.
Small improvements
  1. The "Help/Tools" tab has updated instructions for installing IA Desktop and IA Mobile.
  2. Attachment panels for questions and results take up only the required amount of vertical space.
  3. GDIM and MMLPGIM forms have been retired as planned.
Question Content
  1. Federal 2021.02 updates applied to all State content sets.
  2. State content sets updated per state changes.
  3. For further details, see content change summary.
Small improvements
  1. The "forgot password" link on the login screen has been updated per password management changes.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Enhanced visibility of button to reset attachment filters:
  2. Attachment Export download files step is now driven by filtered list of attachments.
  3. Included in-app instructions for how to share attachment exports:
  4. Included README in attachment export with information about how to share the export:
Small improvements
  1. The "reset password" link on the login screen has been updated per password management changes.
  2. Deleting the last plan implementation on an activity will prompt inspector to delete that activity.
  3. Requested Items report no longer omits part of report - a horizontal scrollbar has been added to ensure access to entire report.
  4. Improved attachment list performance for attachments with many images.
  5. Improved scroll behavior on inspection tab.
  6. Improved toggling behavior between multiple results on a single question.
  7. Removed ability to copy retired forms.
  8. Included note about upcoming form retirements (GDIM, MMLPGIM).
  9. Updated all IA password, account, organization management to now be handled by the IA Server.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Added information to the login screen noting which iOS version is currently required by the DOT COE (and thus supported for IA Mobile use):
Small improvements
  1. Improved breadth of external URLs that IA Mobile will recognize within most note fields.
  2. Resolved an issue with re-loading an observation's map after the location has been updated.
  3. Fixed a rare bug that affected bulleted or numbered lists that were copied from Outlook and pasted into IA Mobile note fields.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Inspectors now have the ability to select which "question change tracking" icons they see on the planning tab and inspection tab. This can be done by visiting the "Help/Tools" tab and clicking on "options":
  2. Improved the visual distinction between new/updated questions and those that are new/updated and have been annotated with a note by the question editor. Any new/updated question has an unfilled blue icon. If an editor's note about the change is present, it will be filled in:
  3. Implementation of the demo inspection retention plan: demo inspections that have been inactive for 90 days will be removed. Note that the info glyph next to the "Demo" checkbox on the Create Inspection screen will communicate this information:
  4. Improvements to attachment date range filters. Use the "set to earliest" and "set to latest" links to auto fill the start/end dates to the dates the first and last attachment were added to the inspection:
  5. Attachment export button/functionality added to question, result, and form attachment tab.
  6. Retirement of the following reports: Inspection Briefing (legacy), Inspection Completion Status, Plan Selections.
Small improvements
  1. Improvements to make the Attachment Export process quicker and smoother.
  2. In the MS Word document produced by the Attachment Export, fixed an issue where links to attached images and documents would break if the exported folder was moved or renamed.
  3. Fixed result panel dimensions so that it properly adjusts as the inspection tab's right side panel expands and collapses.
  4. Improved performance of the attachment tab, including the attachment map view.
  5. Improved behavior of attachment filters when displayed on a question, result, or form's attachment tab.
  6. Fixed bug where heatmap screen affected scrolling behavior of the general reports tab.
  7. Removed "questions in planned groups" option from local Question Export.
  8. Improvements to MOIR report generation.
Small Improvements
  1. Fixed a bug that caused all attachments to show zero files and links for the second inspection opened during an IA Desktop session.
Small Improvements
  1. Improved application performance/speed related to adding results and result notes.
Question Content
  1. Updated DA, GD, GT, HL, and LNG content for mid-year 2021 (numerous changes, see summary document)
  2. GT: Added questions and directive for "2019 Gas Rule"
User Interface/Usability
  1. Updated the "Safeguarding Guide" file for the "Pipeline Safeguarding Pilot Program" planning alert
Small Improvements
  1. Fixed: error handling was affecting the display of an observation's "media map view" while offline
User Interface/Usability
  1. External URLs added to most note fields will now render as tap-able hyperlinks below the note field:
Small improvements
  1. Small layout and styling improvements to the "media map view" on observations.
  2. Log improvements for IA Support.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Beta version of "Attachment Export" - inspectors can now export a list of attachments from IA Desktop to an MS Word document (see detailed instructions here). Note: The attachment export feature is in "beta" and changes are expected. Your feedback is welcomed.
  2. A table containing information about team roles and what tasks each role can perform has been added to the Team tab.
  3. Information about which team members can request and approve each Workflow task has been added to the help glyph for each task:
  4. In future PRS/question set releases, question editors will be able to include a note to point out significant changes to a question. This is to help inspectors most efficiently utilize the "question change tracking" feature. If a question editor has added a "change note" for a question that has been updated in a significant way, in IA Desktop that question will be marked by a new/updated icon that is darker in color. Hovering over the icon will display the editor's change note for quick reference. Clicking the icon will open the "question comparison window", which will list all historical editor's change notes.
  5. The attachment map view size can be adjusted by dragging the bottom border:
  6. The email based MOIR report will now include average age of unlocked inspections for the past twelve months:
Small improvements
  1. Improvements to icons and file thumbnail layout on the attachment map view.
  2. Small improvements to attachment filters, including the date filters.
  3. Small improvements to PRS/question change tracking feature
  4. On smaller laptop screens (minimum 1100 pixels wide) attachment tab tools will no longer get cut off.
  5. IAT contact information updated for TQ representative.
  6. Various security and performance updates to underlying software libraries.
  7. Improvements to IA Desktop's ability to recognize external URL hyperlinks in note fields
Small improvements
  1. Reduced traffic to IA Server for improved attachment file download performance
Question Content
  1. Federal 2021.01 updates applied to all State content sets
  2. State content sets updated per state changes
  3. For further details, see content change summary
Small improvements
  1. Added links to DOT Privacy Policy and FOIA information
  2. Improved depth of app logs sent when an inspector hits "Send logs" button
  3. Updated Node and other application build tools
User Interface/Usability
  1. If the Post-Visit Verbal Briefing Report is filtered by an asset or activity, inspectors may opt to include Unsat/Concern results from other assets/activities at the bottom of the report to ensure that nothing is overlooked:
  2. Improved attachments filters - including new ability to sort by creator, platform (IA Desktop vs IA Mobile), and a range of dates. Inspectors can now also filter attachments based on links to questions, results, and forms:
  3. Added ability to reset all attachment filters with a single click:
  4. PIV card users will now be alerted when their password is about to expire. Note that periodic password updates are required even for PIV use per PHMSA policy.
  5. External URLs added to most input fields in IA Desktop will now render as clickable links:
  6. If an inspector attempts to upload a file larger than 20MB, IAD will offer tips on how to reduce file size:
Small improvements
  1. If a "question comparison window" is opened via the Planning or Inspection tab, the question will be highlighted so that question lists are easier to navigate when returning to the main IA Desktop window:
  2. Messaging added to notify inspectors about soon-to-be-retired reports (Inspection Briefing (legacy), Inspection Completion Status, Plan Selections)
  3. Improved search ability on attachment filters
  4. Attachment filters for assets and activities list items in the same order in which the inspector ordered them when creating assets and activities
  5. Removed "beta" designation from Heatmap report
  6. Removed references to retired IS Form from workflow process
  7. Updated "Help/Tools" tab with current installation instructions and links to DOT Privacy Policy and FOIA information
  8. IAT contact information updated for SW Region representative
  9. Empty attachment location fields from IA Mobile are now better handled in IA Desktop
  10. Resolved an issue where IA Desktop's inspection tab could get into a state where question headers overlapped results and consideration tabs
  11. On the attachments map view, inspectors now have the ability to open synced images and other files via the popover seen while hovering an attachment's icon on the map
  12. In the attachments list, file icons will reflect the file type for commonly used files
  13. Fixed several small issues that could result in inspectors seeing a red "error notification" at the bottom of IA Desktop
Small improvements
  1. App logging process updated in order to improve visibility for auto-generated IA Support requests
  2. New Gas and HL Rule FAQs added
  3. Link target highlighting added for both FAQ and Enforcement Guidance
User Interface/Usability
  1. Updated library files for 2021
  2. New Gas and HL Rule FAQs added
  3. Link target highlighting added for both FAQ and Enforcement Guidance
  4. A link to full release notes is displayed on the update screen when an IA Desktop update is offered:
  5. Ability to link/unlink an attachment to a question, result, or form with a single click:
  6. On the attachment map view, different types of attachments are now marked by different icons to allow for faster identification and orientation:
  7. When viewing all attachments via the attachments tab for a question/result/form, items linked to the question/result/form will be highlighted in gold while attachments that the mouse is interacting with will be blue:
  8. On the Home tab, tasks for demo inspections will now be marked as "DEMO" and moved to the bottom of the task list so as to not be confused with pending tasks from live inspections:
  9. On locked Construction Daily forms, "tooltips" that were missing have been added:
  10. In the case that a PRS/question set is not downloaded properly, an alert will display. Clicking "remove" on this alert will clear the broken PRS/question set. It can be prompted to freshly download by opening an inspection that uses that question set:
  11. The first time a new install of IAD is opened, only recent PRS/question sets will automatically download (thus speeding the time to get started up with a new IAD install)
Small improvements
  1. Improvements to the PRS/Question change tracking feature
  2. Improvements to the Attachments tab
Updates to Reporting Features (released 01.29.2021)
  1. The Post-Visit Verbal Briefing report now has an "Activity Plan" filter as well as the option to suppress result notes:
    • If used, this filter will cause the report to list only results that are planned for that activity. This will allow verbal reports to be generated based on the current activity and thus be more focused.
    • The "Asset" filter can still be applied at the same time as the "Activity Plan" filter and will reduce the listing only to results specifically tagged to that asset (as before).
    • The "Activity Plan" filter can be set to "NO PLAN FILTER" to have no effect.
    • Re-presented questions can still appear, although they may be reduced in frequency if activities include specific groups/subgroups and the "Activity Plan" filter is applied.
  2. The Results and Notes Review also has an "Activity Plan" filter, as well as the option to suppress result notes:
  3. Similarly, the Requested Items Report has an "Activity Link" filter:
  4. A summary of the results with various counts has been added to the Post-Visit Verbal Briefing report:
  5. For Results and Notes Review, Post-Visit Verbal Briefing, and Post-Inspection Written Preliminary Findings reports, the question's number (as it appears in the planning presentation) is now displayed next to the question's text:
  6. The assets listed in the headers of the PIPES Act reports (Verbal Briefing, Preliminary Findings) now reflect only the assets affected in the results presented in the current report. Previously, the entire list of assets in the inspection was presented here which was potentially misleading for these reports:
  7. Question link display has been standardized across reports:
  8. Written Preliminary Findings report now has question links (they will not show in Word export):
  9. Question links will now navigate to the correct context for re-presented questions:
User Interface/Usability
  1. eCFR content updated for 2021
User Interface/Usability
  1. "Required Inspection Plan Content - IM" and "Pipeline Safeguarding Pilot Program" planning alerts extended through 2021
  2. eCFR content updated for 2021
  3. When hovering over a marker on the map in the the Attachments map view, files associated with that attachment will automatically download if they have not already been downloaded
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improvements to icons and informational tooltips on Attachments view
  2. Electrical Rectifier attachments now display the "Current (amps)" field
  3. Small improvements to the PRS/Question change tracking feature
  4. Updated instructions for selecting a PRS/question set on the inspection creation screen
Question Content
  1. Updated GD, GT, HL and LNG content for 2021 (numerous changes, see summary document)
  2. Notable change in GT: Edited the entire UNGS Question Set to accommodate the changes from the UNGS Interim Final Rule (IFR) to the UNGS Final Rule (FR)
  3. Notable change in HL: Completed implementation of the API 650 New Breakout Tank Construction HL TDC Module/Group
User Interface/Usability
  1. On iOS 14.1 and later, inspectors can open their default email client app via IA Mobile
  2. A link to full release notes is displayed on the login screen when an IA Mobile update is offered
  3. On app start up, IA Mobile will display an alert if "precise location" is turned off. "Precise location" can be enabled via IA Mobile's location settings:
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improved: sync behavior between Construction Daily forms and Construction Daily observations
User Interface/Usability
  1. Question change tracking feature: blue glyphs will appear to the left of questions on the Planning and Inspection tabs to denote that a question has been recently added or updated (a "plus" glyph for recently added questions and an "arrow" glyph for recently updated questions). Clicking on one of these glyphs will open a window that will show historical changes for that question (see detailed instructions here):
  2. Ability to view historical versions for all questions by clicking the small "clock" glyph to the left of questions on the Inspection tab:
  3. The Protocol Revision Set selector on the Create Inspection screen now includes information about a PRS/question set's organization to help ensure that the appropriate question set is selected upon inspection creation
  4. Attachment filters now show the number of attachments being displayed against the total number of attachments:
  5. Supervisor's Report now offers "All Federal Regions" option for regulator and also has improved date handling (sorting etc) in IA Desktop and in Excel export
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Numerous small layout and performance improvements to the Attachments tab
  2. When the attachment map view is opened, clicking an attachment in the list will zoom to its location on the map
  3. Zoom-out on attachment map view limited to appropriate constraints
User Interface/Usability
  1. Support added for new workflow role
  2. IA support email addresses updated to ia-support@dot.gov
  3. Handled iOS 14 location precision options for device's current location. Note for IAM location permissions, it is highly recommended to select "Allow while using app" and "precise: on" for the best experience.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improved developer tools
User Interface/Usability
  1. Enhancements for smoother workflow resolution for small teams
  2. IA support email addresses updated to ia-support@dot.gov
  3. Updated Central Region IAT contact information
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Fixed: issue with removing an asset that has results
  2. Fixed: issue related to pending file upload indicator displaying after files have uploaded
  3. Improved experience for working via a proxied connection
  4. Fixed: bug related to planning alerts
User Interface/Usability
  1. Ability to toggle highlighted taps for screencast purposes via utilities menu
  2. Minimum iOS version updated from 9 to 11
  3. Performance improvements for iOS 14
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Misc share sheet bug fixes
  2. IAM will now install most recent PRS first
  3. Fixed bug related to opening links for state cites
  4. Enhancements to file upload/download process
  5. Updated IA metadata
  6. Updated Cordova platforms & Node
  7. Removed Apple deprecated API calls (UIWebView)
Content Updates
  1. Updates to HL State Programs Baseline Directives to reflect the Safety of Hazardous Liquid Pipeline rule (see summary document)
  2. Small change to D&A content (P/R question type swap)
  3. State content for CASFM based on current Fed content
  4. State content for Iowa
  5. State content for WA UTC
  6. Updated MAOP plan alert (adding class questions)
  7. Both MOP and MAOP plan alerts extended to 12/2021
User Interface and Process Changes
  1. 'Beta' of GIS-based attachment navigation
  2. Click-to-plan feature for Plan Alerts enabling easy/accurate planning for PA targets
  3. Numerous small tweaks and fixes made possible by framework updates, including:
    • General performance improvements
    • Planning grid layout fixes
    • Improved first-use attachment filter state
    • Reduced PRS content update noise
    • Custom spell-check dictionary (per device, not synced)
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Fixed: issue related to updating the location coordinates of a form.
New Features and Improvements
  1. Support for D&A inspection process.
  2. Added feature to view/utilize image attachment locations.
  3. Added feature to remove GIS data from attachment.
  4. Fixed: Image captions editing issue.
  5. Fixed: issue related to location permission settings.
  6. Improved: Question content update process.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Question Content
  1. New D&A Content to support Drug and Alcohol inspections.
  2. 2020.02 Updates to all other content sets (HL,LNG,GT,GD).
  3. See content change summary document here.
User Interface and Process Changes
  1. Support for D&A inspection process (allowing multi systype assets etc).
  2. Process change: For inspections using DA-content, users may now select multiple system type opids/units.
  3. Display of unit system type in asset builder.
  4. Improved: Usability and layout of Create Inspection screen.
  5. Improved: Usability and layout of custom units in asset builder.
  6. Improved: Question content update process.
  1. Requested Items text-based dates will be sortable in the RI report if they comply with basic date formatting.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Enhancement to Inspection Overview to show WMS Activity ID, lead and regulating orgs.
  2. Enhancement to smooth special builds for screen-casting.
  3. Enhancement to allow content file transfers to complete with higher probability.
  4. Fixed: when selecting multiple images, UI does not show what is selected.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

User Interface and Process Changes
  1. Validation Rule changes to accomodate transition to WMS Activity linking away from SMART activity linking.
  2. WMS Activity ID help-glyph added to Inspection Properties tab.
  3. WMS Activity added to Home tab inspection list.
  4. WMS Activity is now searchable from Home tab inspection list.
  5. Status bar now has pending file upload indicator.
  6. Home tab inspection list now has pending file upload indicator.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. "<1 month" instead of "0 months" when summarizing an inspection's age in the Config/Inspection Properties tab
  2. Lock icon layout changes to improve visibility.
  3. Performance and resource use improvements when saving requested items.
  4. New navigation routes to support WMS validation report changes.
  5. Fixed: Requested Items search filter bug where the filter would remain in effect, but not be displayed as such to the user.
  6. Fixed: IAD displays errors when connection is poor.
  7. Fixed: Progress is not displayed even though inspection has a plan.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Minor PRS HL.2020.01 patch to correct response option issue with TDC-TK650.TK650.S.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Turning on "auto save to photo roll" option will prompt user to check their settings to ensure that photo library permissions are "read & write".
  2. If user does not have permission to access photo library, they will be blocked from uploading images from photo library.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improved: notes-undo function.
  2. Improved: form retirement standardization.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Minor PRS HL.2020.01 patch to correct response option issue with TDC-TK650.TK650.S.
Process Changes
  1. Pipeline Safeguarding Alert added, with instructions and form in library.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Update to IAT contact info for TQ.
  2. Performance improvements for inspections with high plan-item counts.
  3. Performance and resource use improvements when saving requested items.
  4. Enhancements to the Supervisor's report to allow generation of the MOIR report's 12+ month inspection list at any time.
  5. Fixed: issue that made application appear unresponsive when switching inspections with a dirty requested item.
  6. Fixed: Activity selector menu does not respect activity order.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Updated GD, GT, HL and LNG content for 2020 (numerous changes, see summary document)
  2. Substantial new content enhancements for LNG (INTEGRATED presentation, new construction, see summary document for details)
  3. Refreshed Federal Regulation content for off-line reference
  4. Updated resources in IA off-line Library for 2020.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Inspection Scoping Form (ISF) is now retired.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improved: completed-form UI behavior
  2. Improved: Resource management syncing.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Updated GD, GT, HL and LNG content for 2020 (numerous changes, see summary document)
  2. Substantial content new enhancements for LNG (INTEGRATED presentation, new construction, see summary document for details)
  3. Refreshed Federal Regulation content for off-line reference
  4. Updated resources in IA off-line Library for 2020.
Process Changes
  1. Inspection Scoping Form (ISF) is now retired.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Fixed: Construction Daily form list fails to sort by Creator initials
  2. Fixed: Double-clicking to load an inspection causes a spurious error report.

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Custom content for CASFM - CASFM.HL.2019.01
  2. Custom content and code reference links for IOWA - IA.GD.2019.01
User Interface/Usability
  1. Improvements in CD Observation form
  2. Summary 'context' splash screen to reduce incorrect default activity issues
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Improved: consistent date handling
  2. Improved: Keyboard will now automatically appear in zen-mode on empty field
  3. Added: Undo button for observation notes
  4. Fixed: PRS downloading may give false OK with poor connection
  5. Fixed: missing OQ Guidance text
  6. Fixed: bugs in rich text formatting
  7. Fixed: Restored missing text and poor formatting in Enforcement Guidance

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Custom content for CASFM - CASFM.HL.2019.01
  2. Custom content and code reference links for IOWA - IA.GD.2019.01
Process Changes


Feature Updates
  1. Forms lists on Forms tab now include pertinent data from forms themselves (eg: New Construction Daily dates)
  2. Improved New Construction Support
  3. See New Construction Support memo for details on improvements and changes.
    • Improved Construction Daily report instructions
    • New observation type: Other
    • New Construction Daily form report
  4. Export question report now supports "All Activities" filter
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Create-date and Create-user added to Inspection Properties tab
  2. Improved and consistent date-entry handling
  3. Fixed: Unwarranted error alerts when operating disconnected
  4. Fixed: Clicking Result tab when open does not close tab
  5. Fixed: Restored missing text and poor formatting in Enforcement Guidance

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. None
Process Changes


Feature Updates
  1. Exclusions no longer count as "unplanned" in the planning grid shading scheme. They are counted and if exclusions exist that would otherwise be planned, this is noted via an 'x' at the top of the column.
  2. Topic and Regulation export report now includes additional columns: Subgroup, Question ID, Question Type
  3. Automatic abbreviation option for column headers on Coverage Heatmap report to accomodate long/similar unit names.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Fixed: Photo captions not properly decoding HTML entities
  2. Fixed: Results on re-presented questions opened twice
  3. Fixed: Scroll-state and focus not maintained during tab-switch
  4. Fixed: Result tab reopens which clicked while in text area
  5. Fixed: False report of results for all available assets

This update includes no user-facing changes. It updates the application certificate and includes some preliminary changes needed for future architecture updates.

Content Updates
  1. None
User Interface/Usability
  1. None

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. 2019 Updates to question sets for all system types. See summary for details
  2. FAQ updates including UNGS FAQ are now integrated with IA.
Process Changes

None. However, note changes to permissible use footer on Export Questions report. Also language to header and footer of Verbal Briefing and Preliminary Findings reports has been modified to include State regulators.

Feature Updates
  1. DOT/PHMSA PIV card + PIN may now be used to login to IA Desktop. There is an easy one-step PIV registration process. Details here.
  2. Coverage heatmap Report now has question type filter
  3. Supervisor's Report improved with new columns and organizational filters.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Performance improvements (first load, hometab filter, relevant inspections, more-reports window)
  2. Dynamic chunking of PAM data API calls to accommodate very large inspections (100+ units)
  3. Fixes to clarify how older inspections should be closed
  4. Collapse/Expand All links for subgroups on Inspection tab
  5. Fixes for white-space in inspectors notes preview
  6. Screening question topical links now more graceful when content does not support links
  7. Results Issue Summary added to navigation history tool tips.

This update includes both content changes and application feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. 2019 Updates to question sets for all system types. See summary for details
  2. FAQ updates including UNGS FAQ are now integrated with IA.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Improvements to file attachment caption editing
  2. OPA Exercise Form
  3. iOS 12 Keyboard improvements

This update includes the following application content and feature improvements.

Content Updates
  1. Directives aligned with legacy Intrastate HL and GT standard inspections have been updated and reinstated for intrastate regulators.
Process Changes


Feature Updates
  1. Improved progress reporting. Bar colors now differ from the colors use for sat/unsat/concern, to avoid confusion.
  2. Side-bar navigation grid provides consistent colors and more detail on progress.
  3. Group/Subgroup abbreviations have been added to filter options.
  4. Minimal Export Questions report settings added for operator pre-brief use.
  5. IA will detect and warn users when questions are planned for more than one activity, suggesting 'pending' result value.
  6. Heatmap enchantments including: drill-downs offer "Open this inspection/Result" buttons, column collapse, better screen-heuristic filtering.
Small improvements and bug fixes
  1. Export-to-PDF for data forms.
  2. NA/NA reference text for Screening questions is now suppressed.
  3. Fixed bug which caused IA to only print once per session.
  4. Fixed Asset re-ordering issue with missing/too-small drop target.
  5. Fixes for Ctrl-F find function.
  6. Add Standard Issues option to Export report.

This update includes both content changes and application feature improvements.

Content Updates

There are numerous regulatory question content updates over each of the system types. See the content change summary document for details. Highlights include:

  1. Phase 2 of new UNGS including salt cavern facilities (API 1170) and 191.15(c) UNGS reporting requirements.
  2. New Screening question added to identify pipelines crossing Tribal lands.
  3. Updates to several IM.PM questions as related to PHMSA strengthening its inspection process within the current regulations in the areas of EFRDs and Leak Detection.
Data Form Updates
  1. Inspection Scoping form contains two new questions
Reference Materials Updates
  1. 2018 CFR code reference is updated as of Sept 4, 2018
  2. FAQ documents are now available off-line and linked to questions via primary and secondary code reference
Process Changes


Feature Updates
  1. User now has the option, via Inspection Utilities to keep the device awake when the application is active.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Handle Smart Punctuation from the iOS 11 keyboard
  2. Updated regulation content from eCFR (IAD will include it in the production release)
  3. Improved file transfer handling
  4. Bug fix: In the observation detail view, below the map, hide "View full screen" and "Share" buttons when the map hasn't been downloaded

This update includes both content changes and application feature improvements.

Content Updates

There are numerous regulatory question content updates over each of the system types. See the content change summary document for details. These updates represent a 'major' content revision. As such, they will be available only in new inspections created after this update is released. This content will not be pushed into previous PRS revisions. Highlights include:

  1. Phase 2 of new UNGS including salt cavern facilities (API 1170) and 191.15(c) UNGS reporting requirements.
  2. New Screening question added to identify pipelines crossing Tribal lands.
  3. Updates to several IM.PM questions as related to PHMSA strengthening its inspection process within the current regulations in the areas of EFRDs and Leak Detection.
Data Form Updates
  1. Inspection Scoping form contains two new questions
  2. New OPA Exercise form (v2)
Reference Materials Updates
  1. 2018 CFR code reference is updated as of Sept 4, 2018
  2. FAQ documents are now available off-line and linked to questions via primary and secondary code reference
Process Changes


Feature Updates
  1. Two new Coverage Heatmap screening heuristics have been added
User Interface/Usability
  1. Plan notes usability improvements
  2. Recent questions links usability improvements
  3. Home-Tab inspection list search will now also target secondary OPIDs
  4. Inspection Summary test template now available on the Overview Tab
  5. Planning directive selector now opens in direction that offers most visible options

This update includes both process changes and application feature improvements

Process Changes

  1. Users can now remove non-impacting plan items (plans that result in no actual planned questions) without triggering the need for re-approval
  2. Phases out legacy Construction Daily form, CD2 form is now the default. The legacy form is available on any inspection already using that form
User Interface/Usability
  1. Visited notes and results now stay open instead of auto-closing when another is opened
  2. Sidebar is now collapsible
  3. Recent History links in sidebar expanded to include Inspector's notes and results
  4. When past results are included, the age of the results is displayed prominently
  5. Questions not planned in the current activity are no longer displayed as faded, instead they are annotated as such and streamlined to take less space.
  6. Question feedback link is now closer to the related question.

  7. Requested Items (RI) notes are hidden in list display to conserve space (click edit to view)
  8. Requsted Items creator's initials added to list display
  9. Question's pending-RI glyph now opens the RI list filtered to only RIs linked to that question
  10. Editing RIs from Attachment list is now one-click
  11. Heatmap adds filter for units in current inspection
Improvements and Defects Remediated
  1. Now suppressing More... links on questions where there is no more
  2. Show attachment-count glyph when there is 1 attachment
  3. Phases out legacy Construction Daily form, CD2 form is now the default
  4. Add warning and guidance about multi-unit assets when they are created
  5. Cursor is now positioned at the end of pasted content
  6. Attachment captions are now part of attachment text search
  7. Fixed attachment list alignment issues when descriptions are long
  8. Requested items are now included in the attachment count for results and questions
  9. Requested items title and notes added to attachment search
  10. Heatmap adds filter for units in current inspection
  11. Heatmap number formatting improved for readability

This update involves minor application changes and major content changes. The IA content changes are summarized here.

Content Revisions

  1. See summary of changes for a detailed list of changes.
  2. Screening group completely revised and provided at the topical subgroup level.
  3. Asset topical exclusions added for Regulated Rural Gathering, Rural Low Stress (HL) and CDA (GT).
  4. Minor content modifications based on user feedback.
User Interface/Usability
  1. Requested items now allow file attachment.
  2. Attachment links can be removed without opening the attachment.
  3. File attachments now accept captions for each file.
  4. Coverage Heatmap now has a real-time results filter, color legend and other layout improvements.
Process Changes
  1. Distribution instructions for the Inspection Scoping form revised per PHC.
Improvements and Defects Remediated
  1. Planning grid now supports expand/collapse at the sub-group level.
  2. Modification to SI Code-cite autocomplete/validation to accommodate complex code references.
  3. IS Form instructions and % validator has been softened to allow for round-off error.
  4. Full-screen note edit opacity issue fixed.
  5. One-click log file upload for support assistance.
Other changes
  1. PIV card functions present, but not activated - no user impact.

See IAD 4.9.0 for more details on this update, which includes substantial content revisions.

User-facing changes

  1. Text caption entry allowed on images.
  2. Revised Inspection Scoping form instructions and validator.
  3. Attach images to requested items.

User-facing changes

  1. CFR Reference data is updated for 2018.
  2. Non-functioning image "+" button repaired.

IA-Desktop: User Interface/Usability

  1. Coverage Heatmap now offers a Screening Targets mode to aid in locating conditions that may indicate the need for inspection.
  2. Coverage Heatmap drill-down function more usable and informative.
  3. Support for sub-group level screen-indication targets (will be enabled with the pending 2018 content, expected in March 2018).
  4. Improved Inspection tab fonts and layout to improve readability, particularly of the question text.
  5. Minor modifications to the Library tab interface including a) hiding inspection-specific folder when it was not relevant, b) Allowing access to other local General folders.
  6. Text-Search inputs were standardized across the application. Each has a 'clear' button and with the exception of the asset-build unit-search, each engages the search/filter when user presses [enter] or clicks the search button. The asset build search is applied automatically as the user types.
  7. Support for adding electrical readings observations/attachments added to IA Desktop.
Process Changes
  1. None.
Improvements and Defects Remediated
  1. Coverage Heatmap report lables and colors consistency improvements.
  2. Removed extraneous "clear" markers from printed form content.
  3. Added distribution warning to verbal briefing report header and footer.
  4. Clarified requested items report filter options.
  5. Modified CRM form content for question #24 to better indicate which sub-sections were optional.
  6. CFR Reference data is updated for 2018.
Other changes
  1. PIV card functions present, but not activated - no user impact.

User-facing changes

  1. Improved usability and visibility of dialogs
  2. Misc bug fixes
Other changes
  1. Updated Apple Distribution certificate

IA-Desktop: User Interface/Usability

  1. Indicate globally excluded groups/subgroups/questions in the g/s/q planning control
  2. Style user-entered text such that paragraphs are slightly more separated
  3. Planning alerts should display a zero count indicator rather than not be shown at all when there are no relevant planning alerts
  4. Add a small help text legend to the SMART linker menu
  5. Smart activity linker replaced with explanitory text when empty
  1. Plan Alert for IM Implementation and MAOP activated for 2018
Improvements and Defects Remediated
  1. Resolved discrepancies in text search between home tab and report window
  2. Unsats with SI's still flagged (incorrectly) in UI as needing SIs
  3. Improved spellchecking for abbreviations

User-facing changes

  1. IS FORM rev 2 minor wording changes (see desktop release notes for details)
  2. Enforcement Guidance routine content updates
Other changes
  1. Workflow access support improvements
  2. Improvements for syncing entities over slow/intermittent connections
  3. Improvements device resource managment

4.6.0 IA Desktop


IA-Desktop: User-impacting changes

  1. PAM sourcing for unit and system infrastructure data: This change will have minor impact the asset configuration steps for federal and state inspections
    • Users will be able to organize units by inspection system instead of only by OPID when building assets
    • State users with units managed in PAM will see those units in IA for asset building
    • Assets based on custom units are still possible, but with some differences (see screen cast)
    • PAM-sourced unit information will be available in several places in the IA Desktop interface.
  2. File attachments may now be made after the approval process has started: Supports the briefing report documentation policy which involves mid-approval process attachments. Inspection leads and/or supervisors are now able to record written preliminary findings report documentation during the approval process.
  3. Coverage Heatmap improvements:
    • Now supports Data Forms coverage in addition to results
    • Recognizes and displays excluded questions differently than questions with no results
    • Columns may now be organized by Inspection System or Operator ID
    • Links from questions to the planning interface and the inspection tab
  4. Primary and Secondary code reference link layout restored to main inspection tab view for easier code-reference scanning
  5. All data form multi-select fields can be cleared to default / empty values
  6. O&M Enforcement Guidance updated to current version (July 2017)
  7. Inspection Scoping Form wording clarified (applies only to new instances of the form)
  8. Improvements to the relevant inspections list - column filters and sorting
  9. Team builder table improved - now shows email addresses

IA-Desktop: Other changes
  1. Fixed some layout issues in the past-inspection dropdown
  2. Allowed the exclusion-indicator "x" to bubble up in the planning (and heatmap) grids when all the questions represented by a cell were excluded.
  3. Fixed background color of repeated question links
  4. Fixed planning tutorial errors
  5. Allowed expand and copy of text content for locked inspections.
  6. Planning panes now show more details when space allows, making reading the plan-items easier for complex plans.
  7. Improved task list show/hide performance
  8. Fixed issue with Exclusions Copy - pick list not appearing correctly
  9. Improvements in the handling of special typographical characters
  10. Inspection Scoping Form modified for PAM update reminder

4.5.0 IA Desktop


IA-Desktop: User-facing changes

  1. WA-UTC Content: WA-UTC Content is now available for Washington State pipeline inspectors.
  2. PRS Select on Create: While creating inspections, it is now possible to select non-federal content when state-specific content is available.

IA-Desktop: Other changes
  1. Fixed: Issue with Export Questions report when inspection has no implementation activities
  2. Fixed: Issue with Export Questions report when selecting considerations or legacy form notes

IA-Mobile: User-facing changes

  1. State-specific content features: including external links to WAUTC regs.
  2. Consolidated and updated guidance, reorganized by primary and secondary references
  3. Removed full-screen editing prompt: that could impede user workflow, especially in high-glare situations


IA-Desktop: User-facing changes

  1. Enforcement Guidance resource update: Both the content and the delivery system have been updated. Users will now see the latest guidance regardless of inspection start date.
  2. Improved reference windows: There is now one window for each type of resource (reference, guidance). If you want multiple windows of the same type, just use the "pin" button which will keep that window in place and cause a new one to be opened for the next click on the same type of resource.
  3. Support for State-specific content: The WA-UTC content pilot is being finalzed. This version provides features for state-specific content to be selected when inspections are created as well as displayed during the inspection.

IA-Desktop: Other changes
  1. Fixed: Date control displayes incorrect text when date originally set in different timezone
  2. Improved warnings for asset removal
  3. Improved Construction Daily Form layout
  4. Fixed: Issue with spellcheck of mixed-case words
  5. Fixed: Issue with heatmap group-subgroup mismatch

IA Server: Reporting
  1. Briefing Reports: Verbal and Preliminary Findings reports for PIPES ACT compliance have been added.
  2. Workflow Email now inspection-specific: Workflow emails will now be generated on an inspection-specific basis instead of multiple-inspections rolled up into aggregate emails.

There are no application changes in this update, it contains 2017 content revisions only. See update notes for details

This release adds support for opening a wider range of inspections in IA Mobile. After these new inspections are loaded, a warning will pop up at the bottom of the screen to let you know that the app has gone into read-only mode.
Here are the new inspection dispositions and their warning messages:

  1. When workflow v2 is being used, inspections that have a pending or accepted supervisory approval task, or where the finalization has been requested, can be opened in this new read-only mode
  2. Users that have an observer or assignee role in an inspection can open the inspection and view it
  3. Inspections that are locked (workflow v1) or finalized (workflow v2) can be opened for viewing

A new About page, available from the sidebar menu, will show you a reminder about why an inspection can't be edited and the workflow tasks for that inspection.

A new version of IA Desktop and some related server updates will be released Friday, March 31.
Here are the details:

IA-Desktop: User-facing changes

  1. Forms tab List Interface: Some long-due improvements in the layout and organization of the forms tab have been delivered. These changes should help all users, but will be especially helpful for inspections that include many forms (like new construction).
  2. Attachment Photo Thumbnails: are now larger in all attachment listings

IA-Desktop: Other changes
  1. Fixes to permissions for inspection delete, inspection summary, and revert
  2. Final Review values and notes are displayed (if present) even if workflow has been rolled back to pre-approval.
  3. When creating an inspection, added warning if opid and inspection system type do not match
  4. Added right-click menu to allow select/copy of code and guidance references
  5. Added person role next to name in drop-downs within custom task interface
  6. Displayed question and result counts are provided in the Inspection tab
  7. Fixed: Double-scrollbars appeared occasionally on home tab
  8. Report printing now works better for landscape printing of wide reports (just select "landscape" page orientation when you need it).
  9. Various layout and performance improvements

IA Server: Reporting
  1. Validation Rules: Validation rules have been added for various aspects of the final review and regulatory action interface. Primarily, this is just a formalization of the UI-based warnings that were already present.

In this version


  • Show a list of linked items when deleting an observation attached to a form
  • Updated result note requirements
  • Allow images to be re-downloaded in the rare event of a partial transfer
  • Files created by the camera or imported from the photo library should be held in a transfer folder until the server acknowledges a successful upload


  • Automatically focus the cursor in rich text areas when you open them
  • Status bar could get over the top of the view after using the camera or the photo library
  • Linking assets to a new observation did not force the observation to save

Behind the Scenes

  • Clean the browser cache on startup
  • Malformed requests during the file transfer process could throw cryptic errors. Detect the scenario and handle it gracefully
  • Don't retrieve the SMART contacts for an inspection that doesn't have an operator ID configured


  1. validation report footnotes persist on other tabs (Reported by MSpringer)
  2. inspection create should warn people if the ins type does not match the chosen primary operator
  3. Inspection tab filters have inconsistent padding
  4. Removed note requirement warning for SAT value results

There are updates to both IA Desktop and IA Mobile, released to both Production and TQ.

Notable Changes

  1. Final workflow 2.0 implementation of unassisted inspection unlock/relock (by director)
  2. Many activities makes inspector notes interface awkward - improved the layout
  3. "All Questions" groups filter on inspection tab
  4. Allow attachment of Requested Items to data forms, and cleanup of RI interface (IAD and IAM)
  5. Bulk attachment download link

Small adjustments and bug fixes

  1. Plan implementation date-picker jumps forward one month in special cases
  2. Disable ctrl-f for inspection tab (due to the JIT rendering there, it's misleading)
  3. Nav between represented questions fixed
  4. Progress bar doesn't update syncing results
  5. Users should not be able to remove themselves if they are last user
  6. Show warning that notes are required for all result values (new requirement for 2017)
  7. Interface locks when open attachment is removed via another device
  8. Arrange for report Refresh button to be always visible, but scroll away the controls.
  9. Add warning about existing inspection with same name
  10. Spellcheck on list numbering fixed
  11. Text indent/outdent buttons easier to access in text editor toolbar
  12. Title of window now reflects server
  13. Fix for code cite autocomplete issue
  14. More graceful response to lost session
  15. Heatmap popovers get scrollbars when they are too long to fit
  16. Indent glyphs on tool bar made more intuitive
  17. Fix for delete-inspection permissions
  18. IAM: Save to camera roll option duplicated for easy access/discoverability
  19. IAM: Improved file transfer/sync
  20. IAM: Fixed note duplication in detail view attachment list

This v4 update is our first 'required' IA Mobile update. This means, that once v4 is released, all existing v3 installs of IA will no longer be usable for regular inspection work. Users are advised to retain IAM v3, but not use it on their devices for a few weeks to allow opportunity to confirm all data is synced. After that, v3 can be deleted from the device.

The IAM v4 launch icon looks like this:

User-Facing Changes

  1. Top level Observation and Question lists can be paged to show between 10 to 100 items, or all items at once
  2. The quick pick observation bar at the bottom was replaced with a floating plus button to support a greater number of observation types
  3. Surfaced requested items features. Users can now add a requested item from the question header, see which RQIs are still pending, and see how many are attached to a question at a glance.
  4. Multi-selecting in an observation list will keep you from deleting construction observations with unresolved issues in addition to observations that are evidence (attached to an unsat result)
  5. Breadcrumbs show the specific observation type in your navigation history instead of a generic title
  6. PRS data downloads are customized per user and support small diff updates to question content. Users are now presented with a progress bar for the updates.
  7. Show the initials of the user that created an observation on the list item. The observation detail view shows the full name of the creator and last modified user.
  8. Sharing pictures is done with long tap instead of a dedicated share button. This allowed the app to have larger thumbnails and increase the items per line from 4 to 5.
  9. Users are notified of incomplete file transfers in addition to dirty entity records
  10. Users can sync dirty records in an inspection from the home view list of inspections instead of opening an inspection
  11. Trimmed the number of steps in the loading process for faster overall load times
  12. SMART cache files can be removed from the utilities page
  13. Improved reliability of checking the amount of device memory

Background Changes

  1. Completely rewritten file transfer manager allows devices with >1GB of RAM to transfer two files at a time and removed the need to create a thumbnail for each file
  2. Rendering engine upgrade
    • 2x increase in rendering performance
    • 90% drop in RAM utilization
    • Reduced average CPU load from 90% to 15%
  3. Images are rendered just-in-time to reduce CPU load and memory use
  4. Improved client event reports with JS error callstacks. Users can now submit a copy of their local storage to a CER.
  5. Refactored localStorage away from the browser implementation and into an on-disk json file. Migrated all of the smart data away from SQL DBs and into these JSON files.
  6. Results should be changing the audit values of the entity
  7. Supported linking observations and forms with ELCs or a scp_fk_set attribute as appropriate for each entity
  8. Tracking iPad device models with GA to allow better device-specific stats and debugging
  9. Refactored sync conflict handling
  10. Support required updates
  11. Added additional performance timers on the PRS and inspection data controllers (data sent to GA)
  12. Moved application to a semantic versioning system, simplified the update checking process

Key changes and their impacts

  1. Inspection Workflow changes
    • Inspection team makeup impacts (Supervisor and Director roles required)
    • Modified inspection process workflow steps
    • Preservation of Inspection and Organization (Region) results
    • Ability to revert locks without administrative interaction

    More details on the workflow changes can be found in the latest version of the II User's Manual (attached).

  2. Seperate reporting window for other inspections
    • Simplification of report options for current inspection
    • Reports for other inspections can be viewed in a separate window

  3. Coverage Heatmap Report (beta)
    • Graphic review of previous results current inspection and linked relevant inspections
    • Drill-down to see result notes, summaries, standard issues without loading previous inspections

    The Coverage Heatmap tool will be of particular interest in those planning inspections on large operators with many related programs.

A complete list of changes and improvements to be aware of in v4 follows


  1. New multi-window reporting approach. Separates current inspection reports from "Other Inspection" reports.
  2. Coverage Heatmap report (beta).
  3. Report table column headers remain when scrolling long reports


Note: 0217 Contend Updates are not included in this initial release. They will follow shortly

  1. Regulation references updated to current

Application Changes/Features

  1. Workflow: Added new workflow step (Supervisor Approval of Inspection Results)
  2. Workflow: consolidate access control logic to be role/workflow status based
  3. Workflow: inspection-process specific help popovers
  4. Workflow: add Final Value Review and Decision to pursue enforcement controls
  5. Workflow: modify past-result displays to show both audit and final result values and dispositions
  6. Workflow: added ability to revert final result to audit value
  7. Updated rendering framework: faster, smaller
  8. Added search filter in unit selection for asset
  9. Allow questions to be displayed in inspection tab prior to creation of Implementation Activities

Fixes and small improvements from feedback

  1. Question IDs to clipboard with one click
  2. Target asset set up made less jumpy
  3. Identify user's current workflow role in application window
  4. Fixed: result attachment list not updating without re-render
  5. Fixed: misaligned client event report
  6. Fixed: guidance links don't subsequently bring viewer to front
  7. General improvements in updating sequence to reduce failed updates
  8. Fixed: operator autocomplete list not in alpha order
  9. Added role to task assignment dropdown
  10. Smoother related-inspection checking
  11. Fixed: qst id linking not working on first load
  12. Fixed: new asset names change to "unspecified label" suddenly
  13. Fixed: when planning while disconnected, counts do not appear until manual refresh
  14. Set create_agent in IAD when entities are first created
  15. Default the "open on create" checkbox to "on" for all users
  16. Split sat and sat+ in question filter upper box of task description only editable by requester
  17. Add creating person to observation/attachment display
  18. New [regs and guidance] popover for every question
  19. Fixed: code ref window re-navigates on resize
  20. Add smart activity code reference to smart linking page
  21. Add a demo column to the relevant inspection link list

In this release:

  • Pending result values should not count as answered
  • Improving sync conflict handling
  • Other bug fixes, performance improvements

Summary of changes:



  1. SRN refinement Elimination of all 'Submodule Summary' questions, questions redundant to the new IA Inspection Scoping Form (ISF), and out of date questions.
  2. RPT Update questions related to NPMS, OPID, and entity/construction changes, and delete Offshore Pipeline Condition Report questions.


  1. SRN refinement Elimination of all 'Submodule Summary' questions, questions redundant to the new IA Inspection Scoping Form (ISF), and out of date questions.
  2. RPT Update questions related to NPMS, OPID, and entity/construction changes, and delete Offshore Pipeline Condition Report questions.
  3. 2016 miscellaneous IA feedback items resolution.

Also remember the new 'Core' directive was recently released (to HL and GT 2016.01 content) that defines a consistent minimal set of questions to be asked in most federal inspections.


  1. RPT Update questions related to NPMS, OPID (including adding new Records question RPT.RR.OPID.R), and entity/construction changes, and delete Offshore Pipeline Condition Report questions.
  2. 2016 miscellaneous IA feedback items resolution.


  1. RPT Update questions related to NPMS, OPID, and entity/construction changes.
  2. 2016 miscellaneous IA feedback item resolution.

Other Changes

  1. Fixes to make target unit selection in assets easier
  2. Display user's role in current inspection
  3. Update question and result-level attachment lists immediately when new attachments arrive
  4. Minor enhancements to BOT tank data form (allow 'both' for CP Monitoring and Type)
  5. Minor fix for IS Form (show "none" display clearly on dates)

We've released an update for the IA Mobile v4 test app. In this version:

  • Improved keyboard handling
  • Show a warning when files are not transferred
  • New icon and splashscreen
  • Other bug fixes

We've released the initial version of IA Mobile v4 for testing. You can install it by visiting http://cycla.com/iamobile and scrolling to the bottom of the page or using this direct link

IA Mobile v4 been rewritten from the ground up for better performance enabling the app to grow in the future. The only major change to the user interface is allowing you to choose how many observations or questions you like to see at once. The top level lists now have a paging control at the bottom.

This new version will be installed separately from any existing IA Mobile applications you have. Please keep it pointed at the beta (green) server while testing it out. We'll continue iterating on the icon, splash screen, and any bugs you find over the coming weeks in addition to new features.

IA Mobile v4 takes advantage of an upgrade in the underlying technology Apple makes available to software developers. Therefore this new version will require at least iOS 9 to be installed on your iPads. Currently about 10% of the IA Mobile user base is still using iOS 8. Please encourage your users to update when possible.

In this release:

  • Improved the reliability of the data records management process
  • Saved question browser filters during session
  • Show password expiration warnings

This update resolves some automatic error reports that came in from v3.21 and improves handling of inspector notes.

It's possible for a user to accidentally get a duplicate inspector note on a question when working with an intermittent connection.

In the event of a conflict, the user will see a conflict icon on the question item in the question browser.

Opening the question and scrolling down to the note, the user is presented the option of merging the note with an existing one.

Once merged, the extra note will disappear and the content will be available for editing in the existing note.


    Core coverage directive for HL and GT has been activated.


  1. Code references in expanded planning grid are now clickable and will open the off-line code pages at the relevant reference.
  2. Sub-group level All/None button for each subgroup on the question section of the group dropdown


  1. Improved long-text editor interface, with three major areas of improvement:
    • Word paste issues mitigated
    • Manually-adjustable control size
    • Full-screen editing toggle

In this Update

  • Data Records Management: identify inspections with unpushed records, cleanup inspections not opened for 60 days, and cleanup removed inspections
  • Drastically reduced file size: PRS files are installed based on the inspectors individual list of inspections, updated individually. Watch the status bar on the inspections list page to see the PRS data downloading automatically for those inspections that you do not yet have PRS data for.
  • Warn users on iPhones about degraded user experience, lack of testing

Bug Fixes

  • Re-presented questions don't automatically update their result punchcard, only the first question updates (thanks to Michael Springer for reporting this)
  • After first load, activity is selected in the breadcrumbs, but not reflected in the sidebar
  • Asset picker doesn't gracefully display unnamed assets
  • There are no process changes in this update. There are one or two new features to be aware of, particularly if you work with a large number of file attachments. Here are the highlights.

    New Features

    1. IAD now supports direct drag-and-drop from windows folders into IA attachments. This feature is worth knowing about if you do a lot of file attachment management.
    2. IAD supports direct copy-to-clipboard of images in attachments. This feature will be most useful for those needing to copy photos from IA into documents or emails.

    Other Improvements

    1. Planning interface now includes subgroup-headings with their own All/None action links. This makes it easier to fine-tune your subgroup selections when planning.
    2. Attachments saved with empty titles/names will get a temporary default name assigned (instead of just being blank). This will avoid "no name" attachments that are hard to find later.
    3. Large performance improvements for the attachments lists when photo thumbnail images are visible.

    Other Changes

    1. (confirm)/(detail) Question suffixes are removed from the question export report for PRSs that'd don't make that distinction (2016 +)
    2. Warn user when assigning a ISFORM to an asset with more than one underlying external_scope_ID (unit)
    3. Make year-entry in ISFORM is now keyboard friendly (mouse not required)
    4. Removed "attachments" tab and "config" link from overview. These links were left in as a transition step when we added tabs for these functions.
    5. Warning on Asset config screen when asset IDs are not selected
    6. Mitigated issues that occur when very large text blocks are pasted into textareas.
    7. Better display of asset names (shows long names in the expanded controls now, for easier identification)
    8. Configuration tab performance improvements
    9. "Must-Have-Supervisor" validation rule was relaxed to allow DIRECTOR or SUPERVISOR.
    10. Other minor bug and performance fixes

    In this update:

    • Add observations from a question or result
    • eCFR off-line code reference updated to Feb 1, 2016 (applies to 2016 inspections only)
    • Smaller app size, and other bug fixes and performance improvements

    Please let me know if your users experience any issues.

    About the 'Add observation from a question or result' feature

    The question and result detail views now allow you to create an observation that is automatically linked to your location in the question browser. The "Linked Observations" section header has a button that will show a picker view allowing you to choose the type of observation you would like to create. Tapping any one of the options takes you to the observation detail view and gives you a back button at the top to the question or result.


    1. Inspection Scoping Form is now available for GT and HL inspections
    2. Home-tab inspection filters have been simplified and improved
    3. Required workflow tasks now display reminders when they are requested and approved
    4. Inspection Summary text for related inspections is now available for viewing on the overview tab


    1. eCFR off-line code reference updated to Feb 1, 2016 (applies to 2016 inspections only)
    2. Plan alert text and dates updated for 2016

    Other Changes

    1. Inspection Summary instruction text clarified
    2. Planning grid state is now preserved when you leave and return to the planning tab
    3. Requested items panel now slides up to be harder to miss
    4. Attachment tab filter controls now take less space for easier user on smaller screens
    5. Standard Issues can now be easily removed/cleared with one click
    6. Warnings added when removing attachments with multiple links
    7. Config/Tools instructions clarified
    8. Fixed question browser filter issue with planned and/or answered
    9. Library folder creation is now blocked (file upload has been blocked since June 2013, use attachments instead)
    10. Supervisor report links are now role-specific and tool-tip text is provided

    This release involves both content and policy-support changes as well as a few usability and performance upgrades. Key changes are listed below.

    Content Changes

    1. The new 2016 content revisions are included with this update. An overview of the changes broken down by system type is attached.
    2. 'Confirm' flags have been removed, so the 'confirm' subset option is no longer available.

    Application Changes

    1. The Configuration page is now available from a top-level tab.
    2. The Configuration page is now divided into sub-tabs for easier navigation.
      The setup process has not changed.
    3. The inspection-level attachment list how has its own tab
    4. For HL and GT inspections, there is a new default task titled "Approve Profile/Screening Activities". With a corresponding validation rule that flags missing approvals.
    5. For inspections based on 2016 content, the planning interface has been simplified by the removal of the Detail/Confirm/Not planned control. Specific planning decisions should now be recorded in the Inspection Summary text.
    6. Planning grid will now display an "x" when the question is excluded for the corresponding asset due to exclusions.
    7. Common results validation issues are now displayed for the user in real-time as well as in the validation report.
    8. Inspection tab now has a planned and/or answered filter option. Analogous to IA Mobile's.

    Other Changes

    1. Validation items that involve configuration issues will link to the corresponding tab on the configuration page
    2. Validation report rule inventory is now displayed in its entirety irregardless of the inspection's current data types.
    3. IOR workflow template tables have been removed
    4. Standard issue severity are now more easily discoverable as a box and a mouse-over hint appear on mouse-over.
    5. Snoozed tasks can now have notes added when they are snoozed.
    6. New Inspection button now stays on-screen
    7. Default names for multi-unit assets are now improved

    We've released an update for the IA Mobile BETA app (green icon). This update will only apply to your IA Mobile BETA installs that are pointed at the dev server (green header), not pointed at production (blue header).

    In this update:

    • Question content for 2016
    • Requested item improvements
    • Improved inspection loading

    We've made very deep changes to the question loading to better support the 2016 content and future content updates. Please start the app after you upgrade and let me know if you have any problems getting to the login page.

    We've released an update for the IA Mobile BETA app (green icon) and IA Mobile v3 app (blue icon)

    IA Mobile v3.18 contains minor improvements and bug fixes. In this version:

    • Fixed result note (and other) keyboard issue with rich edits [reported by Mike Schwarzkopf and Joe Yoon, thank you both for the detailed report]
    • Added the "Doc Reviewed" entity
    • Login view shows the status of hardware permissions
    • Improved active header buttons, requested item closeout checkbox, and highlight evidence observations

    Reminder: New warning in iOS 9

    iOS 9 has a new permissions popup related to Enterprise applications like IA Mobile

    To allow IA Mobile to run:

    • Cancel the warning dialog shown above if it pops up
    • Tap the 'Settings' icon, then the 'General' tab
    • Under the general settings, select the 'Profile' tab
    • Select the "Cornerstone Systems Northwest, Inc." tab
    • Select the "Trust 'Cornerstone Systems Northwest, Inc.' " tab
    • A dialog will pop up, tap 'Trust'

    We've documented these steps along with accompanying screenshots on the distribution website

    Application Updates

    1. Home tab inspection list now has manual refresh button
    2. "Snooze" option added on home-tab tasks to hide tasks for a set period
    3. Bulk operations on attachments
    4. Removed preset task name selector
    5. Inspector notes tab layout cleanup that better indicates the presence of notes by other inspectors

    Other Small Changes

    1. Add tool-tip to copy inspector notes
    2. Planning grid cells now show counts of questions planned beneath
    3. Users can now add a new plan or plan implementation via a link at the top of the list
    4. Report links now change color when visited (to make it easier to see what links have been clicked on returning to the report)
    5. User can now navigate from a question on the planning grid to the question in the inspection tab
    6. Word and Excel exports now default to .docx and .xlsx
    7. Reports can be exported with one click (don't need to view report first)
    8. Fix cropping on screening question relevant topic picker
    9. Flatten application directory structure to avoid issues long paths on install
    10. Question counts now correct in planning interface for pre-2010 inspections
    11. User can now expand plan notes when in read-only (locked or observer)
    12. Fixed issue with past results not opening in some cases
    13. Added link to sceencasts for mobile
    14. Conflicts on tasks with assignees can now be opened in the resolver
    15. Plan note icon discover-ability improvements
    16. Adding comment field to GDIM form
    17. Fixed hide/show action in DIMP form
    18. Image attachments now open when clicked anywhere (not just in edit view)
    19. User's default filters are applied prior to home-tab render on startup
    20. Added signed installer function to allow cryptographically signed updates
    21. Task initiator is now displayed in task drill-down
    22. Inspector name and date are removed from word export
    23. Fixes to planning feature tour
    24. Client-side proxy diagnostic added to advanced tools
    25. Remove the More... link from past results when there is no content to show
    26. Create inspection button will not be pushed below fold due to warnings
    27. Resolved issue with header not updating when disconnected
    28. Ampersands (&) and other supported characters are now allowed in inspection names
    29. DOCREVIEWED now show map link if GIS data is available
    30. Fix issues with times on daily construction form
    31. Improvements to PROS filter layout and styling
    32. Various bug and layout fixes

    We've released an update for the IA Mobile BETA app (green icon) and IA Mobile v3 app (blue icon)

    New warning in iOS 9

    iOS 9 has a new permissions popup related to Enterprise applications like IA Mobile

    To allow IA Mobile to run:

    • Cancel the warning dialog shown above if it pops
    • Tap the 'Settings' icon, then the 'General' tab
    • Under the general settings, select the 'Profile' tab
    • Select the 'Cornerstone Systems Northwest, Inc' tab
    • Select the 'Trust Cornerstone Systems Norhtwest, Inc' tab
    • A dialog box will pop up, tap 'Trust'

    We've documented these steps along with accompanying screenshots on the distribution website

    IA Mobile v3.17 is a maintenance and bug fix release. In this version:

    • 'Pick recent header' works across all observation types
    • Made the Requested Item 'closeout' control a checkbox to be consistent with IA Desktop
    • Fixed bug when changing the activity from a question or result detail page
    • Fixed bug when using plan exclusions
    • Fixed question numbering on the question detail page
    • Enabled Google Maps integration on iOS 9

    We've released an update for the IA Mobile BETA app (green icon) and IA Mobile v3 app (blue icon). We're releasing both simultaneously given the small number of changes from the last release.

    IA Mobile v3.16 is a maintenance and bug fix release. In this version:

    • Updated guidance docs
    • Improved Unnamed and delete activity handling
    • Improved error logging and reporting
    • In the question browser: subgroups with no questions, because of filtering- will not be shown
    • Enabled OQ Task Notes

    We've released an update for the IA Mobile BETA app (green icon) and IA Mobile v3 app (blue icon). This new version contains a small bug fix for the v3.14 BETA release

    In the IA Mobile v3.15 release:

    1. Users are able to select then delete multiple items in the observations list and from thumbnails in the observation detail view

    2. Plan notes tab next to considerations and guidance in the question detail view

    3. Show the inspection name in the loading view

    We released IA 3.2.0 on Friday, July 3. This version includes a substantial update to the planning interface that improves usability on many fronts. The basic II planning process has not changed, and so those familiar with the old interface should not find the new one too difficult to learn. I suggest you take a moment to orient on it before your next planning session in IA.


    1. Planning interface heavily renovated.
    2. Plan notes for not-planned documentation are now displayed in the inspection interface (so you can see why something isn't planned).
    3. One-day activities are now allowed
    4. New contextual help feature released (planning tab only).


    1. Pending result filters now available on relevant reports.

    Other changes

    1. Fix custom unit IDs that match PHMSA IDs cannot be deleted
    2. Window title now displays connected server
    3. Performance improvements

    We've released IA Mobile app v3.13 for all users

    In this release:

    • Remove the requirement for assets and activities to load an inspection
    • Faster initial question content loading
    • Bug fixes related to syncing and offline edge-cases
    • Search by lead name in the inspection list screen
    • Observation detail view shows questions and/or results that the observation is linked to
    • Question Legacy Form content next to considerations and guidance

    Version 3.1.5 of IA is available.

    User-Facing Changes:

    1. No-Value result is now called "Pending"
    2. Task Description Note added (new field)
    3. Content Updates for 2015(GD, GT, HL) including:
      • Typo fixes
      • Reinstating the HL CRM directive
      • Ordering the sub-group title changes GDIM and MMLPGDIM groups per guidance from GDIM group

    Other Fixes:

    1. Consistent Requested Item post-navigation highlighting
    2. Requested Items from removed activities are now available for editing
    3. Fixed issue with Question tab result filter changing from "planned" to "required" when changed from "all results" to a specific set of result values

    What's New:

    This is a major update. v3.x contains all the features of 2.x with the following additions.

    New Features:

    1. All questions (planned and unplanned) in your inspection can be viewed
    2. Question details (considerations etc) may be viewed for any question
    3. Temporary Inspector's notes may now be entered for questions
    4. Results can be collected, including standard issues for unsats
    5. Observations (photos, files, notes, etc) can be linked to questions and results

    All of the above synced automatically to and from IA Desktop when a connection is available.

    Other Improvements:

    1. Faster list handling for large inspections
    2. Better handling of poor connections
    3. Improved user interface design and responsiveness
    4. Enhanced inspection utilities
    5. Support for both Apple Maps and Google Maps (if installed)


    1. The Gas Distribution protocol set has been revised to include all Form 2 updates and several new categories of "off form" content such as New DIMP Implementation (form 24)
    2. Control Room Management and Public Awareness. More details on these changes are provided below.


    1. A new feature allowing users to select the Presentation (groups and orders of questions) used has been added to assist IntrAstate users in organizing their inspections per the legacy forms.
    2. The demo filter has been changed to be no demos/all demos toggle, instead of an include/exclude demos approach.
    3. The task completion button now reads "Finish" instead of "Complete", and the person and date are displayed when a task is finished.
    4. Requested items can be created for a specific question with one click.
    5. Screening results are included (and can be filtered) in the Notes Review

    Other Changes:

    1. Now possible to copy/paste from locked inspections
    2. Attachment download fail message now contains more information
    3. Several errors related to database file lock timing are corrected
    4. Screening "Relevance" selector labels corrected to read "topics" instead of "modules"
    5. plan_pk missing error on navigation from reports issue is corrected
    6. Inspection names are displayed in the Supervisor's Report for inspections the user does not have access to

    Details on Gas Distribution Updates in 2015

    1. Overall content updated to reflect revisions to PHMSA Form 2 (Standard Inspection Report of a Gas Distribution Operator , Rev. 01/29/15). Note 1: The GD content is similar to the gas transmission content, as many of the code references are in common. The GD content, however, is limited to reflect the same scope as is covered on PHMSA Form 2. Note 2: PHMSA Form 2 updates included the elimination of several gas transmission topics that were previously included.
    2. New DIMP Implementation content added (PHMSA Form 24).
    3. New directives created for Operator Qualification, OQ Field Inspection, Public Awareness Program Effectiveness, and Control Room Management topics.
    4. Former BASE and UNIT presentations retired and replaced by a new INTRASTATE presentation applicable to intrastate gas distribution inspections.
    5. IA feedback item resolution changes from analogous gas transmission content updates carried over into applicable GD content, as applicable.

    IA Users,

    IA 3.1.1 has been released. There are no major changes this time, primarily this is a content update for LNG 2015 and a new planning directive for GT and HL.


    1. New Small Systems Key Risks directive for GT and HL.
    2. LNG 2015 content updates (see attachment for a summary of all 2015 content updates to-date)
    3. Planning Policy alerts updates for 2015


    1. Small systems directive use planning warning
    2. Numerous small performance improvements, in particular for inspection-switching
    3. Fix for textbox refresh while syncing issue
    4. Fix for recent inspections not always being added to quick-pick header menu
    5. Fix for Overview tab activity progress bars not honoring user-specified ordering

    New for 3.0

    1. The application will perform faster and require far less memory for larger inspections.
    2. You will notice multiple instances of IA in task manager (should you care to check). This is normal. IA 3.0 is now multi-process
    3. The icon and header bar are now blue instead of red


    1. Last-question navigation now uses a more visible, persistent blue border
    2. Updates now show unzip progress notifications
    3. New patching system will download and apply multiple patches in one pass, reducing the number of restarts if your IA is behind multiple versions.
    4. Attachments reflect changes in real-time when changed remotely
    5. Added "Copy Note" feature for inspector notes for easier copy/paste to final documentation
    6. Made the "more" text on progress bars clickable links so user can filter by question type easily


    1. Links removed from reports exported to excel
    2. Old validation report is retired and the beta validation report (available for several months now) is now promoted to default.
    3. Standard Issue completeness tests added to validation report

    Note: this update does not include the pending 2015 content updates, those are expected in early 2015. So, please hold off creating new inspections, if possible, until those updates are released.

    Application Features

    1. New Validation Report adds the following rules: a) Check completeness of Standard Issues (active since Sept 1) b) Checking possibly redundant results (at the Unit level, not just Asset). (active since Sept 1)
    2. Link provided to download all files in an attachment while on the edit page for that attachment
    3. Added links to maps for attachments that have GIS data (released in 2.26.4)
    4. Display GIS data on attachments that have GIS data
    5. A breakdown of P,R,O counts are provided with progress bar "More..." link

    Other Fixes and Improvements

    1. Fixed problem with styling of Inspection Completion Report
    2. Fixed problem where hyphens in Asset names causes intra-report links to fail
    3. Backfit old records with UTF-8 encoding issues
    4. Performance and memory use improvements (more to come)
    5. Result will scroll into view when expanded if user is near bottom of page
    6. Preparation for planned rendering engine upgrade
    7. Fixed issue with construction form copy
    8. Inspection tab "Plan" filter now defaults to "Planned"

    Application Features

    1. Forms now accept attachments (just like results).
    2. Reports can now be exported to Excel directly.
    3. Export questions report now has a "as table" option.
    4. Improved Validation Report (v2) that covers many more aspects of the inspection. Note: the new report is indicated as (beta); and the previous validation report remains available for the time being, but will soon be replaced by this new version, as it covers all the same business rules plus more.

    Other Fixes and Improvements

    1. Users can now download all the files in an attachment with one click (useful for attachments with many photos).
    2. Inspector notes are now available in the inspection search report.
    3. Inspection progress bar performance is much improved.
    4. Users can specify the tab expansion behavior when results are created.
    5. CD form dates issues corrected.
    6. Data model for Inspection Summary changed to reduce the probability of edit conflicts.
    7. Multi-attachment downloading will be smoother now.

    More details are provided below.

    Major Changes

    1. Report tab standardization (always see the inspection-pick-list now)
    2. Supervisor's Report
    3. Activity Progress bar added to inspection tab sidebar

    Other Fixes and Improvements

    1. Approval task status set to REQUESTED when creating a custom task with assignment
    2. Attachment list compact and verbose views adjusted to reduce whitespace
    3. Attachment links now grouped by entity
    4. User's home-tab filter settings are persisted between sessions
    5. Inactive SMART unit styling - users made aware when SMART units go inactive
    6. Show "no value" for valueless results
    7. Users can filter inspection search to "not planned"

    Application Features

    1. Question ID linking now works everywhere, not just in the IA workflow task notes. Just type or paste a question ID and it will turn into a link to that question.
    2. Notes and Task Observation attachments may not be created on the desktop application. Previously these could only be created on IA Mobile.
    3. Form data copied from previous inspections now preserve order of child records (applies to BOT forms primarily).
    4. Asset building interface now explains why no units are available if none of the inspection's OPIDs have any units.
    5. Scrollbars that appear on attachment file lists now work via mouse pointer, as well as the scroll-wheel.


    1. The inspection briefing report layout was improved and made more consistent with other reports.


    1. None.

    Application Features

    1. New - Results and Notes Review report - this new report is geared toward users wishing to review all the result text and temporary inspection notes in an inspection. It displays text in wide format for easy reading.
    2. Results and Notes
    3. Improved plan warnings - multi-unit assets are a great help for procedures questions, but can also lead to undesirable planning situations. The new plan warnings automatically detect these situations and warn the user. The screencast shows how you can get into the warning situations and how to modify your plan to avoid them.
    4. Remote report Inspection selection list is now full-featured, and mimics the function of the home-tab list and allows users to run the standard IA reports on any locked inspection.
    5. User-entered question IDs are automatically turned into navigation links in workflow task comments, allowing commenters to target specific questions in their comments, and easy navigation to those questions by requesters.
    6. User-Entered Questions
    7. Data forms can be copied from previous (linked) inspections.
    8. Data Forms
    9. Exclusion lists can be copied between assets.
    10. Exclusion Lists

    Other Updates

    1. Task Templates are now auto-complete options on the "Custom Task" dialog, making it a clean one-click operation to arrive at the task creation dialog
    2. An info dialog appears on completion of any form that invokes an email
    3. Planning alerts extended to 2014
    4. IRR report was streamlined as a result of the Results and Notes review report's taking some of the load
    5. Users can leave Task comments open, move to other tabs, and return to find them still open


    1. DIMP and Gas IM enforcement guidance updates, with links to external FAQ's preserved

    Application Features

    1. Inspector notes editing and viewing enhancements (users can edit and view all the inspector notes for a given question, not just the current activity's)
    2. Repeated-Question links restyled and re-located for better visibility

    Other Updates

    1. Planning can now be done while off-line
    2. Planning performance improvements for large plans
    3. Users can now easily exit the current inspection without logging out of IA completely.
    4. Recent-questions links now include group filter state so users return to previous filter state as well as the question
    5. Hand-keyed dates are now allowed (previously users were forced to use the date-picker control)
    6. Added group/subgroup navigation routes for better linking from ICS reports
    7. On "Forms" tab, the "Show all forms" option is now a sticky toggle
    8. Updates to IAT contact info on help/tools
    9. Lat/Long fields added to OPA Exercise form
    10. CRM Form now automatically emailed to CRM administrative staff for aggregation
    11. Modifications to help-tip text to reflect new group/subgroup planning approach


    1. All pending question feedback items posted in 2013 have been resolved (except those being handled by separate PHMSA work groups, such as HL IM) and initiators notified of outcome
    2. New "Initial Inspection" directive for new assets
    3. Baseline Directives retired in GT and HL
    4. ALO Directives retired (now can plan directly from the grid)
    5. Gas Storage directives combined into one directive
    6. BOT directives combined into one directive
    7. IMP Issue Categories/Area Findings have been retired and replaced with Standard Issues
    8. Generic Questions added
    9. Question-level topic exclusion flags added

    Application Features

    1. Planning engine 3.0 - considerably faster and requires less syncing
    2. Asset Exclusions for planning - Assets can be flagged so that irrelevant questions are not planned automatically
    3. Attachment browser tab - inspection-wide attachments now have a dedicated tab on the overview page
    4. Presentation-Base Planning - for GT, HL and LNG there is now only one question organization presentation
    5. Updated reporting in support of presentations - reports are also single-presentation-aware

    Other Updates

    1. Local pending changes for all inspections are pushed on startup. This will reduce record conflicts.
    2. Docs Reviewed tab retirement Phase 3. Tab is now removed completely. DRs are managed as attachments.
    3. Current-inspection forms can now be copied with all data.
    4. Relevant inspections can now be expanded by a list of OPIDs separate from the inspection's target set
    5. Past results unit numbers will be bold if the intersect any currently planned ids for the question
    6. Activities now have just one name, not separate long and short name.
    7. Inspections are now easier to delete, no need to remove results or plans


    1. Past-results integration Phase 1: Users can now see results from selected past inspections while on the inspection tab, automatically linked to questions. With this feature, documentation developed by others in past inspections can be far more readily accessed in the current inspection. There are some setup details team leads will need to know in order to use this feature.
    2. Past Results
    3. Multi-file attachments Phase 2: Improvements in multi-file attachment management and the addition of detail and compact attachment item listings.
    4. File attachments allowed on Document Reviewed items: Documents Reviewed items may now have (optional) file attachments.


    1. OQ Guidance links now working for 195.x referenced questions.
    2. Link to reset password added to password expiry warning.
    3. Cursor location will now be maintained when alt-tabbing to other applications.
    4. Adjusted "custom task" assignment labels to be more understandable.
    5. Corrected submodule heading clipping issue on inspection tab.
    6. Better handling of long unit lists in IOR report.


    1. Assets may now be multi-unit (major change, does not affect existing inspections).
    2. On the Inspection tab, Attachment lists now default to filter only on linked attachments (with option to expand to see all available). As always, attachments will be listed in relevance order.
    3. Attachment lists now have two view options: compact and detailed.
    4. View Options
    5. Workflow usability, labeling and improved ordering options per feedback from WR.
    6. Users can now select workflow type (eg: approval) when creating a custom task.
    7. Multi-photo support in desktop (phase 1, IA Mobile now supports multiple photos in a single observation and IA desktop displays them).


    1. IA will scroll to new attachment items them when they are added by the local user.
    2. Stop results from auto-expanding after deleting all results.
    3. Locked forms will no longer look unlocked.
    4. Users no longer have to choose the local browser to open linked content - default browser will automatically be used.
    5. Requested items panel now closes on second click of same R glyph.
    6. Delete-confirm dialog is now standard in all instances.
    7. Docs Reviewed Tab retirement (Step 1, Banner).
    8. OPA Exercise Form will be automatically emailed to PHP-5 with cc to user and inspection lead when form is marked complete.
    9. Forms UI will warn user if assigned assets do not match the planned assets for the selected activity.
    10. Removed inspections will be automatically removed from recent inspection list.
    11. Reconnect link in status bar now looks like a link.
    12. Attendance form improvements including layout and email-autocomplete.
    13. Users will be warned if unexpected content (Issue Summaries and/or Standard Issue selections) are present in results with values that would not normally require those values.


    1. Content: numerous updates for HL, GT and GD. Large submodues have been split for easier planning. See attached PDF and XLS for details.
    2. Inspection Tab: Layout has been altered to reduce expand-scroll-collapse operations.
    3. Inspection Tab: Attachment browser is now embedded at the question and result level to allow contextual linking by default.
    4. IA-Mobile data is now displayed and linkable in attachment browse including (photos, notes, cp readings, rectifier readings, and Task observations).


    1. Configure page now returns to Overview, not Home page.
    2. Current Module and Submodule names are now spelled out completely on the planning grid.
    3. Planning grid lines and shading have been darkened to accommodate low-color-count LCDs.
    4. Help glyphs were darkened to make more visible and also made red on hover to indicate they can be clicked.
    5. Conflict resolution action buttons are now repeated at top and bottom of each conflict detail display to help users better understand the options they have without scrolling.
    6. Inspector notes are now immediately hidden for locked inspections.
    7. Plan and Activity details are now viewable (but not editable) for non-lead team members and on locked inspections.
    8. Full date and time controls and improved operator selection control added to the Construction Daily form.
    9. Guidance-link glyphs are now different from help-glyphs.
    1. Automatic Email Alerts for Drug and Alcohol Questions Form is now live (form email to PHMSA HQ triggered by checking "complete" on the D&A form).
    2. Automatic Email Alerts
    3. Construction Daily Form now available.
    4. Readability enhancements on planning grid - Based on All-Inspector's meeting feedback, and made feasible by pending Asset grouping features, Row and Column lables of the Plan Grid were modified for better readability.
    5. Readability Enhancements
    6. Changes to Export Question options - Now All planned without complete results. That is, a question will only be excluded if it is a) not planned or b) has a complete set of asset-specific results that fulfill the plan. And in the optional result grid, the results are provided with grey rows to indicated unplanned.
    7. Export Questions

    Other Changes

    1. Library upload is now disabled for all new inspections. Users are directed to the attachments feature instead. The library feature is still a valid resource for read-only, PHMSA-generated profiles, guidance etc, but is not used for general uploads from the inspection team.
    2. Issue with new results temporarily disappearing when disconnected (and reappearing when connected again) has been resolved
    3. Conflict icons appear on attachment browse tiles when attachments are in conflict
    4. Allowed attachments to be linked to NO activities if desired
    5. Considerably improved performance and avoided "string too long" messages for very large reports
    6. Adjusted overview tab layout to work better at 1024 resolution
    7. Made all asset selectors consistent (display short name with long name under popover)
    8. All users may now view the config page (but only Lead, Super, and RD can make changes as before)
    9. Inspection name fields lengthened
    10. Update zips are removed on start up if more than 2 months old
    11. Workflow activation message moved to better place on overview tab for old inspections
    1. Attachment Browser - A major feature that allows inspection-level attachments and enables users to see all attachments for the entire inspection in one place.
    2. Inspection filters on home tab are now multi-select, allowing more fine-tuned filters.
    3. IOR report now includes a table of forms including completion status, applicable assets and activity.
    4. Startup Maintenance Tasks - In support of the IA data-retention policy, IA now has an extensible startup-tasks system that allows local clean-up tasks to be run on application startup. At present, only one task is firing which removes temporary report files.

    Other Changes

    1. Disabled tasks now have a tool-tip explaining why they are disabled.
    2. Completed tasks display an appropriate label in addition to the green background.
    3. Fixed missing system-type content that excluded some Planning-Alert notes from GT inspections.
    4. Custom tasks can now be assigned to users not currently in the inspection at the point of creating the task.
    5. The reconnect link now looks like one.

    Inspection Workflow

    1. The Home-tab now has Workflow integration. IA will now show you all the uncompleted tasks assigned to you over all inspections on the home-tab.


    1. Planning-alerts are now present. The planning tab has been enhanced to display ADB and PHMSA-policy alerts relevant to the inspection.


    1. New HL IM content is now available.
    2. HL IM Enforcement Guidance has been added and linked by code reference in the inspection tab on all relevant questions.


    1. All forms now have a "completed" checkbox.
    2. Favorite-flag start edges have been darkened to make them more visible on some LCD monitors.
    3. Questions that are displayed in multiple locations in presentation are indicated with links to the alternate locations.
    4. Refresh-link on planning page removed as it is no longer necessary (refresh is automatic when updates arrive).

    Inspection and Activity Data

    1. Inspection Summary text can now be entered on the Overview page (and will be printed in the IOR, see below)
    2. Activity dates can be entered on the plan implication pane in planning interface (and will be included in the IOR)
    3. Inspection asset presentation order can be set by the Inspection Lead.

    Inspection Workflow

    1. Requester and forwarder is indicated in workflow forward and return menus to make it easier for approvers to know who to return or forward a task to.
    2. On the drill-down detail task order has been reversed (most recent at the top) and buttons have been relocated to the top to minimize the need to scroll on tasks with longer history sets.


    1. OPA Exercise form added
    2. Forms are now filtered by inspection system type, so only relevant forms appear by default.


    1. Inspection Summary, Plan Submit/Acceptance Dates, Activity Dates, Inspection Submit/Acceptance dates are all presented in the IOR report.
    2. Export Question report now indicates when questions have been presented previously in the report
    3. Export Question report now indicates the plan extent (confirm/detail) for planned questions

    Other Updates

    1. User has option to close application on sign-out
    2. Plan conflicts have additional details in the resolution interface
    3. Plans with notes have small glyphs indicating the presence of notes when the plan is collapsed
    4. Explanatory tool-tips added for Considerations and Legacy Form content on inspection tab
    5. Inactive users are indicated to allow leads to re-configure the access for users who have changed organizations
    6. IM and OQ presentations have been retired in order to reduce the number of presentation options which can lead to confusion
    7. Result notes are cleared if a result is set to anything other than "NA" and the text in the result notes is one of the template options.


    1. CRM content removed from Baseline Procedures, and Baseline Procedures Recently Amended.
    2. Non-CRM questions restored to Recently Amended.
    3. Minor ordering adjustments.
    4. Updated GT IM Implementation added.


    1. Planning: Support for directives in plan implementations - now a user can set up an activity to focus on a specific directive.
    2. Planning: Screen indication note pop-ups now accommodate long notes.

    3. Workflow: Allow the user to input a short reason for REJECT and FORWARD.
    4. Workflow: Tasks can now be ordered by the user.
    5. Workflow: Email alerts.

    6. Home Tab: Primary Operator Name is now present in the inspection list.
    7. Home Tab: Org filter now defaults to the user's org.
    8. Home Tab: Separated Demo and Locked filters.

    9. Forms: BOT form content modifications, navigation improvements, and field-level autocomplete.
    10. Forms: Added "All of the above" options to DIMP forms.


    1. Silent-patches now announce themselves so the user knows to restart to apply them.
    2. Content clipping issue on form-to-PDF issue fixed.

    Application Features

    1. Phase 1 of Inspection Workflow Management. This new feature adds the oft-requested feature of assignable tasks and forms the basis of beginning-to-end inspection process management in IA. There are three short screencasts accompanying this major new feature.
    2. Regulator and Inspection Lead organizations fields have been added to support state agency users and regional operations supervisors.

    Additional Improvements

    1. Drug & Alcohol form (PHMSA form 13) has been added
    2. CRM Forms have been enhanced to have textboxes for NA section options
    3. Inspection type field (Integrated/Other) has been removed as it was no longer needed
    4. Clarifications on inspection progress-bar detail text
    5. The collapse/expand state of subgroups is now preserved for each inspection
    6. IA installer download link added to Help/Tools page
    7. Conflicts on standard issues now have full representation in the resolution page
    8. Conflict resolution buttons now include the full names of the users involved.
    9. Module targets on screening questions now show a small popup with the module name
    10. Modifications to account management systems to allow maintenance of default organization fields for users
    11. Report links now jump to individual results instead of only to the question the result pertains to (thus saving the user some scroll/click operations)


    1. LNG (Form 4) content (users can now choose LNG system type when setting up an inspection)
    2. GD (Form 2) content
    3. New Public Awareness (192.616, 195.440) content in HL, GT and GD question sets
    4. New CRM content (192.631, 195,446) in HL, GT
    5. New 2013 snapshot of code references

    Application Features

    1. Improved Home-tab inspection list. Allowing filtering by year, lead organization, system type and demo/locked status, and search.
    2. Screen question results can be tagged to specific modules/submodules. Particularly useful for SRN.MULTI results.
    3. Conflict prediction, detection and resolution features improved and streamlined (scribe-mode is no longer necessary and has been removed).
    4. Streamlined planned/unplanned result display.
    5. Team Results are now searched in the Inspection Search feature with links back to the relevant results.
    6. Users can attach files at the question and result level.

    Additional Improvements

    1. CRM Form enhancements, particularly in printing
    2. Improved multi-level list pasting from Word
    3. Inspection-notes icon added so users can see which questions have notes without additional clicks

    Application Features

    1. Multiple Standard Issues allowed.
    2. Predictive conflict warnings to help users avoid record conflicts.
    3. Predictive Warnings
    4. Improved immediate conflict alerts.
    5. Conflict Warning
    6. Result values now have explanatory tool-tips.
    7. Tool Tips

    Additional Improvements

    1. Multi-page result notes now export to Word without the need for additional pagination settings in the word document
    2. Form controls look properly disabled when user lacks write access
    3. Improvements in conflict resolution page layout and content
    4. Improvements to update routine to allow patching without user intervention
    5. Requested Items highlighting darkened to accommodate variances in LCD displays
    6. Change year default in home screen to be current year
    7. Fixes to auto-complete controls to account for users with both inactive and active accounts

    Application Features

    1. NA Templates: Inspectors can now assign NA results with notes for common reasons..
    2. NA Templates
    3. PRS Search results may now be filtered by question type and plan status.
    4. PRS Search

    Additional Improvements

    1. Docs Reviewed styling improved for better usability
    2. Improved messaging for edit-attempts on locked inspections
    3. Export Question Report's Compact question listing now defaults to "planned questions"
    4. Acceptable Use text displayed in reports and library
    5. Conflict resolution detail can now be viewed for all entities
    6. Requested Items row highlights are now persistent instead of fading away
    7. Fixed bug that was causing duplicated Standard Items
    8. Fields with text-length limitations now enforced with warning to user
    9. Modification of IM HL Field Verification to IM Implementation
    10. Improved handling of retired directives in new inspections

    Application Features

    1. Major Upgrade - Docs Reviewed: Inspectors can now reuse reviewed document records between questions over the entire inspection. Documents can be entered once and then linked to as many questions as necessary to document the inspection.
    2. Inspection Lock button and Lock Status display: Once an inspection is complete - it should be locked. In 2.8 users can lock their own inspections without administrative intervention. This feature is the first step in a series of inspection workflow enhancements coming soon.
    3. Custom Asset Creation: Inspectors may now define custom assets, start the inspection and then back-fill PHMSA unit identifiers when they become available. This feature will be used to support state inspections on assets that are not tracked by PHMSA unit identifiers, new construction and other special cases where PHMSA inspection units are not available or not desired.
    4. Screen Summary Question View: Screen summary questions (part of the Integrated Inspection process), are now more visible to all team members.

    Additional Improvements

    1. All notes areas now expand to a fixed maximum height and provide a scroll bar when content requires it, preventing the text-area toolbar from being pushed off the screen.
    2. Results when pasting lists from Word documents is improved
    3. Search bar now appears in inspection tab, even when no activities have been set up
    4. Autocomplete suggestion list now works better with the mouse
    5. Enabling scribe will no longer close the current result, but will maintain the user's position
    6. Improved button styling
    7. The Inspection Results Report (IRR) now defaults to Asset-based tabs. Previously, the default was Activity-based.
    8. Locked inspections are now available to all users in reports
    9. HL IM Field Verification Directive has been updated. Note that this will not affect existing inspections, but all inspections based on the HL.2012.02 version of the PRS will have the option of selecting or switching to this directive as an alternative to the previous.
    10. HL-IM

    Application Features

    1. DIMP Inspections: DIMP inspections are now possible in IA. Just add a new inspection and select the "Gas Distribution" inspection type. Also two supporting DIMP data forms have been added.
    2. PRS Search: Users can now search for any word, phrase, or code reference across all questions available in the inspection.
    3. Overview Bar Links: Users can now quickly see which questions are contributing to the various segments of the progress bars for any activity.
    4. Recent Question Links: Users can now quickly return to questions they recently visited by clicking a link in the inspection tab sidebar.

    Report Features

    1. Inspection Briefing no longer has a Tabular format option. Instead, use the IRR (next item) to list Unsats/Concerns in a tabular format.
    2. Inspection Results (IRR) Report
      1. Option for Asset-specific Tabs. Users can now see results in asset-specific tabs.
      2. Asset Specific Tabs
        NOTE: because Results can apply to multiple Assets, using the Asset Tabs option will necessarily result in double-counting such that: the same result appears in more than one tab; and the tab totals will sum to more than the total number of distinct results.

      3. Report Scope includes an option for Concern only:
      4. Report Scope
      5. Bug fix when "truncated" option was used with Full Text [fix already released as of 8/10. Fix also active for same issue in the validation report]

    Additional Improvements

    1. Smoother navigation to questions not in the current presentation
    2. Links to Release Notes, Content Feedback Revisions and FAQ added to Help/Tools
    3. Performance improvements for smoother scrolling in the Inspection tab on large inspections
    4. Smoother updating for clients with old versions who have never previously logged in
    5. The inspection tab sidebar was de-cluttered and the scribe toggle button easier to click and more visible when scribe is engaged.
    6. Scribe

    Result Entry

    1. Major Feature: Inspectors can now enter results, assign assets, and add notes without first completely expanding the question. Important: This feature is a non-trivial change to the result entry process. Inspectors are encouraged to watch the screencasts and familiarize themselves with the feature prior to using it in the field.
    2. In-Line Results
    3. Rich edit text box now supports ctrl-commands for bold, italic, underline.
    4. Rich edit text box now cleans content pasted from word to help standardize the formatting of inspection notes.


    1. Export-to-Word improvements, particularly in the export question report.
    2. Report presets for Export Questions.

    Data Forms

    1. New: Breakout Tank Data Form (the data-portions of Form 10).

    Updates to Question Pool

    Note: Some updates to question pool content will only be seen in new inspections to avoid disruption of ongoing inspections. If you have already created an inspection but have not yet started it, you may wish to delete and re-create the inspection in order to use the updated question pool for that inspection.

    1. Numerous Question feedback items addressed.
    2. Clarification of Standard Issues text for some generic issues.
    3. Resolved BO Tank Procedures planning directive issue which selected more than just the expected "P" questions.
    4. BO Tank Questions recently returned to Form 3 now appear in the Procedures group of the Unit presentation

    The latest question pools for HL and GT now end with 2012.02. You can check your inspection's active question pool on the Configure page.

    Configure Page


    1. Login with email address as an alternative to user name.
    2. Enhanced instructions for IM risk category settings.
    3. Disconnected login re-enabled, and disconnected messages improved.

    Inspection Support

    1. Overview progress bars now displayed in user-selected order. Don't forget you can now re-order activities in the planning interface.
    2. Improved inspection tab layout and performance.
      1. Summary display of long asset lists.
      2. Expand/collapse on submodules.
      3. Easing on expand/collapse of submodules and questions.
    3. Introduction and glossary text added to internal guidance link documents.
    4. Plan notes may now be collapsed.
    5. Collapse

    Inspection Configuration

    1. Supervisors/Directors can now (re)assign Lead. This makes it easier for people in these roles to initiate an inspection for someone else and then delegate them as the Lead.
    2. IA Activities can be linked to multiple SMART activities.
    3. Multiple SMART Activities


    1. Export-to-word improvements on IOR and vertical space improvements on question export.
    2. NEW REPORT: Inspection Output Report (IOR) - a single report that summarizes the inspection for post-inspection documentation purposes.
    3. IOR Inspection Summary

    New Features

    1. Links to inspection guidance.
    2. Links to Inspection Guidance Image
    3. Minor question pool updates done for active inspections (fixes reported typos, grammar, incorrect code references, and other non-breaking changes).
    4. RI closeout checkbox is now available.
    5. RI Checkbox
    6. Plans and Activities may now be ordered by the user via dragging them in the Plan interface.
    7. Better Standard Issue citation checking (warns user if chosen citation is not contained in question's citation set).
    8. Attendance form auto-complete pulls from other attendees and company contacts in SMART.
    9. Attendance Form
    10. Create new folder feature in Library.
    11. Folder Feature in Library
    12. Home-tab inspection lists are now enhanced to show the Operator ID and Lead inspector in addition to the inspection name.
    13. Folder Feature in Library

    Bugs Fixed

    1. Sat+ duplicated in export questions report (reported by DM).
    2. Activity selector resets when user goes to configure page (reported by BB).
    3. Standard Issues are now shown even if they are not required (eg: in sat results) so user can clear them (reported by DR).
    4. Assorted occasional errors auto-reported to logs: no such table: localstorage, recent_hist_point is undefined, No current tab found - all are hidden.

    Known Issue

    Editing unresponsive with long question lists:
    One item did not make it into this week's release. Inspectors from the Southwest Region have reported that IA becomes unresponsive in certain situations involving long question lists in the inspection tab. We have isolated the issue and are working on a fix for it.


    1. In order to help set user expectations under slow/spotty connections, server communication status displayed to user.
    Login Status


    1. Clean up the Lead-delegation issues. Team leads can now transfer the Lead role cleanly.
    2. User auto-find is now standardized like other auto-completes in IA.
    3. Incorrect/unfound user name condition is now reported more clearly.

    Overview Tab

    1. Configure Link provided to Leads on Overview tab.
    2. Blank-slate link to Planning displayed as a "next step" hint.
    Blank Slate Link


    1. Planning performance on large inspections improved.
    2. Re-organization of the Plan Item interface for easier plan creation (moved directives up).
    3. Compressed the Extent selection control to consume less space.
    Compressed Extent Selection


    1. "All Planned Groups" option added to Group selector.
    2. Starred questions fixes/enhancements.
    3. Multiple filter enhancements, more options and streamlined display.
    4. Filter Enhancement
    5. Single-unit collapsed question result set.
    Single Unit Collapsed Question


    1. Export questions "type" is now multi-select.
    2. "Other Planned Questions" pseudo-group added to group tree so users can print entire plan regardless of Presentation choice.
    3. Clarification of options on Inspection Results Report.


    1. Attendance form activated for data entry and printing.
    Attendance Form Activated


    1. General 2012 Folder populated to common reference documents (available in all inspections).
    General 2012 Folder