
IA Mobile support topics

Location services

Example status bar with location services failing:

To restore location services:

  1. Tap the 'Settings' icon
  2. Tap the 'Privacy & Security' menu item on the left side
  3. Tap the 'Location Services' menu item on the right side
  4. Ensure that 'Location Services' for the device is enabled at the top of the screen
  5. Locate the IA Mobile application in the list of apps using location services. Ensure the description notes 'While Using'.
  6. If not, tap the application name and change to 'While using app'; Also ensure that 'Precise Location' is enabled.

Camera & Photo Library

Taking photos in IA Mobile requires the app to access the camera; Uploading photos from the iPad's library requires library access. Some inspectors have accidently declined access when prompted.

To restore in-app camera and library usage:

  1. Tap the 'Settings' icon
  2. Tap the 'Privacy' menu item on the left side
  3. Tap the 'Camera' and/or 'Photos' menu item on the right side
  4. Find the IA Mobile application and enable it and/or give the app full library access

Updating inside the application

To update IA Mobile:

  1. Tap the 'Download & Install' button on the login page
  2. Tap the 'Install' button when prompted
  3. When the download is complete, tap the application icon to relaunch the updated app.